Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Flashcards
What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
It is defined as a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by persistent, severe hyperactivity and/or inattention
It affects the individual’s ability to carry out everyday tasks, develop normal skills and perform well in school
What are the seven risk factors of ADHD?
Male Gender
Family History
Low Birth Weight
Prenatal Smoking
Low Paternal Education
Maternal Depression
What are the nine hyperactivity/impulsivity clincial features of ADHD?
Inability To Play Quietly
Excessively Talking
Interrupting Others
Blurting Out Answers
Constant Fidgeting
Inability To Wait For Their Turn
Running/Climbing Inappropriately
Leaving Seat When Sitting Is Expected
‘On The Go’, Difficult To Keep Up With
What are the nine inattention clincial features of ADHD?
Poor Concentration
Distracted Easily
Inability To Complete Tasks
Inability to Pay Close Attention To Detail
Reluctance To Complete Challenging Tasks
Poor Organisation Skills
Repeatedly Losing Items For Tasks
Doesn’t Listen When Spoken To Directly
How is a diagnosis of ADHD obtained?
A formal diagnostic assessment should be conducted by a specialist in a primary care setting
What are the three diagnsotic tools which can be used in ADHD?
‘Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire’
‘Corner’s Rating Scale’
‘Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA) Questionnaire’
At what age can a diagnosis of ADHD be obtained?
A diagnosis can be obtained at any age
However, clincial features must be present before the age of seven
What are the five diagnostic criteria of ADHD in individuals under the age of 16?
There should be evidence of six or more hyperactivity/impulsivity features
There should be evidence of six or more inattention features
These features should be present for a period of at least six months
These features should occur in multiple settings
These features should not be better explained by another disorder
What are the five diagnostic criteria of ADHD in individuals over the age of 17?
There should be evidence of five or more hyperactivity/impulsivity features
There should be evidence of five or more inattention features
These features should be present for a period of at least six months
These features should occur in multiple settings
These features should not be better explained by another disorder
What is the first line management option of ADHD, in primary care?
Watchful Waiting
How long should we conduct watchful waiting of ADHD for?
10 weeks
What advice is given to ADHD patients during the watchful waiting period?
Self Help
Simple Behaviour Management
What is the most appropriate next step in cases where clinical features persist following the watchful waiting period?
A referral to child and adolescent mental health services (CAHMS) or a specialist paediatrician should be conducted
What is the first line management option of ADHD in secondary care?
ADHD-Focussed Group Parent Training Programme
What is the second line management option of ADHD in secondary care?
Pharmacological Management
At what age can pharmacological management of ADHD be administered?
> 5 years old
What is the first line pharmacological manangement option of ADHD?
What is the mechanism of action of methylphenidate?
It is a CNS stimulant, which primarily acts as a dopamine/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
What investigation should be conducted prior to starting ADHD patients on methylphenidate? Why?
A baseline ECG scan
It is a cardiotoxic drug
In which two circumstances should a referral to a cardiologist be conducted priro to starting ADHD patients on methylphenidate?
Past medical history of cardiology conditions
Family history of cardiology conditions
What are the seven side effects of methylphenidate?
Growth Retardation
Weight Loss
Abdominal Pain
Due to the side effects of methylphenidate, what montioring is required? How often do we conduct this?
Heart Rate
Blood Pressure
It should be conducted every six months
What is the second line pharmacological manangement option of ADHD?
What is the mechanism of action of lisdexamfetamine?
It is a CNS stimulant, which primarily acts as a dopamine/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor