Pharmacokinetics - steady state Flashcards
What is the drug half-life?
The time required for the drug concentration to change by 50%.
What are the two half-lives for a drug?
Distribution half-life
Elimination half-life
Half-life follows what order kinetics?
First order
What is the equation for Ct?
Ct = C0e^-kt
Ct - concentration of drug at various times
C0 - initial concentration of drug at time zero
k - elimination rate constant
What is the equation for half-life, first order elimination?
t1/2 = 0.693/k
t1/2 = 0.693Vd/CL
How is k determined?
k = CL/Vd
The rate constant in the half-life equation is dependent on what two parameters?
Clearance and Vd.
A drug that is cleared quickly will have a _____ half-life.
A drug with a ____ Vd value has a ____ half-life value.
Drug half-life is used in the determination on what?
1 - The duration of action after a single dose
2 - Time required to reach steady state
3 - The frequency of drug administration
4 - Time required to clear and free of drug
One drug (A) reaches the therapeutic range quickly but the Cp drops quickly after that.
Another drug (B) takes longer to reach the therapeutic range but stays there for longer.
Both are taken orally.
There are two patients, one has difficulty falling asleep but, once asleep stays asleep.
The other, can fall asleep easily, but wakes up many times during the night.
Which drug is better for which patient?
Drug A is better for patient 1 since he just needs to reach the therapeutic range to fall asleep.
Drug B is better for patient 2 since he can easily fall asleep but needs a longer therapeutic range to stay asleep.
A higher Cl value means what?
It takes longer to clear out the drug (think backwards).
Oftentimes, when a drug is given to a patient, it is not given in a single dose to maintain the therapeutic concentration.
For an orally administered drug, for each half-life there is an increase, then a decrease. What do each correspond to?
increase - absorption/distribution
decrease - elimination (/metabolism)
Steady state is attained after how many half-lives?
The time to reach the steady state is independent of _______.
Fluctuations (on the Cp/half-life graph) are proportional to what?
dosage interval/half-life
The steady state concentration is proportional to what?
dose/dosage interval