Matters of life and death, Abortion. 1 Flashcards
Sanctity of life Bible quote 1.
Life is god given Pslam: “You knit me together in my mothers womb, you knew me there in secret even before i was born.”
Sanctity of life Bible quote 2.
Human life is precious Genesis: “God made man in his image.”
Sanctity of life bible quote 3.
God has a plan for every human life Corinthians:
“Surely you know that you are gods temple and gods spirit lives in you, so if anyone destroys gods temple, god will destroy him.”
Sanctity of life bible quote 4.
All life deserves respect Luke: “Arent five sparrows sold for two pennies? yet not one sparrow is forgotten by god . Even the hairs on your head have been counted- you are worth much more than sparrows.”
Sanctity of life bible quote 5.
Life shouldnt be destroyed Exodus: “Do not kill”
What is abortion
Abortion means any death of a baby in the womb and its expulsion from the mothers body
What is procured abortion
Procured abortion is when the foetus is removed and the pregnancy is ended deliberately
What week is abortion illegal at
24 weeks
Why is abortion controversial
Many debate when a foetus becomes a baby and has the right to live
Why would women want an abortion
- Too dangerous
- Not financially stable
- Rape
- Too young
What is the 1967 Abortion act
When this act was passed it became easier for women to have abortions, They could be done properly by qualified medical staff. By law women had to persuade 2 doctors that her mental or physical health or welfare of her exisitng child would suffer if they didnt have abortion.
What week was abortion legal up to in the 1967 abortion act
28 weeks
what is the 1990 Human Fertilisation and embryology act
- The legal limit for abortion was lowered from 28 weeks to 24.
- Abortion was allowed if there was a risk to the life of the mother, There was a risk that the mother could suffer from physical or mental health, There is a risk to her existing children, A strong chance that the child will suffer from physical or mental problems
What is the 1938 Bourne case
Doctor aleck Bourne was acquitted after performing an illegal abortion on a girl who was raped
What are the laws for abortion in Northern Ireland
- It is illegal under the 1861 offences against the person act.
- The 1929 life preserving act prevents killing infants.
- By law the rights of the father don’t have to be considered
5 arguments for Pro-Life
- All human life exists from the moment of conception
- All human life is equal
- It can be seen as an easy way out
- Adoption is an alternative
- Killing is killing
What is pro-life
pro-life is a group of people who oppose abortion and believe in the value of all human life.
What is pro-choice
Pro-choice is a group of people who believe that abortion should be legal and freely available and that its the womans right to decide.
5 Arguments for Pro-choice
- A Foetus is only a potential human life
- Its a womans right to choose,
- Should be legalised to avoid dangerous and unhygienic backstreet abortions
- Expectant mothers know their circumstances best
- There is no 100% safe method of contraception
What things do all churches say about abortion
- From conception the unborn child is a full human and is made in gods image.
- No human being should take another persons life unjustly
What does the Roman Catholic church say
- Its wrong to kill unborn child
- Theres no excuses for abortion even rape
What does the Anglican church say
- Under some circumstances it can be tolerated
What does the Methodist church say
- The methodist church accepts abortion if there is a grave risk to mothers physical and mental health, In results of rape, Severe abnormality to foetus