Pharmacy Exam Section 5 Flashcards
What are the four type of prescribers that can prescribe controlled substances (within the course of their license)
Podiatrist, veterinarian, physician, Dentist
What does a mid-level prescriber need to include with their application if they are going to prescribe controlled substances
1) Their license number
2) The license number AND DEA number of the collaborating physcian
3) A notice of delegation of prescriptive authority signed by the physician saying what schedule of controlled substances they can prescribe
What are the four things a pharmacist cannot change on a C2 prescription
1) Date of issuance or ADD date of issuance
2) Name of the drug
3) Name of the patient
4) Name of the prescriber or ADD a signature
What would make a prescription with Pentazocine a C3
Less than 12.5 mg of pentazocine in 325 mg of acetaminophen
Less than 12.5 mg of pentazocine in 325 mg of aspirin
Any mixture of pentazocine with less than 50 mg OR 0.5 mg per unit dose
T/F: For “May not substitute” the prescriber should write in his or her words and not use a rubber stamp or preprint it on the prescription
What class is Meprobamate
If a prescriber marks “may not substitute” on a prescription for an anti-epileptic drug who must the pharmacist get permission from to change it
The prescriber and the patient
If a pharmacist substitutes any generic prescription in place of a brand name anti-epileptic what must the pharmacist give to the patient
Provide written notice to the patient no later than at the time of the dispense
How long after obtaining a pharmacy license does the pharmacy have to be open
30 days
If a pharmacy is reducing in hours of operation how long do they have to tell the division
30 days
T/F: Upon receipt by the Division of a change of ownership application, the purchaser may begin operations prior to the issuance of a new pharmacy license only when the purchaser and seller have a written power of attorney agreement
If a license was approved for a pharmacy transfer when should the drugs be transferred
Within 24 hours
Which of the following resources shall be required to maintain by all pharmacies?
1) Copies of the Illinois Pharmacy Practice Act
2) Copies of the Illinois Controlled Substance Act
3) 21 CFR
4) The Illinois Hypodermic Syringes and Needles Act
T/F; If an online connection between a home pharmacy and a dispensing site is lost the dispensing site must be closed unless the pharmacist is on site
How much experience does a certified pharmacy technician have to have in order to work at a remote dispensing cite
One year of experience
What is the max amount of remote sites one pharmacist may electronically supervise at a time from a home pharmacy
3 remote sites
If refilling a C3 through C5 on the back of a prescription what should the pharmacist write to indicate a partial fill
Date of the refill
Name or initials of the pharmacist
T/F: For a controlled substance listed in Schedules III, IV or V, if a pharmacist merely signs or initials and dates the back of the prescription, he shall be deemed to have dispensed a refill for the full face amount of the prescription
T/F: Prescriptions dispensed at the remote pharmacy site must be distinguishable from those dispensed at the home pharmacy
T/F: A sink with hot and cold water is not required if the pharmacy has no drug inventory
The Combat Methamphetamine Regulation DOES NOT apply to dietary supplements, herbs, or other natural products, including concentrates or extracts, which may contain naturally occurring ephedrine alkaloids and what
1) May have naturally occurring pseudoephedrine and ephedrine
2) Is in an organic matrix
3) Do not exceed 15% of the total weight
If a community pharmacy or an institutional pharmacy has an automated dispensing and storage system what documentation is required to accompany it
1) Name and address of the home pharmacy
2) Manufacturer make and model
3) Quality assurance policy and procedures
4) Policy and procedures for system operation
If a LTCF has an emergency kit with controlled substances inside of it THE LTCF does not have to register with the DEA, but what does
The pharmacy or institution that the controlled substances came from
For stocking and restocking of an automated dispensing system who determines who is allowed to do this
The Pharmacist in Charge (as long as they are appropriately trained)
For medication removed from the automated dispensing and storage systems for on-site patient administration, the system must document
1) Name of the patient
2) Patient’s unique and permanent identifier (MRN)
3) Date and time the medication was removed from the system
4) Name, initials, or unique identifier of whomever removed the medication
5) Name, strength and dosage form of the drug or description of the medical device removed
How long does a pharmacist have to tell the division that they are installing an automated dispensing system
30 days
The pharmacist-in-charge shall be responsible for providing the Division with written notice 30 days prior to the installation of, or at the time of removal of, an automated storage and dispensing system. The notice must include
1) The address of the location of the automated dispensing and storage system
2) A written description of how the facility intends to use the automated storage and dispensing system
3) The automated dispensing systems manufacturer and mode
T/F: All containers of medications stored in the automated dispensing and storage systems shall be packaged as a unit of use for a single patient use
If a sterile solution is added to an automated dispensing and storage system, and is not in its original package, what is required to be on the label
1) Name, concentration, and volume
2) Name and strength of drugs and diluent
3) Beyond use date (may only get up to a year)
4) Reference code to identify source and lot number of drugs
If a Non-parenteral repackaged for future use is added to an automated dispensing and storage system what is required to be on the label
1) Brand or generic name
2) Strength
3) BUD
4) Reference code
What are the two exceptions to “unit of use” requirement for automated dispensing and storage system
1) Injectable medications stored in their original multi-dose vial (insulin, heparin)
2) Over-the-counter (OTC) products stored in their original multi-dose container
What control substances can be dispensed by an animal shelter
Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 medications
T/F: Nurse practioners and physician assistants can prescribe, administer and dispense Schedule II to V controlled substances, can only prescribe 30-day supply for schedule II controlled drugs
T/F: Optometrists can only prescribe schedule III, IV and V controlled substances and schedule II hydrocodone containing products