Perry Et Al (procedure) Flashcards
Describe the procedure simply
- Introduction
- OT adminstration
- Empathy assessement
- Comfortable Interpersonal Distance Paradigm
- Choosing rooms
- Introduction/attendance
- Ptts attended the university to complete experiment 1.
- And then returned a week later to do experiment. (Counterbalancing)
Same day/ a week later
- OT adminsteration
- Pptts were randomly adminsitered OT or a placebo
- The OT was a solution of 24 international units (of 250ml of intranasal OT).
- The Placebo was saline solution
- The nasal drops were self-adminstered into each nostril under the supervison of the expeirmenter.
- The researchers used a double blind technique.
- Half of the pptts took the OT one week and then saline. The other half took saline and then OT (counterbalancing)
Both didnt know which OT/placebo
What solution did the OT come in?
24 international units (of 250ml of intranasal OT)
2.Assessment of empathy
- After the solution was administered, ppts compled the IRI questionnaire. TO determinine their empathy levels.
- Then they were given a nature magazine and waited in a quite room for 45 minutes
- They were then organised into the low interpesonal reactivity group/ high interpersonal reactivity group
To allow the oxytocin to be absorbed by the central nervous system and plateaus) and keep social interaction to a minimum.
What is the IRI?
*The Interpersonal Reactivity Index
*A 28 item questionnare with four 7 item subscales relating to dispositional empathy.
* Ppts were divided into 2 groups based on empathy levels.
What is the CID?
- Comfortable Interpersonal Distance paradigm
- (A modified older version of a paper based) interpersonal space test)
3.The Comfortable Interpersonal Distance paradigm
the pp were shown a computerized animated verson of the CID tests
- it showed the name of the figure for 1 seconds ( friend, stranger, authority or ball) and it showed a fixation point for 0.5 secs
- A circle was presented on a computer screen and the PPs were instructed to imagine themselves in the centre of the room with another person approaching them along a radius.
- pp had to press a space bar to indicate where they’d like the figure to stop
- the animation ended when the figure collided or when thepp pressed the space bar
- the percentage of remaining distance from the total distance was calculated
Researchers recorded the remaining distance FROM the total distance.
How much trials were there in Experiment 1?
- 24 trials for each figure
- So 96 trials in total
What was measured in experiment 1?
the percentage of the
Remaing distance – from the total distance
Describe what objects there were in experiment 2
in all the rooms, there were
* 2 identical chairs in the middle,
* a plant,
* a clock,
* a table
* a cupboard and lamp
3: Choosing rooms
pp were told that after participating in the 2 rounds of experiments, that they were going to have a talk with another about personal topics in a room
- they were told that an average room would be calc based on their preferences
- they were shown a computerized image of pair of rooms for 2 s and had to choose which room they preffered
- in all the rooms, there were 2 identical chairs in the middle, a plant, a clock, table, cupboard and lamp
- the pairs of rooms differed in one of the following parameters:
- the distance between the 2 chairs,
- the angle between the chairs,
- the distance between the table and plant
- the angle of the table and plant
what were the different conditions in exp 2
experimental :
- the distance between the 2 chairs
- ( 20-140 cm, in 20 cm intervals)
- the angle between the 2 chairs
- ( 0, 45 or 90 degrees)
- the distance between the table and plant
- ( 200-320 cm, in 20 cm intervals)
- the angle between the table and plant
- ( 0 ,45 and 90 degrees )
how many diff images are there in exp 2
21 different pairs of chair distances, AND table plant distances and 21 comparitive angles
how many pairs of pictures were shown to pp?
84 pairs, and this was repeated twice so 168 in total
what was calc in exp 2
mean distance and prefered angles between the 2 chairs and between table and plant