PHARMACOLOGY - Introduction to Drug Legislation Flashcards
Where should you access information regarding the use of medicines within the veteriary field?
NOAH (National Office of Animal Health) compendium of data sheets
What is the role of the RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgery) in terms of drug legislation?
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) are responsible for ensuring that all registered veterinary practice premises in the UK are inspected and comply with their legal obligations under the veterinary medicine regulations (VMRs)
What are the six roles of the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) in terms of drug legislation?
- Monitor the adverse effects of veterinary drugs
- Test drugs for residues
- Authorise companies to sell veterinary drugs
- Control how veterinary drugs are made and distributed
- Advise the government of the developing veterinary medicine policy
- Make, update and enforce the UK legislation of veterinary medicines
What is the role of the Home Office in terms of drug legislation?
The Home Office is responsible for the regulation of controlled drugs in the UK
What are the four classifications of veterinary medicines?
- Authorised Veterinary Medicines - General Sales List (AVM-GSL)
- Non-Food Animal Medicines - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Sutiable Qualified person (NFA-VPS)
- Prescription-only Medicines - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Sutiable Qualified person (POM-VPS)
- Prescription-only Medicines - Veterinarian (POM-V)
Who can supply Authorised Veterinary Medicines - General Sales List (AVM-GSL)?
Authorised Veterinary Medicines - General Sales List (AVM-GSL) can be supplied by any retailer
Is clinical assessment required prior to dispensing Prescription-only Medicines - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Sutiable Qualified person (POM-VPS)?
No, a clinical assessment is not required however users should be made aware of the risks through oral or written advice
Who is allowed to write a prescription for Prescription-only Medicines - Veterinarian (POM-V)?
UK registered veterinary surgeon
Is clinical assessment required prior to dispensing Prescription-only Medicines - Veterinarian (POM-V)?
Yes, a clinical assessment is always required
What are the five main responsibilities of the pharmacist in terms of veterinary medicines?
- Pharmacist must be present when the medicine is handed over to the client or satisfied that the person handing over the medicine is competent to do so
- Pharmacist must be satisfied that the medicine is appropriate for the animal and the conditon being treated
- Pharmacist must be satisfied that the client administering the medication is compentent
- Pharmacist must emphaisise any safety precautions
- Pharmacist must ensure the medicine is labelled correctly
Who are classified as Sutiably Qualified People?
Sutiably Qualified People are individuals registered with Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA)
What information should you include in a written perscription?
- Name, address, phone number and qualifications of the person perscribing the product
- Name and address of the client
- Indentification of the animal/group of animals to be treated
- Premises at which the animal is kept if this differs from the owners address
- The date
- Signature of the prescriber
- Name and amount of the medicine perscribed
- Dosage and administration requirements
- Any necessary warnings
- Withdrawal period if relevant
Who is responsible for ensuring compliance regarding pharmaceutical waste disposal?
The individual Veterinary Practice
What are the four main consequences of poor pharmaceutical waste disposal?
- Some drugs can cause damage to animals and the environment
- Poorly controlled pharmaceutical waste may end up in the hands of the public who may abuse it
- Antibiotic resistance may develop in organisms exposed to the drugs
- Ecosystems may be disrupted
What are the five main sources of pharmaceutical waste?
Out of date drugs
Expired ‘In-use shelf-life’ drugs
Returned drugs
Residual drugs
What does ‘in-use shelf-life’ refer to?
An in-use shelf-life refers to the time period following the first broaching of a container after which the remaining product in the container should be destroyed
In Scotland, which bin should you dispose a needle?
Orange lidded sharps bin
In Scotland, which bin should you dispose an incompletely discharged syringe?
Pharmaceutical waste bin
In Scotland, which bin should you dispose an open snap top ampoule?
Orange lidded sharps bin
In Scotland, which bin should you dispose of rubber topped vials and bottles?
Pharmaceutical waste
In Scotland, where should you dispose non-medicated I.V. fluids?
Non-medicated I.V. fluids can be discarded into the sink and the bags disposed into general waste
In Scotland, where should you dispose medicated I.V. fluids?
Both the fluid and bag should be disposed in pharmaceutical waste
In Scotland, where should you dispose Domosedan gel?
Pharmaceutical waste
In Scotland, where should you dispose Leahurst Sarcoid Cream?
Leahurst Sarcoid Cream is cytotoxic and this should be disposed into hazardous waste (purple bin)