petroleum geology Flashcards
includes both the depression and sediment
- a complex igneous and metamorphic rocks in continental areas
- negative relief with respect to their surrounding
areas that receives normal veneer of sed cover over the basement
-neutral reliefr
platform or shelves
- recieve thinner than ave seds
- persistent regional positive relief
3 types of basements
igneous volcanic complex
sedimentary basements
metamorphic complexes
geometry of basins
- 1000 sq. km
- 2-10 km thickness
- varies in shape
- some are embayments
tectonic settings of basins
- convergent
- divergent - 1st stage of rifting
types of basins used in the phillippines
3 - forearc, backarc, rift
a basin with moderate to high geothermal gradient and typified by volcano-clastic reservoirs
backarc basin
a type of basin with limited HC potential, low geothermal gradient, and scarcity of good clastic reservoir
forearc basin
basin with insufficient trap size, high geothermal gradient, and inadequate development of source rocks
rift basins
how many basins does the philippines have
16 - all in all
9 - phil mobile belt
backarc basins in the philippines
- visayan basin
- southheast luzon basin
- cotabato basin
- sulu sea basin
forearc basins in the philippines
- ilocos trough
- central luzon basin
- west luzon basin
- west masbate-iloilo basin
- agusan-davao basin
- bicol shelf
- east palawan basin
rift basins in the philippines
- NW palawan basin
- Mindoro-Cuyo platform
- SW palawan basin
- reed bank basin
biggest basin in the philippine sea plate
west philippine basin
it refers to the specific set of geological disciplines that deals with the study of origin, movement, accumulation, and exploration of HC fuels
petroleum geology
the mineralogy composition of rocks and pore-fluid chemistry
structures involved in trapping and data gathering in wells
transformation of plants and animals into HC and fossil life
biology - biochem, paleo
used for the identification of maturity of the petroleum
comes from the word “petra” means rock and “oleum” means oil and essentially made up of HC compound
what is the latak of petroleum
petroleum forms at normal temp condition as:
- liquid - crude oil
- gas - natural gas
- solid - tar and bitumen
crude oil with little sulfur content
sweet crude oil
crude oil with high sulfur content
sour crude oil
HC wered derived from the geochemical conversion of organic matter and material in time through the agents of temp and pressure
organic theory
organic theory
stage 1 - fossilization
stage 2 - diagenesis
stage 3 - migration
stage 4 - entrapment and extraction
a concept that encompasses all of the disparate elements and processes of petroleum geology
petroleum system
- sed rock containing OM. which under heat, time, and pressure was transformed to liquid or gaseous HC
- a rock capable of generating oil and gas
source rocks
movement of generated HC from the source rock to the reservoir rock in a trap through conduits
any rock that has sufficient porosity and permeability to permit the storage and accumulation of crude oil or natural gas under adequate trap conditions, and to yield the HC at satisfactory flow rate upon production
reservoir rocks
an impervioius or impermeable bed capping the reservoir rocks in atrap
cap rock or seal
any barrier to upward movement of oil and gas, allowing either both to accumulate
relationship between the time of trap formation and time of HC generation and migration
elements of petroleum system
source rock reservoir rock migration trap seal/cap rock timing
oil and gas come from OM through transformation processes involving _____ and __________
heat and geologic time
refers to materials composed of organic molecules in monomeric or polymeric form derived directly or indirectly from organic parts of organism
organic matter
true or false: mineral skelatal parts (shells, bones, and teeth) are not included in OM
- the basic process that accomplishes the mas production of OM on earth
- it converts light energy to chemical energy by the transfer of Hydrogen from water to carbon dioxide to produce OM in the form of glucose and oxygen
-about 2 billion yrs ago (pre cambrian) photosynthesis emerged as a world wide phenomenon laying the foundation for the evolution of higher forms of life
From pre-cambrian to devonion the primary producer of OM was __________
Marine phytoplankton
Devonian onwards, increasing amount of primary production of OM from ______________
Terrestrial sources
At present the production of OM was both ______
Equal from terrestrial and Marine phytoplankton
4 most imortant contributor of OM in seds
- Phytoplankton
- Zooplanktons
- Higher plants
- Bacteria
Contribution from higher organized animals such as fishes is neglible. Why?
Mabagal mag preserve and kinakain agad sila ng scavengers
Production of OM is controlled by ______, ________, and __________ of sea water
Chemical composition
Large part of biological production is concentrated in the __________ of the water column
Upper 60 to 80 meters
Productivity of coastal waters are ____ of the open seas
Saan may pinakamadamin input ng mga OM
Estuaries - because of the quiet environment, and the planktons are directly buried after death
Factors you need for the accumulation and preservation of OM
- balanced between energy level and sedimentation
- fine-grained sediments
Through time and elevated temperature, the OM is transformed to ________ and ________
Kerogen and bitumen
Organic material in sed rocks is insoluble in ordaniary organic solvents
- the most important part to the petroleum geologist
- The organic material in sed rocks which is soluble in ordinary organic solvents
- it is the product of partial conversion of kerogen as a result of rising temp and passing time
Types of Kerogen
Type I - alganite - oil
Type II - liptinite - oil and gas
Type III - vitrinite - gas
Type IV - inentinite - gas in later stage of maturity
Derived largely from algal material or from OM enriched in LIPIDS due to microbial alteration
Type I - alganite
Contains less waxy or cuticle material, derived from bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and minor ammounts of sores and pollens.
Type II - liptinite
-generated a large volume of the world’s oil and gas deposit