Pharmacy Exam Section 2 Flashcards
Access to and dispensing from an automated pharmacy system shall be limited to pharmacists or personnel who are designated in writing by who
Those who are designated by the pharmacist in charge
T/F: To qualify as continuous supervision, the pharmacist is not required to be physically present at the site of the automated pharmacy system if the system is supervised electronically by a pharmacist
T/F: Drugs may only be dispensed at a remote site through an automated pharmacy system after receipt of an original prescription drug order by a pharmacist at the home pharmacy
How long does a pharmacy have to send refill data to the division upon request
48 hours
How long is a particially filled DEA 222 form valid for
60 days from the date of issuance
How much pentazocine is allowed to be in what amount of aspirin and acetaminophen to be considered a C3
12.5 mg per 325 mg of acetaminophen/aspirin
What is the threshold of pentazocine that cannot be crossed before a drug is no longer considered a C3
50 mg total OR 0.5 mg per dose
To ensure that the cartridge or container is accurately loaded into the automated pharmacy system what types of verification are allowed
Weight based, electronic, or bar codes
T/F: It shall be unlawful for any manufacturer or distributor of a prescription drug, or any person on behalf of such manufacturer or distributor, to distribute a prescription drug without charge or for less than its fair market value to any person directly or indirectly
What is centralized prescription filling
The filling of a prescription by one pharmacy upon request by another pharmacy to fill or refill a prescription
What are the two instances where a pharmacy licensed may perform centralized prescription filling for another pharmacy
Both pharmacies have the same owner OR they have a written agreement
If two pharmacies have a written agreement regarding central filling what must be in the agreement
1) The responsibilities of each pharmacy
2) The services provided by each pharmacy
3) How each pharmacy will adhere to federal and state laws
T/F: Upon a declared Executive Order due to an emergency caused by a natural disaster, the Department may issue a pharmacist who holds a license to practice pharmacy in another state an emergency license to practice in this State
If a certified pharmacy technician is renewing their CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION how many hours of CE must be completed
20 hours, 1 hour must be pharmacy law and 1 hour must be medication safety
T/F: A pharmacist shall not be required to counsel a patient or care giver when the patient or care giver refuses such consultation, and such refusal is documented in the pharmacy record
T/F:If a pharmacy’s computer system can capture an unalterable electronic visual image of the prescription drug order, the electronic image shall constitute the original prescription and a hard copy of the prescription drug order is not required
If the department wants an electronic prescription’s records it should be turned in within how much time
72 hours
T/F: An emergency remote pharmacy may operate under the license of home pharmacy
If a pharmacy technician or a pharmacist has a change of address how long do they have to notify the division
Within 30 days of the change
In case of unauthorized refills of non-controlled substances, the emergency supply must be limited to how many days
No more than 30
If someone is receiving a schedule 5 medication what is the max amount they can receive in what time period
120 ml in a 96 hour time period
When a person signs a form after purchasing a schedule 5 medication what is it they are agreeing to
They have not purchased ANY schedule 5 controlled substances within preceding 96 hours
An emergency oral prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs must be mailed to dispensing pharmacy by an authorized prescriber when
Within 7 days of the oral authorization
A written prescription that is sent due to an oral authorization for a C2 what will be written on the front of it
Authorization for Emergency Dispense AND the date of the emergency prescription
After dispensing an emergency Schedule II drug, the pharmacist shall contact which of the following upon not receiving a written prescription from the prescriber within 7 days
The Department (IDFPR)
If a registered pharmacy technician would like to be come certified what must they complete
A pharmacy technician training program approved by a nationally recognized accrediting body OR obtained documentation from their PIC where they are employed stating they have completed a training program
What is the entity that creates the exam pharmacy technicians must complete in order to be certified
National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)
If a PIC is leaving how many days do they have to tell the division
30 days
When does the leaving PIC do the inventory before departing
The effective date of change (last day)
After the inventory has been completed what must the departing PIC turn in to the division, who must sign it, when must it be turned in
An affidavit attesting to the completion of the inventory and preservation of the inventory record, signed by the leaving PIC and incoming PIC, Within 30 days
What two programs must a pharmacist have completed in order to immunize
1) A full course training approved by ACPE
2) a current Basic Life Support Certification for Healthcare Providers issued by the American Heart Association/Amereican Red cross
What must every pharmacy that immunizes have on deck
Epidemiology and Prevention Vaccine a?? Preventable Disease
When would an applicant need a new pharmacy license
1) Establish a new pharmacy
2) Relocate an existing pharmacy
3) Change of ownership
How long does a pharmacy have to open after being issued a new pharmacy license
30 days
How long can a PIC be one leave before a new PIC must be named
90 days
For a change of name of pharmacist-in-charge only, the owner shall be required to file an application on forms supplied by the Division AND present the current pharmacy license
T/F: If a management company is hired to run a pharmacy is the management company is the license holder HOWEVER the license may be issued in the name of the pharmacy or the management company
If a pharmacy is run by a management company and has an Illinois Controlled substance license it will be issued in the name of the managment company unless what
The management company and the pharmacy/hospital cosigns a pharmacy service agreement that assigns overall responsibility for controlled substances to the pharmacy/hospital
AT most how long the emergency remote temporary pharmacy license is valid for
At most 6 months
The prescription monitoring program will send an unsolicited report to prescribers and dispensing pharmacies when what occurs
A person has been identified as having 5 or more prescribers OR 5 or more pharmacies (that do not share a common electronic file), or both within a 6 month period