Developments in bioethics: IVF 2 Flashcards
What is infertility
Infertility is when a couple cant conceive despite having regular unprotected sex.
How many couples struggle with infertility
one in seven couples struggle to conceive = 3.5 million people in the uk.
What are common causes of infertility
- Issues with the monthly release of an egg.
- Lack of sperm or abnormal sperm cells.
why would someone seek treatment for infertility
- It can be devastating for a couple
- Children give couples a purpose in life
- People can suffer from depression over not having children
- it can complete a marriage and a family.
How can infertility be treated
- Through the time when the couple have sex
- Through natural methods such as life style: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drugs.
- Medicines
- Surgery: unblock fallopian tubes or transplant
- assisted conception : IVF
What does IVF stand for
In Vitro Fertilisation
What does “in vitro” mean
In glass
What is IVF
Its the process of an egg from a female being fertilised by sperm from a male in a test tube or petri dish
When was the first “test tube baby”
Louise Brown born in 1978
How does IVF work
- The woman will be given hormones that will make her produce up to ten or more eggs
- The ovum (egg) is withdrawn from the woman and put in a petri dish with a sperm sample
- This is left for a few days to see if fertilisation takes place.
- The embryo can be screened for potential genetic diseases.
- When healthy embryos are created some are placed in the womans womb while the others are frozen for later use
- If more than one embryo implants in the womans womb she may opt to to have a selective abortion.
What are the ethical problems of IVF
- Its unnatural and not Gods choice
- Children are treated as a product not a gift
- Selective abortions (playing god)
- The sancity is removed by science
- Children arent a right
what are Ivf facts
- Success rate is 1 in 3 for under 35s
- Its expensive
- Spare embryos not used and destroyed
What is artificial insemination
This is when the sperm is collected and using a syringe, injected into womans uterus when she’s ovulating
What is the Warnock report
- A couple can give consent for their spare embryos to be used for research.
- With the publishment of the Warnock report it stated that embryo experimentation was permitted up to 14 days of development as the embryo is a distinct individual.
What is embryo experimentation
It’s a process that enables scientists to discover more about genetics diseases and disorders and can alter and replace genes. Playing God
What are the Catholic and church of Irelands views on embryo experimentation
They are opposed to it
What are the church of England views embyro experimentation
They accept it as long as the intentions are to get rid of human suffering.
What are christian responses to IVF
- The bible doesn’t have reference to fertility treatment
- They take the view that reproductive technologies are immoral.
- Contrasts Sancity of life
- A third party shouldn’t be involved, breaks the marriage bond
What are the arguments for IVF
- Couples should have the right to try for a child, Humans were made to reproduce “Be fruitful and multiple.”
- Infertility is an illness and should be treated like other illnesses.
- God commanded humans to go fourth and multiply, fulfilling Gods plans
- Adopting a child might not be an option for everyone
- Embryo experimentation can help doctors find cures
- IVF led to advances to other medical sciences
What are the arguments against IVF
- Children are a gift of god and not something people have a right to.
- IVF involves destruction of human life, Selective abortion
- New life comes only from a natural process, not scientific processes.
- The bible states marriage is a sacred bond and undermines christian marriage
- Many children need adopted
- Potential identity crisis.
- Can place stress on couples
How does the catholic church view IVF
They view that life can only be given by God,
Conception should be entirely natural
Oppose destruction of embyros
How does the Methodist church view IVF
Its right for scientists to learn more about the causes and cures for infertility
Its okay with limits
All denominations encourage adoption