MT1 - Review - Definitions Flashcards
Science dealing with the fates of drugs in the body and their biological actions within it
Study of how drugs act; emphasis on mechanisms
Study of how the body absorbs, distributes, metabolizes, and excretes drugs; calculations of various rates to bring about a quantitative component to assessing drug action
Use of drugs to treat disorders; emphasis on clinical management
Study of cost-effectiveness of drug treatments
Effect of drugs on populations; emphasis on genetics
Generic name
Common name used by all
Trivial name
common name that is less official than the generic name
Trade name
Name given to the drug by a pharmaceutical company
Chemical name
Name based on a standardized and systematized nomenclature
Dosage form
Physical form (way of identifying) of the drug. Used to allow effective delivery of the active compound to the patient
Active drug component
Compounds used with the intention of providing biological effects
- one or multiple compounds
Non-drug components
Compounds used with the intention to provide:
- stability
- desirable colour/form
- necessary characteristics to deliver the active compound(s)
Route of administration
The way that a drug is introduced into the body
Enteral administration
Absorption from the GI tract
- oral ingestion
Most common route of administration
Proton donor
- substance that can dissociate to form H+ and a conjugate base
Proton acceptor
-substance that can accept a proton to form a conjugate acid
Physical property of a solid, liquid of gaseous chemical substance called a solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid or gaseous solvent to form a homogeneous solution of the solute in the solven
Saturation concentration
Extend of solubility of a substance
Point at which addition of extra solute will not increase the concentration of the solution
Partition coefficient
Ratio of concentrations of a compound in two phases of two immiscible solvents at equilibrium
Covalent bonds
Characterized by sharing of electron pairs between atoms
Ionic/electrostatic bonds
Characterized by transferring valence electrons
Hydrogen bonds
attractive forces that vary in strength
- are weaker than ionic interactions but stronger the VdW interactions
Van der Waals interactions
Also called hydrophobic interactions
- sum of attractive and repulsive forces between molecules
Compounds with an identical molecular formula but different structural formula
Collection of functional groups that interact with a specific target that give a similar biological effect
Degree to which a patient correctly follows medical advice
Kinetics of pharmacokinetics
variation in drug concentration with time
Process of incorporation of a drug into the bloodstream
Movement of a drug from the site of administration to the central compartment
Invagination of part of the cell membrane to form vacuoles
First pass metabolism
Phenomenon of drug metabolism whereby the concentration of a drug is greatly reduced before it reaches the systemic circulation
Fraction of unchanged drug in the systemic circulation
Process of re-incorporating a drug into the bloodstream by excreting organs
Movement of a drug from the bloodstream into:
- various tissues around the body
- the site of target tissues/cells
Each organ/tissue contains different biomolecules and cell types that could affect the distribution (retention) of a drug
Imaginary bodily parts model
A study model to understand how drugs distribute, once they are absorbed
Apparent volume of distribution
Hypothetical volume of fluid into which a drug distributes
Used in describing the lack or slowness of drug action due to the target organ’s low perfusion rate
Used in describing the lack or slowness of drug action due to the drug’s ability to move across the biological membrane to target organs/sites
chemical compounds with biological/therapeutic properties