Personal and family issues 3. Flashcards
What does heterosexual mean
This is where a man and women are sexually attracted to each other
What does Homosexual mean
This is where people of the same sex are sexually attracted to each other
Bible teachings against homosexuality
- Genesis “A man leaves his father and mother and joins with his wife and they become one body”
- Leviticus “You should not lie with a male as with a woman”
What are the 3 christian standpoints on homosexuality
- Condemnation.
- Sympathetic
- Acceptance
What are the Catholic views on homosexuality
They regard it as intrinsically disordered but the individual shouldn’t be discriminated against and they’re to be treated with respect but they should be called to chastity.
What are the church of Ireland views on homosexuality
They say that homosexual acts aren’t compatible with the scripture. But declared in 1991 that homosexual people are in every way valuable to and as valued by God as heterosexual people.
What are the Presbyterian views on homosexuality
In 2018 the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in Ireland stated that sam sex couples cant be full members of their church and that they would not baptise children from same sex couples.
What is a civil partnership
A Civil partnership is a legal relationship that can be registered by the same-sex or opposite sex couples. It gives couples legal recognition and the same benefits as married couples.
What are the arguments for celibacy
- Christians believe that sexual intercourse is a sacred act and a gift from God
- Christians believe that people who dont get married should remain Chaste
- Christians base their view on Genesis “Thats why a man leaves his mother and father and is united to his wife and two become one flesh”
- Avoiding sex outside marriage prevents unwanted pregnancys and lowers risk of STI
- It avoids emotional hurt as they can be left feeling devalued and used”
What are arguments against celibacy
- Less people are religious nowadays
- The pressure from social media is more prominent and its less of a pressure to remain celibate
- Theres more contraceptions available
- Less people get married nowadays or they get married later in life as women are more independent and view it as a form of male oppression
- Rises in divorce leave people unconvinced of getting married.
Why may someone remain single
- Religious reasons: taken a vow of celibacy, priests and nuns
- Still looking
- Divorce
- Death of a partner
What are the purposes of marriage in christianity
- Companionship
- Social purpose
- To direct the sex instinct and remain monogamous
- To bring up children in a secure and loving home
What do all churches agree that marriage should be
- Sacred
- Permanent
- Exclusive
Bible quote about being sacred in marriage
“A man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two shall become one flesh”
Bible quote about being permanent in marriage
“What God joined together, let no man separate”
Bible quote about being exclusive in marriage
“Husbands love your wives as christ loves the church”
What does the giving of rings symbolise in wedding
It symbolises the never ending love and exclusive commitment
What are the grounds for divorce
- Irretrievable breakdown
- Adultery
- unreasonable behaviour
- Insanity
- Lived apart for 5 years
- Lived apart for 2 years (both consent to divorce)
What are the effects of divorce
- Parents : Can feel let down, emotional strain, practical issues.
- Children : Can feel torn between parents, Personal stress/behavioural problems, blame themselves.
- Grandparents : Can feel resentment to former son/daughter in law, possible separation from grandkids
- Positive affects.
What do the churches say about divorce
They all say to make the marriage last but its sometimes necessary.
Most protestant churches permit remarriage.
Catholic Church believe marriage cant be ended but may provide an annulment
What is an annulment
A declaration that the marriage didnt exist if there is a lack of consent, judgement, intention and inability to carry out duties of marriage
What are 2 marriage counselling organisations
- Accord
- Relate
What is a nuclear family
Two parents with one or more children living together
What is an extended family
This includes several generations living in the same house or neighbour hood
It is a reconstituted family
Divorce parents who have remarried bring new children into their new relationship, it can sometimes be called a blended family
What is a cohabiting family
This refers to a couple and their children living together but the couples not married
Why is a Family unit important
- Provides support for couple and their children.
- Its important for teaching children importance of good behaviour
- It will pass important traditions onto off spring.
- It provides you with an identity
- Gives us emotionally support
Causes for tensions in family
- Unemployment, money trouble.
- Alcohol/ drug abuse
- Neglect
- Illness
- Poor housing
Causes of marriage breakdowns
- Addiction
- Domestic violence
- Work
- Fall out of love
- Money
- Unfaithful
Bible quotes linking to family
Exodus “Honour your father and mother”
Proverbs “Listen to your father who gave you life and dont despise your mother when is she old”
Arguments for Priests remaining celibate
- Its a sign for his devotion of God
- They are more available to help others.
- Jesus wasnt married
Arguments Against priests remaining celibate
- Ministers can get married
- It can put people off priest hood
- It would help priest understand marriage better to help others