Matters of life and death, Punishment 1 Flashcards
What are the aims of punishments
- Protection
- Retribution (revenge)
- Deterrence
- Reform
- Vindication
- Repayment (Reparation)
why is punishment used
- used to protect society
- used to protect offender against themselves
Explain retribution
- Gives sense of justice where the punishment fits the crime
- Eye for an eye
Explain Deterrence
- Makes offender not want to reoffend
- Puts other people off
Explain reform
- Helps offenders change
- It make offenders responsible citizens with something to offer something to society
Explain vindication
- Enable justice for victims
Explain Reparation
- Lets offender make good the damage they caused
What are other types of punishment
- Capital Punishment
- life in jail
- House arrest
- Probation
- Fines
What is corporal punishment
- Physical punishment for wrong doers
What is capital punishment
- Executing someone for punishment on serious crime
- 1973 its was abolished in NI
- Its still used in china, Iraq, Sudan
Arguments for capital punishments
- Terrorists should be killed as they kill people
- Deters potential murders
- Protects society
- Revenge is a natural human emotion
- Expensive to keep in jail
- Jails are too crowded
Arguments against capital punishments
- Law condemns murder and causes hypocrites
- Turns executioner into murderer
- Doesnt necessarily deter
- Its inhuman
- Its expensive
- All life sacred
What is the bibles response to punishment
- The bible expresses both retribution and forgiveness, an eye for an eye and Do not kill
What does the Catholic church say about Capital punishment
- The Vatican city includes death penalty for killed pope until 1969
- No christian church agrees with death penalty in NI
What is restorative justice
Its a problem solving approach to crime involving the Offenders, the victim and the community, Aims to repair harm and make good any conflict
What is the criminals role in Restorative justice
- Encouraged to look at harm created
- Listen to victims story
- Offers an apology
- They are offered help finding job
What is the victims role in restorative justice
- They are helped return to normal life
- they are given the opportunity to have hurt understood and amended
What is the communities job in restorative justice
- They are helped by having damage caused by criminal repaired
What are the limits of restorative justice
- It relies on the voluntary commitment of all concerned
- its difficult to get community to work together
What is the presbyterian church view on capital punishment
- Doesnt like it
What is the methodist church view on capital punishment
- Oppose it
What is the church of Ireland view on capital punishment
- Oppose it