Personality, attitudes, arousal Flashcards
What are some characteristics of the trait theory?
- Inherited characteristics
- Stable and unchanging
- Same behaviour in a variety of situations
- Behaviour is predictable
What is bandura’s social learning theory?
- Suggests that people learn from one another
- Via observation, imitation and modelling
- Reinforcement then forces this behaviour to be repeated
What is Lewin’s interactionist theory and the formula?
- An explanation of behaviour that assumes that our personality depends on our traits and the environment
- B = f (P.E)
B - behaviour
f - function of
P - personality
E - environment
What are the 4 layers within Hollander’s interactionist approach?
- A psychological core
- Typical responses
- Role related behaviour
- Social behaviour
What is an attitude object?
A person, event or activity
According to the Triadic Model, attitude has three components learnt from significant others (peers/family), what are they?
And what is the equation linking them?
Cognitive component - what we know/believe about an attitude object
Attitude component - how we feel about an attitude object
Behavioural component - how we behave/respond to an attitude object
Behavioural = attitude + cognitive
How could a performer display a positive attitude in training using the 3 components of the triadic model?
Cognitive - Believe they are training in the correct manner and know that training improves performance
Attitude - Have positive feelings and be upbeat about training
Behavioural - Train regularly and play fairly
Name the 4 ways in which attitudes can be formed
Past experiences
Conditioning (rewards)
What is persuasive communication?
An active, non-coercive attempt to reinforce, modify or change the thoughts/beliefs of others which affect their behaviour
Explain what 3 factors does persuasive communication depend upon
Persuader - must be a significant other
Message/new info - must be high quality at an appropriate time/situation
Individual/receiver - resistance to change/strength of current attitude must be low
How can each attitude component be changed?
Cognitive - through education/explaining
Attitude - creation of positive experiences
Behavioural - through reinforcement/ exemplar behaviour of significant other
What is cognitive dissonance?
Tension resulting from having contradictory thoughts or beliefs about something or someone causes change in thoughts/beliefs which affects behaviour
What are some signs of arousal?
- Sweating
- Increased muscle tension
- Increased breathing rate
- Decreased reaction time
- Increased heart rate
What is the drive theory?
A theory of arousal that proposes a linear relationship between motivational drive/arousal and high performance level
What is the inverted U theory?
A theory of arousal that considers that optimal performance occurs when a performer hits an optimal level of arousal
What is the catastrophe theory?
Rapid decline in performance due to over arousal
Look at slide 7 on lesson 3 of arousal, what do the letters A-D represent?
A - gradual increase in arousal until optimal level is reached for optimal performance
B - Over arousal due to high anxiety results in a rapid decline in performance
C - performance can continue to decrease and not recover
D - performer can recover back to lower levels of performance if there is only slight over arousal and short duration
What is peak flow experience, and some characteristics?
A special place where performance is exceptional
- Focus
- Effortless
- Arousal
- Confidence
- Control