Developments in Bioethics: Surrogacy 2 Flashcards
What is Surrogacy
Surrogacy is a form of assisted reproduction where another woman has a baby for a couple who cant have children themselves.
What are the two types of Surrogacy
Partial surrogacy
Full surrogacy
What is Partial surrogacy
This is when surrogates use their eggs that fertilised by the father/donors sperm and the surrogate will have genetic connection to the child
What is Full surrogacy
This is when the infertile couple use their own sperm and egg (or a donors) and the surrogate has no genetic connection with the child.
What are the UK legal restraints to surrogacy
- Its illegal to pay a surrogate but they can pay for expenses eg: Travel
- When the baby is born the surrogate is the legal mother and the couple have to gain rights to parenthood through signing a parental order within 6 months.
What are moral problems with surrogacy
- Turns womans body into an item that can be bought
- Disrespects motherhood
- Encourages the idea that everyone has a right to a child
- Is it natural or according to gods will
- Its too much of a risk as surrogate can change her mind.
What examples do the bible give on surrogacy
Genesis Abraham and Sarah shows a clear message of warning.
Christians use this example to justify surrogacy, but the story highlights a lack of faith in Gods plan
Arguments for Surrogacy
- Christians believe that responding to gods love should involve responses to others.
- Fortunate women should share this gift with others.
- Some women enjoy carrying children but dont want a large family
- gives homosexuals chance to have children, Equality,
Arguments against surrogacy
- It interferes in the marital relationship and is a medical form of adultery
- It undermines natural order of a child being conceived
- It can be confusing for the child and give an identity crisis.
- Theres a risk of the surrogate wanting to keep the baby.
what do all churches say about surrogacy
All denominations find surrogacy unacceptable
What does the Catholic church say about surrogacy
It finds surrogacy unacceptable as it involves a third party and refers to it as gravely immoral.
What does the Anglican church say about Surrogacy
They believe its unacceptable as the mother is denied opportunity to bond with the child during pregnancy
What is the HFEA
The human fertilisation and embryology authority is an organisation that is in charge of regulating treatments using egg and sperm and the treatment of research involving human embryos making sure that clincs obey the law and provide info for couples.
What did the HFE act in 1990 do
- It was setup to monitor fertility treatment
- embryos used in research must be destroyed after 14 days
- Sperm donors can be used
- Financial gain from surrogacy is illegal
What did the HFE bill allow in 2003
It allows a deceased man to be registered as a father of a child born as the result of a fertility treatment undertaken after his death with written consent
How was the act amended in 2008
- Same sex-couples using fertility treatment both have the right to be named on the childs birth certificate
- It banned sex-selection for non medical reasons.
What are bible quotes for surrogacy
- Jeremiah “I chose you before i gave you life”
- Ecclesiastes “Who can make straight what has made crooked.
- Corinthians “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.