Personality & Abnormal Flashcards
William Sheldon
characterized people by body type, relating body type to personality type
soft & spherical- relaxed, comfortable, extroverts
hard, muscular & rectangular- active, dynamic, assertive, aggressive
thin, fragile, and lightly muscled- introverted, thoughtful, inhibited, sensitive
free will & the idea that people should be considered as wholes rather than in terms of stimuli & responses ( behaviorism) or instincts (psychoanalysis)
General Paresis
disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur, mental deterioration, eventual paralysis & death –>cause by brain deterioration from syphillis
Sigmund Freud’s Psychodynamic/Psychoanalytic Theory
- id- unconscious (pleasure principle/wish-fulfillment)
- ego- mostly conscious (reality principle)
- superego- mostly preconscious (moral branch; ideal not real)
defense mechanism: repression
unconscious forgetting of anxiety producing memories
defense mechanism: suppression
deliberate, conscious form of forgetting
defense mechanism: projection
attribute forbidden urges to others
defense mechanism: reaction formation
a repressed wish is warded off by its diametrical opposite
defense mechanism: rationalization
process of developing a socially acceptable explanation for inappropriate behavior or thoughts
defense mechanism: regression
reverting to an earlier stage of development in response to a traumatic event
defense mechanism: displacement
pent up feelings (often hostility) are discharged on objects & people less dangers than those objects or people causing the feelings
defense mechanism: sublimation
transforming unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behaviors
Alfred Adler’s inferiority complex
striving toward superiority drives the personality
Object-Relations Theory
“object” refers to the symbolic representation of a significant part of the young child’s personality
behavior is learned as people interact w/ the environment
B.F Skinner’s idea of behaviorism
personality is a collection of behavior that happens to have been sufficiently reinforced to persist
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll–> modeling observed behavior (social learning theory)
Martin Seligman’s Learned Helplessness
study w/ dogs
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy for Depression
negative thinking rather than underlying conflicts causes depression–> think in less destructive ways
Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)
recognize irrational beliefs and change to more rational
Abraham Maslow
hierarchy of human needs–> once lower needs are satisfied then higher ones can be satisfied
George Kelly
believed individual to be like a scientist, a person who devises and tests predictions about the behavior of significant people in his or her life
Carl Rogers
client-centered therapy
DSM Axis
Axis I- most frequently diagnosed disorders, except personality disorders & mental retardation
Axis II- personality disorders & mental retardation
Axis III- relevant general medical conditions
Axis IV- psychosocial & environmental problems
Axis V- global assessment of psychological, social, & occupational functioning (GAF) –>0-100 scale
Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia
behaviors, thoughts or affects added to normal behavior (delusions, hallucinations, etc)
Negative symptoms of Schizophrenia
absence of normal or desired behavior ( flat affect)
Dopamine Hypothesis
excess of dopamine at certain sites–> or sensitivity to dopamine
Double Bind hypothesis
as a child, received contradictory and mututally incompatible messages by his or her primary caregiver (usually the mother)
Somatoform Disorders
presence of physical symptoms that suggest a medical condition but which are not fully explained by a mental condition
Conversion disorder
unexplained symptoms affecting voluntary motor or sensory functions
Dissociative amnesia
inability to recall past experience
dissociative fugue
amnesia that accompanies a sudden, unexpected move away from one’s home or location of usual daily activities (may assume new identity)
dissociative identity disorder (DID)
(formerly known as multiple personality disorder) 2 ore more personalities that take control of persons behavior
depersonalization disorder
person feels detached, like an outside observer of his or her mental processes and/or behavior
Diathesis-Stress Model
having a predisposition to a disorder, which is triggered by stress
David Rosenhan (1973)
Being Sane in an Insane Place