Milgram (procedure) Flashcards
Describe Milgram’s procedure simply
- Allocation
- Intro
- Preliminary run
- Instructions
- The shocks
- Debriefing
How much confederates were there in the study?
Describe the confederate that was the learner
An accountant in his late 40s who was mild mannered and likeable.
Describe the confederate that was the experimenter
A biology teacher in his 30s. Who was stern in appearance and wore a grey technicians coat.
How were the roles of learner and teacher allocated?
They drew lots from a hat to see who was the learner or teacher. Both lots said teacher but the confederate claimed his said learner. The ppts was always the first to choose.
How was the role allocation deceptive?
The ppts thought there was an equal chance of being teacher or learner.
(Illusion of fairness)
1) Describe the allocation phase of the procedure.
The ppts arrived at the lab individually. The confederate experimenter introduced the ppts to the learner confederate (both had been trained) They were asked if they had a preference of roles, and then drew lots from a hat to see who would be learner or teacher. Both lots said teacher but the confederate claimed his said learner . The ppts was always the 1st to choose. They were told the study was investigating the effect of punishment on memory.
Before drawing lots to allocate roles. What did Milgram tell the ppts about the aim of the study?
- We know very little about the effects of punishment on learning.
- This is because almost no scientific studies have been conducted on humans
- We don’t know how much punishment is best for learning
- We don’t know how much difference it makes AS to who is giving the punishment.
Both lots said…
Teacher (but the confederate claimed his said learner)
After they drew lots where was the learner taken?
The ppts saw the learner be taken into a separate room where he was strapped to the electric shock machine that had straps and electrode paste.
Why were straps used?
To prevent excessive movement
Why was electrode paste applied to the learners wrists?
To avoid blistering
What was the ppts told about the shocks?
Although they can be extremely painful, they cause no permeant tissue damage.
How much bolts did the sample shock have?
Where did the real source of the shock come from?
A battery. Attached to the shock generator
What does the learner tell the teacher?
He has a mild heart problem?
Where is the ppts taken?
To an a-joining room.
2) Describe the introduction phase of the procedure.
The ppts sees, the learner taken into a separate room where he is strapped to the electric shock machine. Straps were and electrode pass were used. Ppts is told although the shocks can be extremely painful, they cause no permeant tissue damage. Ppt is given a mild electric shock (45v) applied to his wrists. The ppts is taken to the adjoining room.
Why is the ppts given a mild electric shock?
So he believes the the machine is real and thus believes in the authenticity of the study.
3) Describe the preliminary run part of the procedure.
- The teacher was given 10 words to read to the learner
- 3 or these were neural/ the ones the learner would get correct
- The remaining 7 were the incorrect answers
- So a total of 105v were administered
What was the task the learner had to complete in the study?
Paired associate learning task
What was the paired associate learning task
The teacher read out a series of word pairs to the learner.
The teacher then read out 1 word along with 4 terms.
The learner had to indicate which word had been originally paired with the corresponding word.
This was done by pressing 1/4 switches
In terms of the shocks, what instructions were the ppts given?
The ppts is instructed to administer increasingly strong electric shocks (15V) for every wrong answer and announce the voltage level before administering the shock by pressing a switch.
What type of answers did the learner give?
The learner followed a preset of plan mistakes giving the wrong answers at particular times
After pressing the switch..
A bright red light,
An electric buzzing sound is heard
An electric blue light labeled energiser lit up
4) Describe the instruction phase of the procedure
The teacher was instructed in a paired-associate learning task. The teacher is instructed to administer increasingly strong electric shocks (15V) for every wrong answer and announce the voltage level before administering that shock level by pressing a switch. After pressing a switch a bright red light is seen and electric buzzing sound is heard
When did the ppt bang on the wall?
At shock level 300 and shock level 315
What happened if the ppt asked the experimenter want to do?
- To continue the task and treat non-responses as incorrect responses. And although the shocks may be painful there is no real permanent tissue damage so please go on.
- if the ppt asked to stop the experiment verbal prods were given
What was the 1st verbal prod?
Please go on/ please continue
Describe the prods
- Please go on/ please continue
- The experiment requires that you continue
- It is absolutely essential that u continue
- You have no other choice you just go on
When was the experiment considered over?
If the ppts still refused to go on after all the prods/ they reached the max voltage level
How was behaviour observed ?
A one way mirror was used to record the physical behaviours of the ppts
Describe the shock phase of the procedure (1)
At shock level 300, the learner bangs the wall in protest and then is silent after 315V providing non responses. The ppt is unaware this is a tape recording.
How were the ppts debriefed?
- Deception was fully explained
- Interviewe was given
- Ppts asked to rate how painful they thought the final shock was (0-14)
- Further open questions about feelings
- Ppts med with Mr Wallace to reassure no harm had occurred
- Ppts could ask further questions
Describe the shock phase of the procedure (2)
- If the ppts asked the wdpiemeter what to do he insisted they continue with the task and treat non responses as incorrect responses. And although the shocks may be painful they cause no permanent tissue damage so please continue. The prods were given. The experimenter would end of the ppts refused after the prods or administered the max voltage level. A one way mirror was used to record the physical behaviours of the ppts