GOP Flashcards
3 plates surrounding the philippines
Pacific plate
Eurasian plate
Indo-asutralian plates
- composed entirely of oceanic crust
- age of 150 MY (Late jurassic)
- 80mm, 8 cm / year movement
Pacific plate
At 43 MY (Eocene) the pacific plate moves at ?
50d egrees Counter clockwise rotation from NNW to WNW
At 5 MY (late miocene) the pacific plate moves at?
10 degrees counter Clockwise rotation
Pacific sea plate subducts along ______ , ________, and __________
- Eurasian plate along japan trench
- under philippine sea plate along bonin-marianas trench
- Indo-Australian plate east of new zealand
Rate of movement of eurasian plate
3mm/ year since 50 MY (late miocene)
Plate composed of both oceanic and continental plates
Indo-australian plate
Rate of movement of the indo-australian plate
107 mm/ year with a northward motion
The continental portion of the indo-australian plate collides with the _______
Eurasian (Himalayas)
The oceanic portion of the indo-australian plate subducts under the ________
Eurasian along the Java Trench
Occupies almost 50% of the phil sea plate
West Philippine Basin
Age of west philippine sea basin based on the paleomagnetic data
60 - 35 Ma
Age of the west philippine sea basin based on deep sea drilling
53-42 Ma
3 submarine plateaus in the west philippine sea basin
- Benham Rise
- Urdaneta Plateau
- Anami and Oki-Daito Ridges
- an extinct MOR that trends WNW to ESE
- caused the expansion of the west philippine sea basin
Central Basin Fault
2 models of the basin’s origin
- Trapped oceanic basinby Uyeda and Ben-abraham
2. Back arc basin model by Karig, mrozowki, sena, and maruyama
Model of the WPB that states that the Oki-daito would correspond to a relict volcanic arc that travelled to the NE during the opening of the basin
Back arc basin model
Oceanic crust of the WPB that accelerates on a N-S spreading axis
Parece Vela-Shikoku Basin
- 1st stage: 30 Ma - Parece Vela
- 2nd stage: 10 Ma - shikoku
Stops at 17 Ma
- Basin the opens around 6 Ma and presently active
- the opening of the basin is usually associated with an eastward migration of the subduction of the pacific plate under the philippine sea plate
Marianas Basin
The poorly known portion on the southern extremity of the Phil sea plate
Ayu Basin
- divides the WPB from the PVSB
- Considered as a relic volcanic arc of middle eocene to oligocene age
Palau-Kyushu Ridge (2500km)
- Eastern limit of the shikoku basin
- represent the volcanic arc of the presently active bonin trench colliding with the japanese margin
Izu-Bonin Ridge
2 branches or parts of the Izu-Bonin Ridge
West Marianas Ridge
East Marianas Ridge
Ancient volcanic arc active between 20 to 9 Ma
-part of the izu bonin ridge
West Marianas Ridge
-Volcanic arc of the presently active marianas trench
East Marianas Ridge
The PSP subducts NW under the japanese archipelago along the _______ and ________
Nankai and Ryuku Trench
The PSP subducts SW into the philippine archipelago along the ______
Philippine Trench System
The eastern part of the PSP is defined by the _______, _______ and ________
Bonin Trench, Marianas Trench, and Yap trench
Rotation pole of the psp is located at the
NE of Japan
NW and SW displacement of the PSP are ?
NW - 3 cm/yr
SW - 9 cm/yr
Reltive displacement direction of the PSP whos azimuth is directed at ______
N55W near taiwan with a linear velocity around 7cm/yr
Marginal basins: eurasian affinity
- basin with a depth of 4km
Opening was precede by rifting that could have taken place between the late cretaceous and late eocene
South china sea basin
What triggred/caused the opening of the south china sea?
India-eurasian collision (extrusion tectonics)
Basin Situated immediately to the southeast of palawan, formed 20 Ma
Sulu sea basin
Ridge seperating the sulu sea basin into NW and SE sub-basin
Cagayan de Sulu Ridge
Ridge the separates the sulu sea basin and celebes sea basin
Sul-zamboanga ridge
Basin located asoutheast of sulu and the sulu-zamboanga arc. Aged 55-42 Ma (eocene). The age was suported by rediolarian dating of pelagic sediments blanketing the MORB-like oceanic basement
Celebes Sea Basin
- the westward subduction of the PSP under the eastern philippine arc
- 250 km
- age of 5 Ma
- fvolcanic arc from bicol to leyte
- west dippinh subduction
Philippine trench