Pharm Chapter 14 Flashcards
Pain is:
An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage
WHO Three-step analgesic ladder
Level 1- first choice for pain
Level 2- when pain is mild to moderate
Level 3- only use opioids when its moderate to severe pain
Pain can be treated by:
Medications, E-stim, TENS, massage, rehab, hot/cold packs
Types of Pain
malignant/cancer pain
acute vs. chronic pain
Synthetic Opiod
(fentanyl, methadone) are chemically derived in the lab
Natural Opiod
derived from poppy (morphine, codeine)
Semi-synthetic Opiod
(oxycodone, oxymorphone) are chemically modified natural opioids;
Which drug is considered the Gold Standard against which others are compared in pain management?
What dosage froms do Opioids comes in?
pills, patches, IV, epidural, lollipops, lozenges, and PCA pumps
What are two types of doses for Opioids?
ATC: around-the-clock (chronic pain)
BTP- Break-through-pain (pain spikes)
Differentiate between narcotic vs opiates vs opioids?
Narcotic - describes side effect, not action of the drug (ie: sedation, stupor, reduced responsiveness)
Opiate - derived from opium
Opioid - encompassing term for all narcotic analgesic-like agents
Where are the opioid receptors in the body found?
Brain and spinal cord; also found in the GI tract and throughout the body but efficacy of opioids is due to their effects in the brain and spinal cord
What does the existence of opioid receptors imply?
existence of endogenous compounds
Name 3 endogenous opioid like substances:
Endorphins, enkephalines, dynorphins
Name the 3 types of pain receptors
Mu - important for pain relief (analgesia)