Permanent canines Flashcards
longest teeth in mouth
Transitional form (and function) between incisors and premolars
Maxillary Canine
Four Developmental Lobes (3F/1L)
longest teeth
crown to root ratio of canine
tf canines have
smaller crown than incisors
fCrown longer than incisors
Last tooth to be lost generally
max canine
Transitional form and function
mandib canine
Four Developmental Lobes
mandib canine
roots curve
tf in canines distal crown contours are usually less rounded than the mesial
distal crown contours are usually more rounded than the mesial
tf canine distal contact areas appear more gingivally positioned
tf max canine
Cusp tip in line with center of crown but mesial to center of the root
Cusp tip in line with center of root but mesial to center of the crown
max canine(facial)
concave b/n cervical line and contact area
tf max canine–>Mesial cusp ridge (slope) is shorter than the distal
longer and Central sl. wider M-D
than incisors
max canine
slightly convex vs. very convex
Mesial vs distal
max canine
concavity on
distal max canine
tf–> max canine–>Prominent facial ridge (middle lobe) sl. distal to center
Prominent facial ridge (middle lobe) sl. mesial to center
longest root of any tooth
max canine
distal outline straighter than mesial outline
max canine
max canine
apical third–slight distal inclination
max canine
smooth convex facial surface
Lingual of max canine
sinculum and 2 marginal ridge
tf ML fossa larger than the DL fossa in max canine
ML fossa (smaller) and DL fossa (larger)
tf max canine has a Lingual ridge extending from cingulum to cusp tip;
TF Lingual aspects of max canine crown and root narrower than facial mesiodistally
CEJ line may be flattened or straight instead of uniformly convex in cingulum area
max canine
max canine
mesial marginal ridge
distal marginal ridge
max canine
incisal ridge
lingual ridge
wedge shape
mesial from maxillary canine side
max canine mesial aspect
slightly rounded to flat
–> labial outline from HOC 2 incisal
max canine
convex at cingulum
CEJ curves evenly towards incisal
mesial aspect of max canine
tf max canine Cusp tip sl. lingual to center of crown
Cusp tip sl. facial to center of crown
tf there is no depression on max canine mesial aspect
faciolingually in cervical 2/3
max canine on mesial side
tf max canine CEJ line less curved mesial than distally
CEJ line less curved distally than mesial
Marked depression in middle third of crown
max canine distal side
tf max canine incisal form is symtrical
Outline form of max canine is not symmetrical
mesial half is flat and broad faciolingually; distal half is highly convex and narrow
mesial and facial–>
cusp tip of max canine
tf mesiodistally > facialingually of max canine
facialingually > mesiodistally
tf developmental depressions between 2 lobes on max canine
between 3 lobes
Mesial outline smoothly convex; distal outline exhibits distinct prominence
max canine(incisal view)
max canine display Proximal contacts, cusp slopes, and cusp tip on—— line
Proximal contacts, cusp slopes, and cusp tip on straight line
Cingulum is prominent and centered ——
Cingulum is prominent and centered mesiodistally
tf max canine has a Facial ridge is prominent;distal to center of crown
Facial ridge is prominent; mesial to center of crown
max canine have
distinct fossa and marginal ridge
Longest root of all teeth
max canine
max canine root
Generally wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
tf max canine has a single pulp canal
max canine
has a root;Apical third may incline mesially
and have Possible bifurcation
has a root;Apical third may incline distally
and have Possible bifurcation
max canine
shallow developmental depressions proximally
Only distal root depressions prominent on Max canine
Mesial and distal root depressions prominent
max canine;
Root canal is wide faciolingually and narrow mesiodistally
Last tooth to be lost generally
mand canine
2nd largest tooth in mouth
mand canine
tf mandib canineis wider than max canine
mandib canine is narrower
round to straight;
distal crown ; mesial crown of mand canine
correct the following
Mesial cusp ridge (slope)longer and less horizontal than distal slope(mand canine)
Mesial cusp ridge (slope) shorter and more horizontal than distal slope
crowns of mand canine
tilted distally with respect to long axis of tooth
mandib canine; Cusp tip in line with
center of root
mandib canine –> Prominent facial ridge
with two adjacent developmental depressions
tf mandib canine have a round root apex
sharp inclining distally
mandib canine
Lingual surface rough and
Lingual surface smooth and
(mandib canine)
mandib canine–>more prominent Cingulum, marginal ridges, lingual ridge, and fossaethan max canine
less prominent
tf Crown and root of mandib canine taper to the lingual
tf mandib canine have Mesial and distal root developmental depressions
mesial and distal fossa separated by
lingual ridge in mandib canine
tf mandib canine have 4 ridges on lingual
f 5
Incisal Ridge (Cusp tip with M and D marginal ridges)
Mesial marginal ridge
Distal marginal ridge
Lingual ridge
tf mandib canine have more labial (facial) curvature than maxillary canine
mandib canine have Less labial (facial) curvature than maxillary canine
tf mandib canine have a more pronounced lingual profile
less pronounced
narrow faciolingually than max canine
mesial max canine
mand canine (mesial aspect)–>Cusp tip slightly —- to bisecting line
mand canine (mesial aspect)–>Cusp tip slightly lingual to bisecting line
tf mand canine contain no
mesial root depression
tf on mesial aspect of mandib canine no distal marginal ridge is visible
Some of distal marginal ridge visible
distal apsect of mandib canine
CEJ line less pronounced than mesial
distal surface of mandib canine longer mesial incisocervically
distal aspect of mandib canine
rooth depression frm CEJ and ends premature to apex
Root depression from CEJ almost to apex
incisal view of mandib canine
symmetrical and smooth outline form
tf Crown is wider mesiodistally than faciolingually
(of mandibular canine)
rown is wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
tf Cusp tip of mandib canine slightly distal and lingual to center of crown
and Cingulum slightly offset toward mesial
Cusp tip slightly mesial and lingual to center of crown
Cingulum slightly offset toward distal
tf lingual surface is more visible on incisal of mandib canine
facial surfac
irregular ovoid outline form which taper toward lingual
cervical cross section of mandib canine
tf Facial portion of mandib canine much wider than lingual portion
Root canal broad faciolingually and narrow mesiodistally in
madib canine
flat but can have developmental depressions
mandib canine(cross section)