Personality Flashcards
How do we describe personality in modern day?
We use a characteristic/trait model
Characteristic pattern of thinking, behaving, feeling
You can see it and people around you can see it
Long standing pattern of characteristics
- can alter these to fit certain situations (like funerals) if needed
Who created the first framework for personality?
Psychodynamic theory
Personality is made up of dynamic interaction between conscious vs. unconscious
- has to be balanced to have good/healthy personality
What happens if personality is unbalanced (according to psychodynamic theory)?
If unbalanced, some sort of personality pathology (mental health issues/personality disorders)
Personality structure according to psychodynamic theory
Tip of the iceberg is conscious and the rest is lurking in the unconscious
Primal desires, energies (animalistic side)
- operates on PLEASURE principle (wants to do own thing, be out of control, highly aggressive, sexual, etc.)
- can’t have in real world or anarchy
- ID is always there and ready
Operates on REALITY principle and keeps ID in check (“slow down, we can’t do that” said Ego to ID)
not quite below or above surface
- includes the SUPEREGO
Peacemaker between the other two
- Morals and standards
Horse/rider example for ID and Ego
- Strength, motivation, wild, strong, powerful
- bringing a sense of control/direction to horse
*If not riding the horse (ID), horse will do what it wants and be free, but if you put rider (ego) on it, you control it/tame it
Does childhood play a significant role in personality development?
- psychosexual stages of personality development
All kids go through the psychosexual stages of personality development
Success=no issues, so pass to next stage
– If failure to deal or resolve conflict in each stage, there is going to be a pathology/issue
Stage 1 of psychosexual stages of personality development
- learning things by touching and putting things in mouth
- 0-18 months
Failure=nail biting, smoking/tobacco use, eating disorders, binge eating in adulthood
Ex. have to conquer Oedipus complex (child wants to have sex with mother and kill father)
Defense mechanisms (small percentage)
- ex. in order to protect from anxiety, it will distort reality so you feel better
What is the number 1 Defense Mechanism?
- rules all other defense mechanisms (leader and coordinates others to get involved)
What is the goal of repression?
To help banish anxiety
What is the problem with repression?
Often incomplete protection
- there are cracks called FREUDIAN SLIPS
Freudian slip
Didn’t mean to say a word but came out that way
Pretending things are different; refusing to believe something happened a certain way
- pretending or disbelief of reality to cope and feel less anxious
is also a defense mechanism where you project your feelings onto another person about someone else
Projective tests
1.) Inkblot tests/”Rorschach”
2.) TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)