Pharmacy Exam Section 4 Flashcards
What are the occasions that pharmacists are allowed to accept medications for reuse, reissue, or resale
1) Medical devices that can be properly sanitized
2) Are unopened in sealed, intact, unopened containers meet the standards for light, moisture and air permeation as defined by a current United States Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary
If a patient is grabbing a bottle from OTC and would like a label on it what must the label have
Name of the drug, directions for use, name and address of the pharmacy from which it was sold
T/F: After hour cabinets are only used in the absence of a pharmacist
Who supplies and maintains an emergency kit
A pharmacist
Who can remove drugs from an emergency kit
Authorized pharmacy personnel, persons authorized to administer medication pursuant to a valid physican’s order ( must be able to practice medicine in all its branches)
What are the exceptions for sterile compounding for office use
The pharmacy is registered as an outsourcing facility and is licensed as a wholesale drug distributor, There is a valid patient-spefic prescription
When is a sale of compounded drugs allowed
The pharmacy is contracted to provide centralized prescription filling services
What is a patient med pak, what is required before it can be made
A customized patient medication package, dispense two or more prescribed solid oral drug products
How are patient med paks labeled
Indicate the day and period of time when the contents in each container are to be taken
T/F: In every instance that a pharmacy is required to file with the DEA Form 106, a copy shall be sent to the division ALONG WITH the printed name of the person who signed the form
When can a LTCF store controlled substances in the emergency medication kit
If permitted by the Illinois Department of Public Health (DPH standards)
T/F: If a controlled substance for emergency medication kits is obtained it must be from a registered DEA entitiy
Who are people who have access to controlled substances in emergency kits
Director of nursing services, registered nurse on duty, licensed practical nurse on duy, consultant pharmacist or practitioner
How many different controlled substances can be placed in an emergency medication kit
10 different controlled substances with no more than 3 single injectable doses for each
What is accompanied with each separate controlled substance included in an emergency kit, when a controlled substance is used who puts in the entries
A proof-of-use sheet, nursing staff or practioner
How long after an emergency kit is used when should a pharmacist be notified
24 hours
T/F: A shift count shall be done on all controlled substances in an opened emergency kit until is closed or locked by the consultant pharmacist
How often should a pharmacist check the controlled substances in the emergency medication kit
Once a month and document
What are the four things that must be included on an electronically transmitted prescription
1) Prescriber’s fax number
2) Time and date of the transmission
3) The identity of the person send the prescription
4) The address and contact information of the person transmitting the prescription
What are four things a log book for C5 substance must have contained in it
1) Name and and address of the purchases
2) Name and quantity of the controlled substance purchased
3) The date of the purchase
4) Initials of the dispensing pharmacist
When must a new pharmacy application be put in for a pharmacy that has had change in business
10% or more of the ownership of the business has changed
More than 50% of the board of directors or executive officers of a business issued a pharmacy license changes
When should a pharmacy notify the division they are about to close
30 days in advance
When should a pharmacy notify its customers they are about to close
15 days in advance
What should be done on the day the pharmacy closes
1) Inventory of the pharmacy’s controlled substances
2) Return the license to the division
3) Notify the division on where the controlled substances inventory and records will be kept
5) Notifty the division the person and location responsible for prescription files and patient profiles
For the Illinois PMP what is required to be entered in by a pharmacist
Recipient’s name and address, Recipient’s date of birth and gender, NDC of the drug, date the controlled substance was filled and dispensed, DEA number of the dispenser, DEA number of the prescriber Payment type, Location code (home, LTCF, outpatient, etc.)
If there is a C2 prescription for an animal the prescription should state
The name of the owner and the species of the animal
T/F: Physician assistants and advanced practice nurses must be delegated through written authority to prescribe any Schedule 3 through 5 controlled substance
What are the other conditions that a physician assistant and Advanced Practice nurse must follow to prescribe C2s besides a written delegation of authority
Only prescribe C2s that are oral, transdermal, or topical, controlled substances must be what is usually dispensed, Limited to a 30 day supply, must discuss with the prescriber once a month,
What hours are needed to allow for prescribing C2s for advanced practice nurses and physician assitants
45 contract hours in pharmacology by a program accredited by Accreditation Review Commion on Education for the Physician assitant (ARC-PA), 5 hours annually of CE in pharmacology
What is the max amount of hypodermic syringes a pharmacist can sell to a patient over the age of 18
T/F: When a controlled substance is thought to be loss or stolen a pharmacy shall conduct an approximate count inventory with a start date of the last inventory for the controlled substance that was either lost or stole
T/F Pre-printed prescriptions for controlled substances are not allowed
T/F: C3 through C5s can only be transferred once unless the pharmacies share reat time database to which then they can only be transferred the number of legal refills
What does the advisory committee do and who appoints them
Assist the department in implementing the C2 PMP, Secretary of Human services
T/F: The advisory committe consists of prescribers and dispensers and they recieve no compensation for their services
T/F: A person registered to manufacture any controlled subtance is authorized to distribute that substance as well with obtaining a seperate distributor license
T/F: If any change of ownership of a parent company that owns a pharmacy changes the pharmacy itself DOES NOT have to fill out a pharmacy application