llinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (“DFPR”), Division of Professional Regulation (“DPR”) and the Illinois Board of Pharmacy Flashcards
What are the four powers of the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (DFPR)
Rulemaking, Discipline, License, Variance
How many members are a part of the board of pharmacy, what is the composition
9 members: 7 pharmacists and 2 non-pharmacists
Who appoints members of the board of pharmacy
The governor
How long is a term with the board of pharmacy in Illinois, how many terms can a person due, how much experience
5 years, two terms/ 5 years
How much could a fine be for not meeting CE requirment
Up to 1000 dollars
T/F: DFPR may suspsend the licenses of a pharmacy, pharmacists, registered technician, certified technician without a hearing if there is evidence of IMMEDIATE HARM
How many hours of apprenticeship is needed to be able to be eligible for a pharmacy license
400 hours under a direct supervision of an Illinois Registered pharmacist: fulfilled during clinical rotations while enrolled
What are the requirements to be a pharmacy technician
Must be at least 16 years old, must be in high school OR graduated high school OR have a GED, filed a written application
If a person has put in an application to become a pharmacy technician how long can they work in a pharmacy before they need a license
60 days
What does a technician need in order to be considered fully licensed, what does it allow
a certificate of registration: required to assist
licensed pharmacists in the practice of pharmacy, under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist
What are things that a pharmacy technician cannot do
Engage in DUR, Clinical conflict resolution, patient counseling
T/F: A student pharmacist may, under the supervision of a pharmacist, assist in the practice of
pharmacy and perform any and all functions delegated to him or her by the pharmacist
What is the only difference between a certified pharmacy technician and a noncertified pharmacy technician
A non-certified pharmacy technician can work at a remote dispensing site pharmacy
In order to maintain a certified pharmacy technician license what is required
20 hours of ACPE approved continuing pharmacy education INCLUDING one hour of pharmacy CE law, one hour of patient safety within 24 months
Who’s responsibility is it that all of the technicians are trained to do their job
Pharmacist and PIC
How many hours of continuing education does a pharmacist need, what is the requirement
30 hours CE, 1 hour dedicated to sexual harassment prevention training
T/F: A license is required to certify an CEs done
How long are pharmacy licenses
2 years (Just like pharmacists)
T/F: A pharmacy must do a self inspection every year and hold those records for 5 years under Illinois law
T/F: Any change of ownership of a parent company that owns a pharmacy shall not be considered a change of ownership of the pharmacy
What is the max amount of consecutive years a person can be on the board of pharmacy
How often does the board of pharmacy meet
Quarterly with annual meeting in January of each year
How many members must be present for the board of pharmacy to reach quorum
5 members for the transaction of business
Within IDFPR how many Chief pharmacy coordinators and deputy coordinators are there, who appoints them
One Chief pharmacy coordinator and two Deputy Coordinators, IDFPR Director
T/F: Executive administrator and chief enforcement officer must have at least four pharmacy investigators
If a pharmacist or technician is disciplined by another state how long do they have to tell the Division
60 days
If someone is suspended immediately how many days until IDFPR has to hold a hearing for that individual
15 days