Perthes Disease Flashcards
What is another term for Perthes disease?
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
What is Perthes disease?
It is defined as a condition in which there is disruption of blood flow to the proximal femoral epiphysis, resulting in idiopathic avascular necrosis of the bone
What four risk factors are associated with Perthes disease?
Young Age, 4 – 10 Years Old
Male Gender
White Race
Family History
What are the five clinical features of Perthes disease?
Hip Pain
Hip Stiffness
Antalgic Gait
Leg Length Discrepancy
Describe the hip stiffness associated with Perthes disease
There is a loss of internal rotation and abduction
What three investigations are used to diagnose Perthes disease?
Pelvic X-Ray
MRI Scans
Isotope Bone Scans
What is the first line investigation used to diagnose Perthes disease?
Pelvic X-Ray
What are the seven features of Perthes disease on pelvic x-ray scans?
Asymmetrical Femoral Epiphyseal Size
Increased Femoral Head Epiphysis Density
Widened Joint Space
Coxa Plana
Coxa Magna
Sagging Rope Sign
Crescent’s Sign
What is coxa plana?
It is defined as femoral head widening and flattening
What is coxa magna?
It is defined as proximal femoral neck deformity
What is the sagging rope sign?
It is defined as a thin sclerotic line running across the femoral neck
What is the Crescent’s sign?
It is defined as a curvilinear lucent subchondral line caused by a subchondral fracture
What is important to note about the use of pelvic x-rays used to diagnsoe Perthes disease?
In the initial stages of disease, it may present with a normal pelvic x-ray
When are MRI scans used to diagnose Perthes disease?
They are used to confirm a diagnosis of Perthes disease in cases where clinical features are positive, however x-ray scans are negative
What is the feature of Perthes disease on MRI scans?
Femoral head deformity
When are isotope bone scans used to diagnose Perthes disease?
They are used to confirm a diagnosis of Perthes disease in cases where clinical features are positive, however x-ray scans are negative
What is the feature of Perthes disease on isotope bone scans? Explain
In early disease, there is reduced femoral head uptake – representing the reduced blood supply of osteonecrosis
In late disease, there may be increased femoral head uptake – representing bone repair
When is conservative management used to treat Perthes disease?
It is used to treat mild disease and those less than 6 years old
What is the aim of conservative management of Perthes disease?
It is to maintain a healthy position and alignment of the hip joint, in order to reduce risk of damage/deformity to the femoral head
What are the four conservative management options of Perthes disease?
Bed Rest
Simple Analgesia
When is surgical management used to treat Perthes disease?
It is used to treat severe disease and those greater than 7 years old
What is the surgical management option of Perthes disease?
What is osteotomy?
It involves cutting and reshaping the femoral head, in order to improve the alignment and function of the hip joint
What are the two complications associated with Perthes disease?
Acetabular Dysplasia