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All Incisors are formed by—-developmental lobes
—– on facial, —- on lingual
All Incisors are formed by four developmental lobes three on facial, one on lingual

Most dominant tooth of “smile zone”
Maxillary Central Incisor
Single central incisor most challenging to restore esthetically
Maxillary Central Incisor
tf max. central incisor facial surface
Crown is slightly longer incisogingivally than mesiodistally
tf max central inc facial surface; Root is conical and straight; may incline mesially
Correct the following; max central incisor–>
Mesial outline relatively round with contact at incisal 2/3 • Distal outline straight with contact at junction of incisal and middle thirds
Mesial outline relatively straight with contact at incisal 1/3 • Distal outline more rounded with contact at junction of incisal and middle thirds
max. central incisor–>Incisal edge straight with —- mamelons;
mesio-incisal angle —–, distoincisal angle more ——-
Incisal edge straight with 3 mamelons;
mesio-incisal angle sharp, distoincisal angle more rounded
correct the following;
Maxillary central incisor
Two deep developmental depressions between the 4 facial lobes
Two shallow developmental depressions between the three facial lobes
TF Lingual aspect of max. central incisor is narrower than facial aspect mesiodistally
Cingulum (bulky convexity at cervical 1/3 of lingual aspect) formed by lingual developmental lobe
on lingual aspect of max central incisor
TF max central incisor;
the central portion of the cingulum is typically located mesial to the center on the crown
F distal
lingual fossa is created by 3 ridges in the max central incisor
4–> cingulum, mesial, distal, incisor
TF lingual fossa of max central inc. May have developmental grooves in fossa and lingual pit
Crown roughly triangular or wedge shaped
max central incisor(mesial)
max central inc –> Incisal tip and root apex lingual to bisecting line
Incisal tip and root apex on bisecting line
mesial aspect of max central incisor
CEJ line curves greatly toward —-
CEJ line curves greatly toward incisal (
tf incisal ridges are visible from mesial surface of max central inc.
which is false about max central incisors from distal surface?
Shorter incisocervically than mesial
CEJ line more pronounced than mesial
Contact area more cervically positioned than mesial
CEJ line less pronounced than mesial
Max central incisor
Due to the turn of the tooth along the arch, you see more of the facial surface of the crown from the distal view. Also, the mesial marginal ridge is not visible from this view
incisal of max central incisor
Roughly triangular outline
wider mesiodistally than faciolingually
max central inc (incisal view)
only has max central incisor has only Distinct mesio-facial line angles
Distinct mesio-facial and distofacial line angles
max lat incisors
Termed incisal —- when newly erupted (slightly rounded); after wear it becomes flattened and is termed incisal —-
Termed incisal ridge when newly erupted (slightly rounded); after wear it becomes flattened and is termed incisal edge
incisal view of max central inc
The proximal contacts are in the middle of the middle third of the crown and in line with the incisal ridge
max central incisor
cingulum is positioned slightly —- to the bisecting line which yields a slightly —- mesial outline of the lingual surface vs. the distal
cingulum is positioned slightly distal to the bisecting line which yields a slightly longer mesial outline of the lingual surface vs. the distal
cervical cross section of max central incisors;
Horizontal cross-section at the —- region shows an external —– ——-outline form
and also a —— —— outline form of the pulp

incisal view of max central incisor
1) Cingulum
2) Mesial marginal ridge
3) ——-
4) Lingual fossa
1)Cingulum 2) Mesial marginal ridge 3) Distal marginal ridge 4) Lingual fossa
Crown to Root Ratio 1: 1 ½ of max central incisors
max central incisor
Single, —–, relatively straight; may incline —-
—— pulp canal
Single, conical, relatively straight; may incline distally
single pulp canal
“Peg” lateral and Sometimes congenitally missing
Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Sometimes congenitally missing
max lat incisors
Over 60% of the maxillary central incisor specimens showed —- canals
Over 60% of the maxillary central incisor specimens showed accessory canals
tf max lat incisor Exhibits less curvature than central
F Exhibits more curvature than central
tf max lat incisor Mesial outline straighter than the distal outline
max lat incisors have — when newly erupted
correct the statement
max lat incisor–>
More rounded incisal angles (DI < rounded than MI)
max lat incisor–>
More rounded incisal angles (DI > rounded than MI)
tf max lat inc.–>
Incisal edge may slope gingivally toward mesial aspect
Incisal edge may slope gingivally toward distal aspect
tf max lat incisor Shorter and narrower than central incisor
max lateral incisor –>Root— with — inclination
Root conical with distal inclination
(narrow mesiodistally broad faciolingually
root of max lat incisor
Crown and root taper to the —- in max lat incisor
Crown and root taper to the lingual
max lat incisor –> less prominent cingulum and marginal ridges than central
More prominent cingulum and marginal ridges than central
Deeper lingual fossa which may have developmental grooves or lingual pit
max lat incisor
Most pronounced lingual anatomy of all anteriors
max lat incisor
lat max incisor
Root uniformly —–
Root apex usually inclines —-
Root uniformly convex
Root apex usually inclines distally
lat max incisor
mesial view
Wedge-shaped crown
Incisal ridge broader faciolingually
mesial of max lat incisor
mesial max lat incisor
Incisal edge is over center of tooth
tf mesial view of max lat incisor–>CEJ line is more pronounced than central
CEJ line is less pronounced than central
max lat incisor Cingulum may be slightly more convex than central
distal view of max lat incisors–>Facial contour more rounded than central
Distal CEJ is less curved than mesial of max lat incisor
More ovoid crown outline form
max lat incisors
More convex facially and lingually than central incisor
max lat incisor
Marginal ridges and cingulum more prominent than central incisor
max lat incisor
Cingulum more centered
on max lat incisor
proximal contact in line in the middle of the middle third of the crown and the incisal ridge
max lat and central incisor
Horizontal cross-section at cervical region shows a more —- outline form (pulp also)
Horizontal cross-section at cervical region shows a more ovoid outline form (pulp also); single root
max lat incisor
Wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
max lat incisor
Wider mesiodistally at the labial than the lingual
max lat incisor
developmental groove in the root of teeth that may continue apically down the root.
Radicular grooves (RGs)
Grooves run from the beginning of the ——- and along the root surface to the —-.
Grooves run from the beginning of the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) and along the root surface to the apex.
the course of the radicular grooves is —-.
the course of the grooves is straight.
most often located on the palatal aspect of maxillary lateral incisors,
Radicular grooves
radicular grooves
and rarely on the labial root surface of the central incisors.
distal position dominating, as it occurs in approximately 70% of cases
radicular grooves
promotes accumulation of difficult-to-remove plaque and calculus
radicular grooves

Histological sulcus

prognosis of pulp diseases and/or periapical inflammation
in presense of radicular grove
depends in part on the groove’s extension,
the depth of the groove,
and the relation of the groove to the pulp cavity
distal occlusion
retrognathic profile

mesial occlusion
prognathic profile

horizonta overlap

vertical overlap

Biological width
Epithelial attachment (0.97 mm) +
Connective tissue attachment (1.07 mm)
tf retrognathic profile is more prevalent than prognathic profile
22% vs. 6%
ant guidanc
Contact of maxillary incisors and mandibular incisors to guide mandible downward to create disarticulation of the posterior teeth
covered by enamel vs covered by cemenum
anatomic crown vs. anatomic root
The portion of a tooth that is above the gingival margin.
Clinical Crown
Narrowest and shortest of all permanent teeth
Mandibular Central Incisor
Mandibular Central Incisor
Crown to root ratio approaching one to one
single canal from crown to apex
type 1 vertuccir

pulp separates in two near the crown and joins back together at apex to form one root canal
type 2 vertucci classification

root separate into 2 distinct canals and extends to root apex separately
type 4 vertucci

starts as one root canal in pulp chamber and divides into 2 as it reaches apical foramen
type 3 vertucci

slightly larger in all dimensions than central incisor and not bilaterally symmetric
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Crown is bilaterally symmetrical (mesial and distal halves are almost identical)
Mandibular Central Incisor
tf Mandibular Central Incisor
dont have mamelon
Mamelons when newly erupted
Mandibular Central Incisor
Incisal edge straight; —– to long axis of tooth
Incisal edge straight; perpendicular to long axis of tooth
tf Mandibular Central Incisor;
round MI and DI angles
Sharp MI and DI angles (~90°)
tf Mandibular Central Incisor
Facial surface quite rough
Facial surface quite smooth
correct the statement
Mandibular Central Incisor Root long , straight, spherical, very wide mesiodistally
Mandibular Central Incisor Root short, straight, conical, very narrow mesiodistally
Relatively smooth lingual aspect of Mandibular Central Incisor
Mandibular Central Incisor–>
Crown tapers to the lingual on lingual surface
(not root)
Mandibular Central Incisor–>
Crown tapers to the lingual (not root)
max incisors have Less prominent cingulum, marginal ridges, and lingual fossa than Mandibular Central Incisor
Mandibular Central Incisor have
Less prominent cingulum, marginal ridges, and lingual fossa than maxillary incisors
Mandibular Central Incisor;
Incisal edge slightly lingual to bisecting line(mesial aspect)
Maxillary Central Incisor
triangular or wedge shaped
tf Mandibular Central Incisor
have Pronounced CEJ line (less than maxillary central)
S – shaped on lingual (slightly convex cingulum; slightly concave fossa)
Mandibular Central Incisor
Root broad faciolingually
Mandibular Central Incisor
Mandibular Central Incisor distal aspect
CEJ less pronounced than mesial
Incisal edge straight and slightly lingual to center
Mandibular Central Incisor
Incisal edge perpendicular to faciolingual bisecting line
Mandibular Central Incisor
tf mandib. facial incisor is Wider mesiodistally than
Wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
tf central mandib incisor have a trapezoidal shape
Roughly triangular crown outline form
tf Mandibular Central Incisor
Cingulum centered but may be slightly offset distally
Mesial and distal portions symmetrical
Mandibular Central Incisor incisal view
Single, short, and straight
root of Mandibular Central Incisor
Narrow mesiodistally
Broad faciolingually
root of
Mandibular Central Incisor
narrow, elongated ribbon shaped pulp
Cervical cross-section of Mandibular Central Incisor
tf Mandibular Central Incisor have only one pulp canal
f Often two pulp canals
(one facial, one lingual)
Hour glass shape
Mandibular Central Incisor
Mandibular Central Incisor
Narrow mesiodistally
Broad faciolingually
tf Mandibular Central Incisor only have mesial root concavities
Mandibular Central Incisor
Usually mesial and distal root concavities
facial and lingual pulp canal
Mandibular Central Incisor
Erupts at age 7-8
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
tf Mandibular Lateral Incisor isnt bilat symmtericall
Tf Mandib. Central incisors slightly larger in all dimensions than Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Mandibular Lateral Incisor slightly larger in all dimensions
facial aspect of Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Incisal edge slopes gingivally toward distal
tf Mandibular Lateral Incisor
MI angle slightly more rounded than DI angle
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
DI angle slightly more rounded than MI angle
Mandibular Lateral Incisor(facial view)
Mesial outline straighter than distal outline
Root apex may curve mesially in Mandibular Lateral Incisor
f distally
Facial surface smooth and flat in the incisal 2/3
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
smooth surface lingual anatomy
Mandibular Lateral and central Incisor
Cingulum is slightly distal to the center of the crown
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Crown tapers towards lingual
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
tf in
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Distal marginal ridge is slightly shorter than mesial marginal ridge due to slope
CEJ line less pronounced
Mandibular Lateral Incisor< central incisor
facial HOC and lingual HOC in cervical third
mandibular lateral and central incisor
incisal edge lingual to bisecting line(mesial aspect)
mandib. central and lat incisor
root broad faciolingually and concavity present on mesial surface
mandib lateral incisor
CEJ line less curved than mesial
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
(distal view)
distal surface is shorter incisogingivally than mesial surface
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
crown is “twisted”
More of incisal ridge and facial surface shows from distal aspect
on Mandibular Lateral Incisor
deep concavity on distal surface
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Root short, straight, conical, very narrow mesiodistally
Mandibular Central and lateral Incisor
Crown appears as if twisted at its base
Mandibular Lateral Incisor(incisal view)
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Incisal edge not perpendicular to faciolingual bisecting line;
Incisal edge not perpendicular to faciolingual bisecting line;
distal aspect of incisal edge more lingually positioned in
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Cingulum more noticeably displaced toward the distal
central incisor root; may incline distally
root of Mandibular Lateral Incisor
May have shallower root concavities on mesial and distal
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
cervical cross section
longer faciolingualy than distal mesially
longest teeth in mouth
Transitional form (and function) between incisors and premolars
Maxillary Canine
Four Developmental Lobes (3F/1L)
longest teeth
crown to root ratio of canine
tf canines have
smaller crown than incisors
fCrown longer than incisors
Last tooth to be lost generally
max canine
Transitional form and function
mandib canine
Four Developmental Lobes
mandib canine
roots curve
tf in canines distal crown contours are usually less rounded than the mesial
distal crown contours are usually more rounded than the mesial
tf canine distal contact areas appear more gingivally positioned
tf max canine
Cusp tip in line with center of crown but mesial to center of the root
Cusp tip in line with center of root but mesial to center of the crown
max canine(facial)
concave b/n cervical line and contact area
tf max canine–>Mesial cusp ridge (slope) is shorter than the distal
longer and Central sl. wider M-D
than incisors
max canine
slightly convex vs. very convex
Mesial vs distal
max canine
concavity on
distal max canine
tf–> max canine–>Prominent facial ridge (middle lobe) sl. distal to center
Prominent facial ridge (middle lobe) sl. mesial to center
longest root of any tooth
max canine
distal outline straighter than mesial outline
max canine
max canine
apical third–slight distal inclination
max canine
smooth convex facial surface
Lingual of max canine
sinculum and 2 marginal ridge
tf ML fossa larger than the DL fossa in max canine
ML fossa (smaller) and DL fossa (larger)
tf max canine has a Lingual ridge extending from cingulum to cusp tip;
TF Lingual aspects of max canine crown and root narrower than facial mesiodistally
CEJ line may be flattened or straight instead of uniformly convex in cingulum area
max canine
max canine
mesial marginal ridge
distal marginal ridge
max canine
incisal ridge
lingual ridge
wedge shape
mesial from maxillary canine side
max canine mesial aspect
slightly rounded to flat
–> labial outline from HOC 2 incisal
max canine
convex at cingulum
CEJ curves evenly towards incisal
mesial aspect of max canine
tf max canine Cusp tip sl. lingual to center of crown
Cusp tip sl. facial to center of crown
tf there is no depression on max canine mesial aspect
faciolingually in cervical 2/3
max canine on mesial side
tf max canine CEJ line less curved mesial than distally
CEJ line less curved distally than mesial
Marked depression in middle third of crown
max canine distal side
tf max canine incisal form is symtrical
Outline form of max canine is not symmetrical
mesial half is flat and broad faciolingually; distal half is highly convex and narrow
mesial and facial–>
cusp tip of max canine
tf mesiodistally > facialingually of max canine
facialingually > mesiodistally
tf developmental depressions between 2 lobes on max canine
between 3 lobes
Mesial outline smoothly convex; distal outline exhibits distinct prominence
max canine(incisal view)
max canine display Proximal contacts, cusp slopes, and cusp tip on—— line
Proximal contacts, cusp slopes, and cusp tip on straight line
Cingulum is prominent and centered ——
Cingulum is prominent and centered mesiodistally
tf max canine has a Facial ridge is prominent;distal to center of crown
Facial ridge is prominent; mesial to center of crown
max canine have
distinct fossa and marginal ridge
Longest root of all teeth
max canine
max canine root
Generally wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
tf max canine has a single pulp canal
max canine
has a root;Apical third may incline mesially
and have Possible bifurcation
has a root;Apical third may incline distally
and have Possible bifurcation
max canine
shallow developmental depressions proximally
Only distal root depressions prominent on Max canine
Mesial and distal root depressions prominent
max canine;
Root canal is wide faciolingually and narrow mesiodistally
Last tooth to be lost generally
mand canine
2nd largest tooth in mouth
mand canine
tf mandib canineis wider than max canine
mandib canine is narrower
round to straight;
distal crown ; mesial crown of mand canine
correct the following
Mesial cusp ridge (slope)longer and less horizontal than distal slope(mand canine)
Mesial cusp ridge (slope) shorter and more horizontal than distal slope
crowns of mand canine
tilted distally with respect to long axis of tooth
mandib canine; Cusp tip in line with
center of root
mandib canine –> Prominent facial ridge
with two adjacent developmental depressions
tf mandib canine have a round root apex
sharp inclining distally
mandib canine
Lingual surface rough and
Lingual surface smooth and
(mandib canine)
mandib canine–>more prominent Cingulum, marginal ridges, lingual ridge, and fossaethan max canine
less prominent
tf Crown and root of mandib canine taper to the lingual
tf mandib canine have Mesial and distal root developmental depressions
mesial and distal fossa separated by
lingual ridge in mandib canine
tf mandib canine have 4 ridges on lingual
f 5
Incisal Ridge (Cusp tip with M and D marginal ridges)
Mesial marginal ridge
Distal marginal ridge
Lingual ridge
tf mandib canine have more labial (facial) curvature than maxillary canine
mandib canine have Less labial (facial) curvature than maxillary canine
tf mandib canine have a more pronounced lingual profile
less pronounced
narrow faciolingually than max canine
mesial max canine
mand canine (mesial aspect)–>Cusp tip slightly —- to bisecting line
mand canine (mesial aspect)–>Cusp tip slightly lingual to bisecting line
tf mand canine contain no
mesial root depression
tf on mesial aspect of mandib canine no distal marginal ridge is visible
Some of distal marginal ridge visible
distal apsect of mandib canine
CEJ line less pronounced than mesial
distal surface of mandib canine longer mesial incisocervically
distal aspect of mandib canine
rooth depression frm CEJ and ends premature to apex
Root depression from CEJ almost to apex
incisal view of mandib canine
symmetrical and smooth outline form
tf Crown is wider mesiodistally than faciolingually
(of mandibular canine)
rown is wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
tf Cusp tip of mandib canine slightly distal and lingual to center of crown
and Cingulum slightly offset toward mesial
Cusp tip slightly mesial and lingual to center of crown
Cingulum slightly offset toward distal
tf lingual surface is more visible on incisal of mandib canine
facial surfac
irregular ovoid outline form which taper toward lingual
cervical cross section of mandib canine
tf Facial portion of mandib canine much wider than lingual portion
Root canal broad faciolingually and narrow mesiodistally in
madib canine
flat but can have developmental depressions
mandib canine(cross section)
max premolar 1
max premolar 2
mand pre molar 1
mand pre molar 2
Curve of Spee (called also von Spee’s curve or Spee’s curvature) is defined as the
curvature of the mandibular occlusal plane beginning at the tip of the lower incisors and following the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth, continuing to the terminal molar.

buccal and palatal root
1st max pre molar
single root
pre molars
3 types of roots of upper molars
mesiobuccal roots
distobuccal roots
palatal roots
mandible single rooted teeth
pre molars
lower molars
mesial and distal roots
axial inclinations of max second premolars
toward distal from buccal and lingual view
axial inclination of max second premolars
toward lingual from
distal and mesial view
Resembles maxillary canine
Maxillary First Premolar
tf max First Premolar resembles a canine by crown and root are longer
f crown and root are shorter
Mesial portion of Maxillary First Premolar
gingival portion ;; concave
cervical portion; convex
tf in max 1st pre molars ;Mesial ridge (slope) of B cusp longer than distal slope
bell shaped crown
max 1st pre molar
max 1st premolar
Prominent buccal ridge
tf max 1st pre molar only has prominent MB line angle
prominent MB and DB line angles
3 facial lobes
max 1st pre molar
there are developmental depressions between three facial lobes on max 1st pre molar
correct the statement
max 1st pre-molar
Buccal CEJ curves evenly toward the apex in a concaver manner
Buccal CEJ curves evenly toward the apex in a convex manner
max 1st pre molar
Proximal contact level width has less width than at CEJ level (
Proximal contact level width much wider than at CEJ level (
tf max 1st pre-molar
Cusp tip located just distal to center on the crown
slight concavity ; smoothly convex on max 1st pre-molar
Mesial slope has sl. concavity Distal slope smoothly convex
max 1st pre-molar lingual aspect is Smaller in all dimensions than the buccal aspect
tf only the crown converge toward lingual
on the lingual view of max 1st pre molar
Both crown and root converge toward lingual
max 1st pre molar has depressions and ridge on lingual surface
Lingual surface is smooth
tf Mesial and distal slopes of L cusp approximately form obtuse angle of max 1st pre molar.
Mesial and distal slopes of L cusp approximately form right angle
Lingual cusp of max 1st pre molar well developed but longer, wider, and bigger than buccal cusp
Lingual cusp well developed but smaller, narrower, and shorter than buccal cusp
characteristic of max 1st pre molar
Lingual cusp is offset toward the mesial
trapezoidal outline shape
mesial aspect of max pre molar
tf max 1st pre molar lingual cusp longer than Buccal cusp
Buccal cusp longer than lingual cusp
tf max 1st pre molar
Occlusal table much smaller than buccolingual diameter of crown
tf Triangular ridges of each cusp aren’t visible
of max 1st pre- molar
Triangular ridges of each cusp visible on mesial side of max 1st pre molar
on max 1st premolar B and L cusp tips well within confines of root trunk
B and L cusp tips well within confines of root trunk
tf max 1st pre molar only has 1 root
f has 2 buccal and lingual
longer root with sharper apex on max 1st pre-molar
buccal root of max 1s pre-molar
on max 1st pre molar
Root trunk is thin and usually less than half the root length
on max 1st pre molar
Root trunk broad and usually greater than half the root length
Mesial marginal ridge perpendicular to long axis,
max 1st pre molar
on max 1st premolar
mesial marginal ridge interrupted by mesial marginal groove
Mesial concavity on max 1st pre molar
middle of the cervical third extending down to the root bifurcation
tf on max 1st pre molar distal aspect is smoother mesial aspect
Marginal ridge perpendicular to long axis
distal aspect of max 1st pre molar
No marginal groove or developmental depression
on distal side of max 1st pre molar
occlusalcervical surface shorter;
mesial or distal of max 1st pre molar
distal side
more occlusal surface visible of mesial or distal view of max 1st pre molar
slight depression on root
distal aspect of max 1st pre molar
mesial vs distal CEJ curvature towards the occlusal
on max 1st pre molar
less curved on the distal
outline form of occlusal of max 1st premolar
Hexagonal outline form
tf occlusal of max 1st pre molar is symmetric
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
max 1st pre molar occlusal surface
max 1st premolar have Two well-developed cusps with distinct groove pattern
Which of the following isnt a distinct groove pattern of
max 1st pre molar
4 developmental lobes
max 1st premolar
Lingual, mid facial
central grove separates
2 triangular ridges on max 1st pre molar
tf max 1st premolar only has mesia marginal ridge
mesial and distal marginal ridge
tf pits on max 1st pre molar
exist on the triangular ridges
on triangular fossae
tf on max 1st pre molar
B & L heights of contour distal to center
B & L heights of contour mesial to center
line angles on max 1st pre molar
MB and DB
tf there is no buccal ridge on max 1st pre molar
its very prominent
on max 1st pre molar M and D contacts
facial to center
on max 1st pre molar, Buccal cusp tip is distal to center with mesial slope longer than distal
mesial slope longer than distal on max 1st pre molar(buccal side)
on max 1st pre molar Buccal cusp ridges form straight line
Buccal cusp ridges form diagonal line
on max 1st pre molar which ridge is shorter
mesial or distal
The only premolar that usually has two roots
max 1st pre molar
which root is longer in max 1st pre molar
buccal or lingual
tf only one pulp horn on the max 1st premolar
f 1 per cusp in max 1st pre molar

Pulp chamber —– to B and L pulp canals
in max 1st pre molar
Pulp chamber occlusal to B and L pulp canals
max 1st pre molar
kidney shaped cervical cross section
max 1st pre molar is more bellshaped than max 2ns pre molar
tf max 2nd pre molar buccal cusp shorter than max 1st pre molar
entire crown may appear slightly shorter and narrower but average dimensions are nearly the same)
max 1st and 2nd pre molar
tf mesial marginal ridge> distal marginal ridge
(of buccal cusp)(on max 2nd pre molar)
tf max pre molar 2 Less angular than P1
more prominent facial ridge of max 2nd pre molar than 1st premolar
less prominent
tf max 2nd premolar has
more rounded appearance of MB and DB line angles
than max 1st premolar
tf max 2nd premolar has a sharper Buccal cusp tip than max 1st premolar
not as sharp
tf max 1st pre molar has more curved CEJ than max 2nd premolar
max 2nd pre molar
Root —– and smoothly —–
Root conical and smoothly convex
max 2nd pre molar same size
lingual and buccal cusp
; no occlusal surface visible
max 2nd pre molar
Smoothly —–crown and root; —– taper to lingual than teeth anterior to it
Smoothly convex crown and root; less taper to lingual than teeth anterior to it
lingual aspect of max 2nd pre molar
L cusp tip slightly ——- to center
L cusp tip slightly mesial to center
tf on mesial aspect of max 2nd pre molar
B > L cusps
B and L cusps are approximately the same size
single root
max 2nd pre molar
tf on max 2nd pre molar
there is mesial marginal groove but
No mesial concavity or developmental depression on crown
no mesial marginal ridge
almost flat
CEJ of max 2nd premlar
(distal view)
tf max 2nd pre molar has thin occlusal table
Smoothly convex
distal aspect of max second pre molar
More of occlusal surface is visible from mesial view than distal view of max 2nd pre molar
distal view has more occlusal table visible
round and ovoid
occlusal view of max 2nd premolar
line angles
rounded on max 2nd pre molar
smooth outline
buccal outline of max 2nd pre molar(occlusal aspect)
Wider occlusal table (B-L)
occlusal aspect of max 2nd pre molar
short central groove with close M and D triangular fossa
occlusal aspect of mx 2nd premolar
compared to 1st
B and L cusps nearly centered on buccolingual bisecting line
max 2nd pre molar
tf max 2nd pre molar crown appears bilaterally symmetrical
tf max 2nd pre molar only can have 1 pulp canal
can have 2
no major root concavities
on max 2nd pre molar
cross section max 2nd pre molar
Functionally resembles canine;
mandib 1st pre-molar
mandib 1st pre-molar
no significant lingual cusp; shorter root
Larger crown and root than first premolar;
2nd mandib pre molar
functionally resembles molar
Mandibular Second Premolar
(One B cusp and one L cusp)
H and U type
mandib 2nd pre molar
most common type of Mandibular Second Premolar
One B cusp and two L cusps
leeway’s space
Space gained by the difference in mesiodistal dimensions of the premolars and the primary molars
sharp well defined cusp and similar to canine
buccal aspect of mandib 1st pre molar
tf mand 1st pre molar has a bell shaped crown
mesial ridge longer than distal ridge of mand 1st pre molar(buccal view)
mesial slope of mand 1st pre molar
has a concavity
tf mand 1t pre molar has no developmental depressions or concavities
Distinct facial lobes and developmental depressions
CEJ is flat on mand 1st pre molar
CEJ slightly convex toward apex but less than anterior teeth
tf lingual cusps are huge on mand 1st pre molar
f they are small and permit occlusal surface to be visible
mesialdistally ligual surface narrower than buccal
mandibular 1st pre molar
only 1 surface visible on lingual aspect of mand 1st premolar
F multiple surfaces
ridges visible on lingual aspect of mand 1st pre molar
buccle triangular rdge and transverse ridge
tf only distal marginal ridge visible from lingual aspct of mand 1st pre molar
distal and mesial
mand 1st premolar
Lingual height of contour almost —— on the crown
Lingual height of contour almost centered on the crown
unique to mandib 1st pre molar
Prominent mesiolingual developmental groove
mesial aspect of mand 1st pre molar
Crown inclines—– over the root
Crown inclines lingually over the root
tf short lingual cusp tipps the Occlusal plane is “tipped” lingually in mand 1st pre molat
mesial marginal ridge of mand 1st pre molar
is perpendicular to long axis of tooth
mesial marginal ridge is the only marginal ridge of all posterior teeth not perpendicular to long axis of tooth
centered over root vs centered over lingual border of tooth of mand 1st pre molar
buccal cusp vs. lingual cusp
which developmental groove is visible from mesial aspect of mand 1st pre molar
ML developmental groove
transverse ridge presense will prevent central grove from being visible of mand 1st pre molar
sloped mesial marginal ridge of mand 1st pre molar allows for
More of the occlusal surface visible
distal aspect of mand 1st pre molar
Wider buccolingually than mesial surface
tf on distal aspect of mand 1st pre molar
Distal marginal ridge perpendicular to the long axis
tf on mand 1st pre molar
mesial marginal ridge more occlusally positioned than
distal marginal ridge
Distal marginal ridge perpendicular to the long axis (and more occlusally positioned than mesial marginal ridge)
mesial aspect of mand 1st premolar
more occlusal surface visible than distal aspect
less curved CEJ
distal over mesial of mand 1st pre molar
in line with buccal cusp and apex
contact area of mandib 1st pre molar
mand 1st pre molar distal aspect
Contact area slightly broader than the mesial
Diamond shaped outline form
occlusal aspect of mand 1st pre molar
Prominent buccal ridge but uniformly convex buccal outline with much of the buccal surface visible
occlusal of mand 1st pre molar
distal outline more rounded and convex
than mesial outline of mand 1st premolar
convex with indentation
Mesial outline of mand 1st pre molar
indentation of mand 1st pre molar
where ML groove is located;
Prominent line angles but rounded
occlusal of mand 1st pre molar
small lingual cusp
mand 1st pre molar
central grove of mand 1st pre molar
often not distinct
transverse ridge of
occlusal of mand 1st pre molar
tf only mesial fossa of mand 1st pre molar visible
mesial and distal fossa
which marginal ridge is shorter on mand 1st pre molar
mesial or distal
both converge to lingual)
mesial and distal marginal ridge of mand 1st pre molar
ML groove visible
occlusal aspect of mand 1st pre molar
mand 1st pre molar; Occlusal surface (table) occupies most of the—- half of the tooth
Occlusal surface (table) occupies most of the lingual half of the tooth
Mesial contact, facial cusp tip, and distal contact of mand 1st pre molar
fall on straight line which is centered on the crown faciolingually
root of mand 1st pre molar
Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
tf mand 1st pre molar is ovoid
(cross section)
Single root of mand 1s pre molar tapering to —- —- and
Single root tapering to sharp apex and pulp canal
mand 1st pre molar
Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
sloped occlusal surface
mand 1st pre molar
mand 1st pre molar
can have two roots (one buccal and one lingual)
but usually only one root canal
ML developmetnal depression
visible on Mand 1st pre molar
larger and similar to canine
mand P2
tf mand P2 is bell shape
shorter, less pointed and form obtuse angle
buccal cusp of mand P2
tf mesial cusp is longer than distal cusp in mand P2
tf mand P1(mesial and distal cusp slope) is more inclined than mand P2
occlusocervically mesial crown of Mand P2 is
longer than distal crown(mand P2)
shorter buccal cusp of mand P2
cause M&D contacts appear to be higher
smooth with indistinct conveixities or concavities
Mand P2 facial surface
conical with flattened facial surface
Mand P2 root (buccal)
blunt apex
root of Mand P2
Mand P2
CEJ straighter than teeth anterior to it
tf mand P2 is
Wider mesiodistally but
shorter occlusogingivally
than MandP1
wider and longer
Mesial and distal crown outlines convex
mand P2
tf mand P2 has no concavities on mesial and distal crown outline
2 typs of cusps of mand P2
Lingual cusp or cusps shorter
than buccal cusps of Mand P2
tf occlusal surface more visible in mand P2 than mand P1
Occlusal surface less visible than in P1
ML cusp is larger than DL cusp
in y type mand P2
smooth and convex
root of mand P2
tf root of Mand P2 tapers to the lingual more than P1
tapers to the lingual less than P1
mesial aspect of mand P2
Crown and root wider buccolingually than madn P1
which buccal cusp is shorter
mand P1 or mand P2
Mand P2
B cusp tip slightly buccal to center of root
mand P2
higher lingual cusp occlusally
mand P2 or Mand P1
mand p2
Mesial (and distal) marginal ridges—– to long axis of tooth of mand P2
Mesial (and distal) marginal ridges perpendicular to long axis of tooth of mand P2
tf mand P2 has ML developmental groove
CEJ less curved
Mand P1 or Mand P2
Mand P2
root apex blunted
mand P1
or mand P2
mand P2
TF on mand P2 DL cusps are visible on mesial aspect
not visible on mesial aspect
Mand P2 lacks
transverse ridge; defined central groove
on mesial aspect
tf oclusal table of mand P2 is more perpnedicular to long axis than mand P1
mand P2
—- crown outline with a —— tilt
mand P2
Rhomboidal crown outline with a lingual tilt
tf on distal aspect of mand P2
Contact area larger and wider buccolingually than mesial aspect
distal aspect of mand P2
all cusp visible
Y-type P2
DL cusp smaller than ML cusp
in Y-type P2
(distal aspect)
distal aspect mand P2
largest cusp
buccal cusp
prominent triangular ridge
on buccal cusp of mand P2(distal view)
perpendicular to long axis
Distal marginal ridge of mand P2
mand P2 distal view
CEJ flattened and similar to what is seen on molars
square outline form
occlusal of mand P2(y type)
parralel to each other
mesial and distal aspects of mand P2(occlusaL)
Less prominent buccal ridge with less distinct developmental depressions
occlusal of mand P2
what is major grovve pattern of mand P2(occlusal)
order the follwoing cusp in terms of size on mand P2
DL cusp
ML cusp
B cusp
B cusp > ML cusp > DL cusp
lingual grove separates
2 lingual cusps of mand P2(occlusal)
tf lingual groove of mand P2 is mesial to center
distal to center
name type of pits of mand P2
Mesial and distal triangular fossae with pits
and central pits
• More rounded outline form than Y-type
H and U type Mand P2
“H” and “U” types ; mesial and distal profiles are parallel to each other
Mesial and distal profiles not as parallel
converge toward lingual
Mesial and distal profiles of H and U types
No lingual groove or central pit
H and U type Mand P2
in mand P2 h and u types
Buccal cusp smaller than lingual cusp
Buccal cusp larger than lingual cusp
root of Mand P2
Single root with one pulp canal
tf mand P2 root Slightly wider buccolingually and longer than P1
root apex of mand P2
root apex of mand P2
incline distally
Rarely bifurcated of trifurcated root
mand P2 roots
round to ovoid cross section
mand P2 cross section
slightly flattened buccal surface
mand P2(cross section)
cross section of mand P2
Slight taper to the lingual
Single root canal usually
mand p2
Largest crown in mouth
Maxillary First Molar
anchor tooth of maxillary dentition
Maxillary First Molar
Maxillary First Molar
presents basic pattern for permanent maxillary molars
type 5 and 6 vertucci

vertucci 7 and 8

(59.87%) were Vertucci type 4
max 1st molar
—– have some of the highest failure rates in endodontic treatment due to the presence of a second canal in the mesiobuccal root that the clinician fails to detect, debride and obturate.
maxillary molars have some of the highest failure rates in endodontic treatment due to the presence of a second canal in the mesiobuccal root that the clinician fails to detect, debride and obturate.
Carabelli Cusp usually absent
in Max second molar
max second molar –> different from 1st molar
size is smaller with the three roots closer together
Trapezoidal crown outline form
Maxillary First Molar(buccal)
Crown slightly shorter occlusocervically than teeth anterior to it
max 1st molar
Maxillary First Molar have Two buccal cusps separated by buccal groove
buccal groove of max 1st molar
extends halfway up the buccal side
deepest part of depression on buccal surface of
Maxillary First Molar
ocasonal pit
which cusp is larger on buccal side of Maxillary First Molar
MB or DB
MB cusp
sharper and longer cusp on buccal side of
Maxillary First Molar
MB or DB
MB cusp slopes more or less inclined than DB
(Buccal (Facial) Aspect: of max 1st molar)
forms an obtuse angle
forms 90 degrees
DB cusps on max 1st pre molar
Facial (buccal) cervical ridge
passes mesiodistally across cervical third of crown
(buccal aspect of max 1st molar)
is convex and flatter
mesial vs distal profile of max 1st molar
mesial profile of max 1st molar
Distal crown profile convex with concavity in cervical third continuing on root
max 1st molar
tf Buccal CEJ of max 1st molar
more convex than teeth anterior to it
Buccal CEJ much flatter than teeth anterior to it
CEJ of Maxillary First Molar
may dip toward area of buccal furcation
Root trunk in occlusal third of root (approx. 4mm)
max 1st molar

Maxillary First Molar(buccal view)
—- roots visible from common root trunk;
Maxillary First Molar
tf on max 1st molar
root system wider mesiodistally than Crown
Crown wider mesiodistally than root system
Facial developmental groove and furcation in line
max 1st molar
Maxillary First Molar
MB and DB roots may have —– inclination
MB and DB roots may have distal inclination
MB and DB roots
converge at apical third
—– root seen between two buccal roots of max 1st molar
lingual (palatal)
MB root inclination
max 1st molar
90 degree
DB root inclinations
in max 1st molar
MB and DB roots of max 1st molar are wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
MB and DB roots are wider buccolingually than mesiodistally;
L(P) root of max 1st molar wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
which direction does crown diverge on lingual surface of
max 1st molar
to lingual
tf in lingual surface which cusp is the largest
ML of max 1st molar
extends 3/5 of entire width mesiodistally)
ML cusp of max first molar
Cusp of Carabelli (fifth cusp) arises from the —— surface of the ML cusp on max 1st molar
Cusp of Carabelli (fifth cusp) arises from the lingual surface of the ML cusp
small and rounded
DL cusp of max 1st molar
distolingual groove of max 1st molar
separate Two lingual cusps
terminate in a lingual pit in the central portion of the lingual surface in max 1st molar
distolingual groove
Lingual CEJ of max 1st molar
straight to slightly convex
lingual root is broader mesiodistally than buccolingually
max 1st molar
Dominant (largest) lingual root has shallow depression along cervical 2/3 of root and across CEJ
max 1st molar
tf from lingual view of max 1st molar
mesial outline of MB and DB root seen
Entire mesial outline of MB root seen but only partial view of DB root
mesial aspect of max 1st molar;
—– —— ridge connects MB and ML cusps;
Mesial marginal ridge connects MB and ML cusps;
max 1st molar
Crown has trapezoidal outline form
from mesial side
Buccal profile of max 1st molar may appear slightly —–
in middle third (occlusal to cervical ridge)
Buccal profile may appear slightly concave in middle third (occlusal to cervical ridge)
Lingual profile uniformly convex with maximum convexity in middle third from mesial view
max 1st molar
max 1st molar mesial
CEJ shallow (minimum curvature) and irregularly curved toward the occlusal
Root trunk of max 1st molar broad
Faciolingual root spread is —- than faciolingual diameter of crown
max 1st molar mesial view
Faciolingual root spread is broader than faciolingual diameter of crown
MB root broad —– and projects straight beyond crown surface slightly toward the —-
max 1st molar mesial
MB root broad buccolingually and projects straight beyond crown surface slightly toward the buccal
tf on max 1st molar from mesial view
Developmental depression present across 1/3 of MB root
Developmental depression present across 2/3 of MB root
longest and shaped like a banana
lingual root of max 1st molar
lingual root of max 1st molar
first extends lingually beyond crown outline,
then curves in toward the buccal
which furcation is visible of max 1st molar
ML furcation
max 1st molar mesial view
— cusp more centered over root trunk than – cusp
ML cusp more centered over root trunk than MF cusp
Crown is wider and taller on the mesial from mesial view
max 1st molar
tf from mesial view of max 1st molar only 2 cusps are visible
- MB (MF) cusp 2. ML cusp 3. Fifth (Carabelli) cusp
mesial view of max 1st molar
roots present
- Lingual (Palatal) root 2. 2. MB (MF) root
tf Distal marginal ridge longer than mesial marginal ridge buccolingually
max 1st molar
Distal marginal ridge shorter than mesial marginal ridge buccolingually
tf more occlusal surface visible from distal view than mesial view of max 1sst molar
max 1st molar
Buccal surface more visible due to rhomboidal crown form (and D taper)
Proximal contact near crown center
distal aspect of max 1st molar
which cusp is center more over root of max 1st molar
DL or DF
• DL cusp more centered over the root than DF cusp
tf DB root of max 1st molar is smaller than MB root
total number of roots visible from distal side of max 1st molar
DL furcation visible -mm from CEJ
max 1st molar
DL furcation visible 5mm from CEJ
Distinct – concavity in cervical third of crown and root of max 1st molar
Distinct DF concavity in cervical third of crown and root
occlusal of max 1st molar
Rhomboid outline form;
line angle acute of max 1st molar
MB and DL
line nagle obtuse of max 1st molar
(occlusal view)
ML and DB line angles
Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
max 1st molar
which side is wider buccolingually
mesia or distal half of max 1st molar
(mesial half of tooth wider buccolingually than distal half
on max 1st molar
which is wider buccolingually and more prominent
Mesial marginal ridge or distal marginal ridge ?
• Mesial marginal ridge wider than distal marginal ridge buccolingually and more prominent
oblique ridge of max 1st molar
at same level occlusocervically as MMR & DMR)
smallest cusp of max 1st molar and not part of occlusal surface
arrange the following of max 1st molar
ML DL DB MB Carabelli
more centered on tooth than any other cusp
and has two triangular ridges
of max 1st molar
ML cusp
talon of max 1st molr
DL cusp
Trigon of max 1st molar
MB ML DB cusp
Primary cusp triangle centered over root trunk
max 1st molar
Oblique ridge (type of transverse ridge) of max 1st molar
extends from ML cusp to DB cusp
lingual aspect of max 1st molar
- Lingual developmental groove
- Developmental groove of the fifth cusp

- Central developmental groove
- Facial (buccal) developmental groove
- Transverse groove of the oblique ridge
- Distal oblique developmental groove
max 1st molar

how many total fossa are on occlusal of max 1st molar
(central and distal
major 2 fossa of max 1st molar
mesial triangular fossa and distal triangular fossa
2 minor fossa of max 1st molar
root of max 1st molar
Root trunk trifurcated forming 3 root branches: 2 buccal and 1 lingual
largest and longest root of max 1st molar
lingual root
inclines lingually;
lingual root of max 1st molar
wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
lingual root of max 1st molar
shallow depression on lingual surface of root
of max 1st molar
cervical 2/3
max 1st molar lingual root
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
MB root of max 1st molar
second largest and longest root of maxillary 1st molar
MB root
two pulp canals: one buccal, one lingual
max 1st molar
smallest and shortest
DB root of max 1st molar
slightly wider buccolingually than mesiodistally;
max 1st molar ; DB root
inclines distally and buccally
max 1st molar ; DB root
cervical cross section max 1st molar
Wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
and has buccal and lingual depressions
tf max 2nd molar is smaller and has three roots closer together than max 1st molar
Carabelli Cusp usually absent
max 2nd molar
max M2 buccal view
Crown shorter and narrower mesiodistally than M1
tf max M2 only has 1 buccal cusp visible from the buccal aspect
Two buccal cusps visible (MB & DB)
wich cusp of max M2 is sharper and more prominent than Max M1
MB cusp
tf max M2 has a Facial cervical ridge more pronounced than M1
Facial cervical ridge less pronounced than M1
tf all Three roots visible of Max M2 from buccal side
three roots of max 2nd molar
max 2nd molar (mesial view)
MB root curves distally with apex over furcation area
max M2 buccal
Buccal furcation slightly distal to the facial developmental groove
M2 vs M1 root
Roots shorter, closer to each other, and inclined more distally than M1
tf all the roots of max M2 are parrallel to each other
from lingual aspect of max M2
all rooots and cusps visible
DL groove of Max M2
terminates at a point further distal and occlusal than Max M1
(ends more midlingually)

the cusps of Max M2
which cusp is smaller on the max M2
DL or ML
tf max M2 has o fifth (Carabelli) cusp
No fifth (Carabelli) cusp usually
Palatal (lingual) root of Max M2(lingual aspect)
root smoothly convex
Apex of palatal root
Max M2(lingual)
over DL cusp
mesial aspect of max M2
Two cusps and two roots visible
L (P) root and MB root
max M2 mesial
cusps visible from mesial side of Max M2
ML cusp , MB cusp
Facial cervical ridge of Max M2 (mesial view)
less prominent than M1
missing and not as pronounced
Cervical concavity or flattening on mesial aspect of max M2
centered mesial contact
max 2nd molar(mesial aspect)
tf Max M2 has a convex CEJ
Less pronounced mesial marginal ridge
that is perpendicular to marginal ridge
max 2nd molar
MB and L roots of max M2
less divergent
MB and L roots of max M2
located well within the crown outline
tf from distal aspect of Max M2
all the cusps and roots are visible
tf Faciolingual root dimension of max M2 smaller than M1
which cusps of max M2 are shorter
DB and DL
tf from distal view of max M2 there is no occlusal surfce visible
more of occlusal surface is visible because of
Smaller DB and DL cusps
distal contact of max M2
is more centered
Crown of max M2 tapers toward distal
thus more B and L surface visible
Lingual cusps of max M2 (distal view) over
lingual root
tf max m2 (distal view ) have a longer root trunk
tf M1 and M2 maxilary both have db concavity
max M2 has no Db concavity
MB and DL line angles of Max M2 are less acute than in
Max M1
more acute
outine form of max M2
tapers toward lingual and more constricted
Max M1 or Max M2
Max M2 (occlusaL)
largest cusp of MaxM2
ML cusp
DL cusp
small in Max M2
tf Max M1 and M2
have same groove pattern and fossa configuration
tf Max M1 and M2 have different ridge configuration
F they are the same
max 2nd molar
Buccal roots inclined distally and closer together
tf buccal roots of Max M2 are shaped like pliers
more parralel to each other
which has smaller lingual root
Max M1 or M2
Max M2
lingual root incline distally
tf max m2 have multiple pulp canal per root
One pulp —– per cusp in max m2
One pulp horn per cusp
facial aspex of Max M3
very variable
tf max M3 is large than M2 and smaller thanM1
smaller than both
More rounded crown form
Maxillary Third Molar
—— area of Max M3 more narrow
Cervical area more narrow
Roots of Max M3
fused and more curved toward distal
Max M3
one large lingual cusp
(can have DL cusp but mostly absent)
tf in Max M3 only Crown converge dramatically toward lingual
Crown and root system converge dramatically toward lingua
Root system of Max M3 compact and curves toward —-
Root system compact and curves toward distal
(lingual view)
mesial outline of max m3
resembles general outline of maxillary molars
from mesial view of max M3 which cusp are visible
MB and L cusps
Max M3 mesial view ;
CEJ —– in form
CEJ irregular in form
max thrid molar (mesial view)
Fused root system with furcation in apical third of root
which view of Max M3 are more anatomic features visible
tf on max M3 Crown height shorter on distal view
More occlusal surface visible
from distal view of Max M3
occlusal aspect of max M3
tf occlusal view of Max M3 is trapezoid shape
heart shape
longest cusp of max M3
lingual cusp
tf on occlusal view of Max M3
crown tapers only to distal view
Crown tapers dramatically toward distal and lingual
tf occlusal groove pattern of Max M3 has secondary groove pattern
Primary triangle
occlusal view of Max M3
irregular outline form and multiple depressions
cervical cross sectional of Max M3
tf we have larger jaws than ancestors
and we have plety of room to house 32 teeth
ur wisdom teeth often become impacted, or blocked from erupting.’
Has the greatest mesiodistal dimension of any tooth in the mouth
mandib 1st molar
number of cusps for
mand 1st molar
Mand 1st molar
Anchor tooth of Mandibular arch
3 buccla and 2 lingual cusps
mand 1st molar
4 cusps
mand M2
tf Mand M2 is smaller than mand M1
C-shaped canal is a special feature of some
lower second molars.
Some or all of the canal orifices are joined in the form of a groove or isthmus with a shape of the letter C.
mand M2
The continuous C-shaped canal
Type I C shaped canal

type 2 c shaped canal
The semicolon shaped canal

Two discrete and separate canals.
Type III : c shaped canal

the shape is an uninterrupted ‘C’ with no separation or division.
c1 melton

the canal shape resembles a semicolon resulting from a discontinuation of the ‘C’ outline.
Category C2: Melton

two separated canals.
Category C3a:

three separated canals. C
Category C3b: Melton

Category C4:
only one round or oval canal.

PERICORONITIS (Acute or Chronic)
Inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth
Mand M3
tf Third Molars Have a High Incidence of Pathology
Not more than 12% of impacted teeth have associated pathology
tf Early Removal of Third Molars Is Less Traumatic
Early removal of third molars is actually more traumatic and painful than leaving asymptomatic, nonpathologic teeth in situ
tf Third molars do not possess sufficient force to move other teeth or cause crowding, overlapping
tf There is no evidence of a significant increase in third-molar pathology with age
tf There is Little Risk of Harm in the Removal of Third Molars
Days of “standard discomfort or disability”—pain, swelling, bruising, and malaise result postoperatively, and more than 11,000 people suffer permanent paresthesia
mand 1st molar
has — buccal cusp separateed by — grooves
names of grooves that separate the 3 buccal cusps of mand
1st molar
mesiobuccal developmental groove and distobuccal developmental groove
order of size of 3 buccal cusps of mand M1
tf from buccal aspect of mand M1
lingual cusp is shorter than buccal cusp
is longer
which are more blunt on mand M1
buccal or lingual cusp
buccal cusp
most blunt buccal cusp of mand M1
tf 4 cusps are visible from buccal side of mand M1
all 5 cusp visible
Mesiobuccal groove slightly —– to crown center mesiodistally of Mand M1 buccally
Mesiobuccal groove of Mand M1
extends halfway down the buccal surface terminating with pit
mesial to root bifurcation
MB groove
Distobuccal groove near DB line angle runs —–
to distal root
Mand M1
Distobuccal groove near DB line angle runs parallel to distal root
MAnd M1
sl. longer than MB groove
(mand M1 buccal view)
DB groove
tf from buccal view of Mand M1
all of Mesial profile convex
cervical 1/3 which appears somewhat concave
tf distal profile (buccal view of Mand M1)
straight al the way through
Distal profile straight until convex at D contact area
Buccal cervical ridge runs —— in cervical third of crown.
(buccal view of Mand M1)
Buccal cervical ridge runs mesiodistally in cervical third of crown
Slight depressed area just occlusal to CEJ of Mand M1
Slight —– area just occlusal to CEJ(buccal view)
Buccal CEJ slightly —— apically
(mand M1 buccal view)
Buccal CEJ slightly curved apically
(mand M1 buccal view)
Buccal CEJ of Mand M1
may dip toward bifurcation midbuccally
tf from buccal view of Mand M!
3 roots are visible
2 roots visible
mesial root curves —– half way down;
Mand M1
mesial root curves distally half way down;
mesial root of Mand M1
Often deep developmental depressions on both M&D aspects (buccal view)
distal root of MAnd M1 projects distally
(Mand M1)
and can turn mesially, distally, or not at all
root trunk
3mm wide
lingual aspect of Mand M1
tf MAnd m1 appears taller from lingual
Lingual aspect of Mand M1
taller root trunk
root trunk of MAnd M1 lingual
Crown surface of Mand M1 longer mesiodistally than buccal aspect
Crown surface smaller mesiodistally than buccal aspect
lingual groove of Mand M!
separates Two cusps of approximately equal size
tf lingual groove of Mand M1 is shorter than buccal groove
and has no lingual pit
bifurcatin of Mand M1 in line with
lingual groove
taller and sharper
buccal or lingual cusp of Mand M1
lingual cusp
tallest cusp of lingual cusp s of Mand M1
tf mesial and distal profiles of Mand M1 are convex throughout entire lingual aspect
flat CEJ of Mand M1
in lingual view
tf from lingual aspect of Mand M1 no buccal cusp is visible
part of buccal cusp is visible
on Mand M1
from which side are roots narrower
lingual or buccal
crown of Mand M1 from mesial
mesial aspect of Mand M1
crown tilts to lingual in relation to long axis
which cusp taller from mesial view of Mand M!
ML or MB
ML and MB cusps
well within borders of mesial root
of Mand M1(mesial)
mesial marginal ridge has
mesial marginal groove
on Mand M1 (mesial view)
distance of mesial marginal ridge of mand M1 in comparison to height of cusps(mesial view)
1 mm
mand M!
Mesial root very broad —– with shallow—— or —-
Mesial root very broad buccolingually with shallow concavity or depression
Buccal profile of Mand M1
Lingual profile of Mand M1
CEJ of Mand m1 ——- or slightly —— toward occlusal
CEJ straight or slightly curved toward occlusal
Usually —– or slightly —— area of mand M1 in cervical third of crown
Usually flattened or slightly concave area in cervical third of crown
mesial aspect of Mand M1
Contact area centered
contact area of Mand M1
slightly buccal and occlusal to midpoint of crown
distal aspect of Mand M1
Smaller buccolingually than mesial surface
mand m1
tapers dramatically towards distal
(distal view)
tf mesial and distal view of Mand M!
Buccal and lingual profiles are similar
distal view of Mand M!
Portions of all five cusps visible
from distal view of mand m1
which cusp is most lingually positioned
D cusp
DB line angle of mand M1
DB groove visible near
total surfaces vissible from distal view of mand m1
facial , distal , occlusal ,distal surface of mesial root
tf mand m1 distal view; distal marginal ridge is centered
mand m1 distal view
Distal marginal ridge much longer than mesial marginal ridge
Distal marginal ridge much shorter than mesial marginal ridge
midpoint of Mand M1(distal view)
distal marginal groove
distal contact of Mand M1
facial to center
Mand M1 distal view
Distal root narrower buccolingually with shallow distal depression
Distal root of mand m1 has continuous —- with sharper —- than mesial root
Distal root has continuous taper with sharper apex than mesial root
from occlusal view of mand M1
pentagon outline shape
tf mand m1
Wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
which side of Mand M1 is wider mesiodistally
which side of Mand M1 is widest buccolingually
cusp slopes and 2 marginal ridges of mand M1
border Occlusal table
which side of Mand M1 is more visible from occlusal
buccal or lingual
arrange the following cusps in terms of size of Mand M1 from occlusal
Inner —– ridges of cusps shown from occlusal of Mand M1
Inner triangular ridges of cusps shown from occlusal of Mand M1
name the three fosa visible from occlusal of MAnd M1
which fossa of mand M1 contain central pit
central fossa
shallow pits of mand m1 onf occlusal view
mesial and distal triangular fossae
from occlusal view of Mand M1 name the types of grooves
tf Occlusal view; mesial marginal grove wider than distal marginal groove of mand M1
from the occlusal view of mand M1 which side does the crown converge
from occlusal view of mand m1
which side of mand m1 shows straighter outline with little
taper; mesial or distal
cervical cross section of mand m1
Wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
cross section of mand M1
root trunk
contain facial and lingual depressions
roots of mand m1
has two pulp canals (B and L)
D root of mand m1
one pulp canal but often two (B and L)
tf only mesial root of mand m1
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
both mesial and distal
longitudinal grooves
developmental depression of mand m1 on mesial and distal surface of mesial and distal roots
Mand M1 Mesial root broader and slightly longer than distal root
mesial root of mand m1
projects mesially from CEJ to middle third of root,
then curves slightly to the distal;
mand m1 distal root
distal root smaller; projects distally
mand m2 buccal aspct
Smaller than M1, larger than M3
tf from buccal aspect of mand m2 crown and is shorter than m1
buccla grove of mand m2 (buccal aspect0
separates MB and DB cusps
tf MB cusp > DB cusp of mand m2
tf buccal aspect of mand m2 has a buccal pit
tf from buccal view of mand m2
all 3 cusp visible
all 4
buccal view of mand m2
—– groove and —- in line with each other
Buccal groove and bifurcation in line with each other
tf huge curvature in mand m2 CEJ from buccal view
no curvature , straight
from buccal view of mand m2
which side is roudned
mesial or distal
which contact of mand m2 (buccal veiw)
closer to junction of middle and occlusal thirds
mesial or distal
Mesial contact closer to junction of middle and occlusal thirds
mand m2 Roots closer together and show greater distal inclination
which root is longer from buccal view of mand M2
mesial or distal view
mesial root
lingual aspect of mand m2
Crown shorter than M1 and narrower mesiodistally
equal in length mesiodistally (mand m2)
Lingual width mesiodistally almost equal to buccal width
taper to lingual
lingual aspect of mand m2
name the 2 prominent cusp visible of mand m2 from lingual aspect
ML and DL
tf from lingual aspect of mand m2
DL cusp > ML cusp
tf lingual cusp of mand m2 are sharper than buccal cusp
Lingual —– groove in line with —–
of mand m2(lingual view)
Lingual developmental groove in line with bifurcation
of mand m2(lingual view)
tf root trunk is longer on buccal aspect than lingual aspect of mand m2
lingual aspect
mesial aspect of mand m2
Crown outline similar to M1 (rhomboidal or parallelogram
tf mand m2 has narrower occlusal table than m1 (mesial veiw)
short and shallow
mesial marginal ridge of mand m2
(mesial veiw)
mand m2
ML cusp—- than MB cusp
mand m2
ML cusp taller than MB cusp
from mesial view
which cusp more centered over root
MB or Ml cusp
MB cusp
Buccal cervical ridge of mand m2 —- pronounced than M1
Buccal cervical ridge of mand m2 less pronounced than M1
Mesial contact of mand m2 closer to —- of middle and occlusal thirds(mesial view)
Mesial contact of mand m2 closer to junction of middle and occlusal thirds
which height of contour of MAnd M2 is more occlusally positioned
lingual or buccal ?
Lingual height of contour more occlusally positioned
mesial view of mand M2
Root narrower than M1 with sharper apex
distal view of mand m2
Distal marginal ridge more gingivally positioned than mesial
tf from distal view less occlusal table is visible than mesial view
more is visible
tf only 2 cusps of mand m2 are visible from distal view of mand m2
all 4
from distal view of mand m2
no distal cusp or DB groove
tf distal and mesial surface of mand m2 are same size
Distal surface is almost as large as mesial (but not quite)
distal contact area of mand m2
more centered
narrower and poiitned tip
mand m2 (distal view)
root mand m2 (distal view)
uniformly convex
tf occusal view of mand m2 has a hexgonal shape
from occlusal view of mand m2 which side is more rounded
distal or mesial
arrange the cusps of mand m2 from large to small
which cusps of mand m2 are closer together
distal or mesial
(occlusal view)
mesial cusp
number of grooves of mand m2 and type
types of fossa of mand m2
Central fossa, mesial and distal triangular fossae
which fossa of mand m2 has deepest pits
Central fossa, mesial or distal triangular fossa
occlusal view of mand m2
Proximal contacts in middle 1/3
Mesial third of crown slightly —- buccolingually than distal third
of mand m2 occlusal
Mesial third of crown slightly wider buccolingually than distal third
occlusal of mand m2
buccal third —– mesiodistally than lingual third
buccal third wider mesiodistally than lingual third
roots of mand m2
Similar to M1 but usually shorter and closer together
tf roots of mand m2
are only separate
Occasionally may be partially or totally fused (with C-shaped canal) or further apart like M1
Wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
cevical cross section of mand m2
which side of mand m2 is wider buccolingually
mesial and distal
(mesial half wider buccolingually
canals in mesia vs distal root of mand m2
bifurcation of mand m2
has Facial and lingual depressions ass. with it
c shaped canal of mand m2
The name comes from the appearance of the pulp chamber floor when viewed from above.
tf Mandibular Third Molar variable only in size
F in size and shape
congenitally missing
mand molar 3
can resemble m1 or m2
mand m3
tf crown and root of mand m3 is larger than m1 and m2
occlusal of mand m3 tapering occurs
to distal
MAnd m3 ;
Occlusal groove pattern variable with more ——
Occlusal groove pattern variable with more supplementary grooves
tf mand m3 is square shape
round shape
occlusal of mand m3
has 4 cusps
mand m3 ; which half is wider buccolingually
mesial or distal?
mesial half wider buccolingually
tf mand m3
crown; root= 1;1.5
Bulbous outline from proximal, with small occlusal table
mand m3
mand m3
cusp tips may be —– together than M1 and M2
mand m3
cusp tips may be closer together than M1 and M2
tf mand m3
Roots taper dramatically toward apex
short, fused, or compressed
roots of mand m3
distal inclination
mand m3 roots
smallest and shortest of all mandibular molar roots
distal root of mand molar 3
cervical cross section of mand m3
2 canals in mesial root
1 canal in distal root
Root outline tapered toward the distal
mand m3 cervical cross section
order the eruption sequence of primary dentition
lateral incisors
central incisor
Second molars
primary molars
Central incisors
Lateral incisors
First molars (“One year molars”)
Second molars (“Two year molars”)
very similar in form to permanent counterparts, but smaller and less pronounced morphologic features
tf incisors primary teeth have no mammelons
crown of incisors (primary)
appear squatted
tf primary incisors onlhave buccal cervical ridges
buccal and cervical ridges
incisor primary teeth
mesial CEJ more incisally positioned than distal
roots of incisor(primary teeth)
narrow and pointed
—- angle of lower lateral incisor (primary) quite rounded
DI angle of lower lateral incisor (primary) quite rounded
diamond shaped crown4
– maxillary canine primary teeth
diff between maxillary canine and permanent max canine
max canine
has longer mesial cusp ridge (slope) than distal slope
maxillary canine (primary) has marked —- and —- cervical bulges
maxillary canine has marked facial and lingual cervical bulges
arrow-shaped crown
primary mandibular canine
mandib canine(primary tooth)
mandibular canine has shorter mesial slope than distal slope
more slender with less prominent marginal ridges on lingual aspect
primary mandib canine
basically resembles maxillary premolar
max 1st molar
major cusps of max 1st molar
MB and Ml
DB and DL cusps
insig in size of max first molar
largest cusp of max 1st molar
tf max 1st molar crown is more wide occlusocervically than mesiodistally
crown wider mesiodistally than occlusocervically
primary max 1st molar
prominent —– and —– cervical heights of contour (bulges)
prominent B & L cervical heights of contour (bulges)
slender and flared
roots of max 1st molar
how many roots are on primary 1st molar
tf primary 1st molar has a huge root trunk
small root trunk
morphologically identical to permanent maxillary 1st molar including cusp of Carabelli;
primary max 2nd molar
smaller and squatter than permanent maxillary 1st molar
primary maxillary 2nd molar
roots of primary max 2nd molar
more flared and slender
small rot trunk
prrimary max 2nd molar
primary max 2nd molar
greatest faciolingual diameter of all primary teeth
tf primary max 2nd molar is smaller than primary 1st molar
larger than primary 1st molar
primary mandib 2nd molar
identical to permanent mandibular 1st molar
primary mandib 2nd molar
smaller and squatter than permanent mandibular 1st molar
cervical bulges and constriction
primary mand 2nd molar
more flared and slender than permanent 1st molar
roots of primary mandib 2nd molar
how many roots for primary mandib 2nd molars
M and D
small root trunk
primary mandib 2nd molar
tf primary teeth are darker than perament teeth
have more pronounced cervical ridges (
primary teeth or permanent
primary teeth
more constricted at the cervix (neck)
primary or permanent
primary teeth
tf crown roots are long and narrow in relation to crown width and length
most unique primary tooth morphologically
primary mandibular first molar
Primary teeth are smaller in overall dimensions
to permanent teeth
large pulps with long pulp horns
primary teeth
more flared and slender roots which extend beyond the crown outlines, thus allowing space for the growth and development of the succeeding permanent teeth
primary molar
primary molars
short root trunks
and furcation areas approaching the CEJ
tf Primary pre-molars have buccal and lingual surfaces that are more convergent occlusally, result in narrow occlusal table
Primary molars have buccal and lingual surfaces that are more convergent occlusally
correct the statement
primary teeth; thin enamel with dispersed thickness
primary teeth; thin enamel with consistent thickness
difference between primary molar and permanent molars
enamel rods of primary molars at the CEJ point occlusally rather than gingivally as with permanent molars
Primary teeth have lot of dentin between pulp and dentino-enamel junction (DEJ)
Primary teeth have little dentin between pulp and dentino-enamel junction (DEJ)
comparatively longer and narrower roots with respect to their crowns
primary ant teeth
primary ant teeth vs permanent ant teeth
primary ant teeth
appear wider mesiodistally and shorter occlusocervically
lack mammelons on incisal ridge
primary ant teeth
tf The teeth of children and young people are more sensitive than the teeth of older people to thermal change and dental operative procedures
leeway space
Primary molars are wider mesiodistally than the premolars that replace them
leeway space
allows space for some mesial movement of the permanent first molars as the premolars erupt
As jaws grow, spacing between —- ——occurs thus providing room for the larger permanent successors to erupt
As jaws grow, spacing between primary anteriors occurs thus providing room for the larger permanent successors to erupt
erupt at age 7-8
lower lat inc
upper central inc
upper m1 and lower canine
erupt at age 9-10
erupt at age 6-7
lower m1 and Central incisor
erupt at age 10-12
lower p1
upper P2
erupt at 17-21
m3 up and down
erupt at age 11-12
upper canine
and lower P2
erupt at age 11-13
lower M2
erupt at age 12-13
upper M2
erupt at age 10-11
upper P1
lat inc of upp
erupt at 8-9
primary teeth
Guide the permanent teeth to erupt at the correct position in the dental arch since the permanent teeth grow under the primary teeth
The current U.S. population with access to fluoridated water is approximately — percent.
The current U.S. population with access to fluoridated water is approximately 74 percent.
—- of all dental fluorosis was the very mild to mild form of dental fluorosis
dental fluorosis was present in 22.3% of the children examined
tf primary molar have Thicker dentin in central fossa than
permanent molar
thinner enamel
primary or permanent molar
primary molar
Higher pulp horns and larger pulp chamber
primary or permanent molar
primary molar
tf permanent molar have
More pronounced cervical ridges than primary molar
tf in prmary molar . Enamel rods near CEJ slope gingivally
. Enamel rods near CEJ slope occlusally
. More constricted cervix
primary molar or permanent molar
primary molar
slender and longer , flared root
primary molar
0 6 y.o.
primary teeth
12 y.o.+
permanent teeth
6-12 y.o.
mixed dentition
R-L(upper teeth)
primary teeth
L-R(lower teeth)
primary teeth
primary teeth
8 in each quadrant
permanent dentition
5 in each quadrant
primary dentition
permanent notation
with symbol of direction
palmer notation primary teeth
primary dentition
2 incisor 1 canine
2 molars

1, Inferior alveolar artery; 2, dental arteriole; 3, pulpal branches;

4, periodontal ligament arteriole; 5 and 6, interalveolar arterioles.

hard and soft palate

The anteroposterior curved line that connects the cusp tips of the posterior teeth
curve of spee

The mediolateral curved line that connects the buccal and lingual cusp tips on each side of the arch (frontal view
curve of wilson

crest or ridge that extends from the apex of a cusp of a premolar or molar tooth toward the central part of the occlusal surface
triangular ridge

a U- or W-shaped ridge at the base of the lingual surface of the crown of the upper incisors and cuspidteeth,

a pointed end where two curves meet, in particular.

. A small elevation of variable size on the crown of a tooth representing a thickened area of enamel or an accessory cusp.

ridge of teeth
any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth and is named according to its location

marginal ridge

transverse ridge

triangular ridge

oblique ridge

A rounded or angular depression in the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth bordered by the cusp ridges and the occlusal table.

sulcus tooth
The gingival sulcus is an area of potential space between a tooth and the surrounding gingival tissue and is lined by sulcular epithelium.

he slight depression dividing the lobes on an anterior tooth, and running parallel with the long axis.
developmental grove

supplemental groove
minor, auxiliary groove that branches off from a much more prominent developmental groove.

post teeth line angle
occlusolingual line angle

mesial buccal and distal buccal line angle
post teeth

incisocervicl dimension

mesiodistal and buccal lingual line angle
post teeth

4 types of occlusal line angle on post teeth

labioincisal line angle on
ant teeth

mesio occlucal and lingual occlusal line angle
post teeth

point angle on post teeth
mesiolingual occlusal
distal lingual occlusal3

post teeth
mesialbuccal occlusal point angle
distal buccal occlusal point angle

ant teeth
mesiolingual incisal and distal lingual incisal point angle

mesial lingual incisal point angle
and\distal lingual incisal point angle of ant teeth

perikymata (Greek plural of perikyma)
are the pits around the long prisms of tooth enamel. They indicate the places where enamel-producing cells used to make contact with neighboring cells and are the result of normal enamel apposition.

incisal occlusal embrasure

buccal embrasure

lingual embrasure

ging or cervical embrasure embrasure

never flat
Allows maximum use of occlusal contacts
occlusal plane
divisions of tooth come together to form tooth
mesial, buccal (labial on canine), distal, and
cusp ridges
triangular cusp (post teeth)
lingual ridge(canine)
all form gothic pyramid
interdental pappilla
An extension of the gingiva that normally fills the triangular space (i.e. gingival embrasure) between two adjacent teeth in contact just below (cervical to) the proximal contact area
A space between two adjacent teeth (not contacting) in the same dental arch
Subgingival restorative dental margins can cause periodontal inflammation and bone loss if placed too far —-.
Subgingival restorative dental margins can cause periodontal inflammation and bone loss if placed too far apically.
Violations of biologic width
when margins are placed closer than 2 mm to the alveolar bone crest. (
order the following top to bottom
ging sulcus
CT attachment
junc ep.
ging sulcus
junc ep.
CT attachment
both 1mm
junc ep and CT attachment
.7 mm
ging sulcus
Infringement on the Biologic Width by cutting tooth structure
gingival inflammation -
periodontal pocket formation -
alveolar bone loss
Consequently, it is recommended that there be at least —mm between the gingival margin and bone crest to avoid infringement on the Biologic Width
Consequently, it is recommended that there be at least 3.0 mm between the gingival margin and bone crest to avoid infringement on the Biologic Width
- subgingival caries or fracture
- inadequate clinical crown length for retention
- unequal or unaesthetic gingival heights
patient will need surgical intervention
—- —– on sound tooth structure and retention form, any surgery should provide at least – mm from the apical extent of the caries or fracture to the bone crest
margin placement on sound tooth structure and retention form, any surgery should provide at least 4 mm from the apical extent of the caries or fracture to the bone crest
Placement of the restorative margin —– mm into the sulcus allows for the maintenance of the biologic width.
Placement of the restorative margin 0.5 mm into the sulcus allows for the maintenance of the biologic width.
used for cutting
flat with —— biting edge
flat with horizontal biting edge
tf incisors are single rooted
tf incisors are only teeth with mamelons
cut food and ant. guidance
help to support the lip and maintain an esthetic appearance
articulate speech
The roots frequently incline or curve —-
The roots frequently incline or curve distally
The distal crown contours of incisor are usually more rounded than the mesial
The mesial contact areas of incisors appear more gingivally positioned
The distal contact areas appear more gingivally positioned
used for piercing and tearing
longest teeth in mouth
eminent facially (esthetic support)
cornestones of mouth
tf canines have 2-3 roots
F single rooted
the only teeth to possess single conical cusp
canine eminence
the positions and forms of canines and their anchorage in the bone, along with the bone ridge over the labial portions of the roots
canine eminence
significant estetic and cosmetic value
help form a foundation that ensures normal facial expression at the “corners” of the mouth
The distal crown contours of canines
are usually more rounded than the mesial
The distal contact areas of canines
appear more gingivally positioned
the roots of canine
frequently incline or curve distally
All teeth have facial height of contour in
cervical third of crown
All upper posterior teeth have
lingual height of contour in middle 1/3 of crown
All lower posterior teeth have lingual height of contour
more occlusally positioned than upper (middle 1/3 or junction of middle and occlusal 1/3)
All upper posterior teeth have —- —– lingual surface and a relatively—— buccal surface
All upper posterior teeth have 2 planar lingual surface and a relatively straight buccal surface
All lower posterior teeth have —– —– buccal surface and a relatively —– lingual surface
All lower posterior teeth have 2 planar buccal surface and a relatively straight lingual surface
All proximal heights of contour —- with proximal contact areas
All proximal heights of contour coincide with proximal contact areas
Proximal contact areas of all ——- teeth generally are —— and —– to the midpoint of the crown
Proximal contact areas of all posterior teeth generally are buccal and occlusal to the midpoint of the crown
Premolars replace (succeed)
primary molars
Mandibular teeth erupt before
maxillary counterparts
All anterior teeth and premolars are formed by
4 developmental lobes, 3 facial and 1 lingual
Y-type mandibular 2nd premolar which has
5 lobes (3 facial and 2 lingual)
All maxillary premolars have two cusps
of approximately equal size.
All mandibular premolars have two cusps of approximately equal size.
The mandibular premolars may have more than two cusps (i.e. Y-type P2) and the lingual cusps are less prominent.
mandibular premolars incline significantly towards the
Maxillary premolars are wider
buccolingually than mesiodistally
The mandibular premolars have approximately equal
buccolingual and mesiodistal dimensions
first premolar is usually larger than the second
max premolars
second premolar is usually larger than the first
mandibular premolar
maxillary first premolar is the only premolar that normally has —- root branches
maxillary first premolar is the only premolar that normally has two root branches
(All premolars “succeed” (erupt in the positions of) the
primary molars
hexagon shape
max P1
maxP2;Mand P1
Mand P2
3 to 5 cusps
permanent molars
tf largest occlusal surfaces of any teeth is of pre molars
2;3 roots
low molar; upper molars
1 lobe/ cusp
all molars
used for grinding
pulp horn;lobe; cusp
all molars
one lobe per cusp
considered cornerstones to development of occlusion
all molars
Permanent molars erupt
distal to primary dentition
upper post teet; lower post teeth
2 planar lingual surface and a relatively straight buccal surface; 2 planar buccal surface and a relatively straight lingual surface
All proximal heights of contour coincide with proximal contact areas
Proximal contact areas of all posterior teeth generally are
—— and —— to the midpoint of the crown
Proximal contact areas of all posterior teeth generally are buccal and occlusal to the midpoint of the crown
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
Maxillary molars
wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
Mandibular molars
are the most variable teeth morphologically
Upper and lower 3rd molars
are second most variable teeth morphologically
maxillary lateral incisors
Permanent mandibular first molars begin calcification
(formation) at birth
which one erupts first
mandibular or maxillary counterpart
Mandibular teeth erupt before maxillary counterpart
largest teeth in the maxillary arch
max molars
Shorter occlusogingivally
ant tooth or max molars
permanent max molars
max molars
largest; small
1st; 2nd molar
Crowns of max molars are wider —- than —-
Crowns are wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
Three roots normally
permananent max molar
2 buccal 1 lingual
Oblique ridge and distolingual groove
max molars
rhomboid outline
max molars
(M# heart)
first max molars have
fifth cusp (Carabelli) and is smallest of cusps
arrange the cusps of max molar based on size
erupts at age 18
max third molar
sometimes congenitally missing
max 3rd molar
Most variable tooth morphologically in the maxillary arch
max 3rd molar
max M3 is larger in all dimensions than M2
Smaller in all dimensions than M2
short roots
Max M3
roots pronounced and distal inclination
max m3
irregular profile from the mesial and distal aspect
crown of M3
Oblique ridge of Max M3
barely visible
Common occlusal outline form is heart shaped due to very small or totally absent DL cusp
Max M3
max m3
Pit and groove pattern more variable
Crowns appear rectangular from the occlusal aspect
mand molar
mand m1
crown is pentagonal
mand molars Much larger than premolars except
occlusogingivally where they are slightly shorter
arrange the mand molar in terms of size
mand molar
Crowns are wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
Always two lingual cusps of approximately the same size
mand molar
Like their maxillary counterparts, no primary predecessors
mand molar
proximal aspect of mand molar
crowns appear rhomboidal and are inclined toward the lingual
M and D roots
mand molars
no primary predecessors
mand molars
No —— in the primary dentition
No premolars in the primary dentition
All primary teeth begin calcification process
4-5 months in utero
All primary teeth emerge (erupt) by
age 2-3 years (2.5 years average)
Roots of primary teeth complete formation approximately
1-2 years after eruption
roots are about —- formed at eruption
Roots begin to resorb approximately—- years before —-
Roots begin to resorb approximately 2-3 years before exfoliation
Primary dentition exists until beginning of —– dentition with the emergence (eruption) of the permanent first molars at age —–
Primary dentition exists until beginning of mixed dentition with the emergence (eruption) of the permanent first molars at age six
permanent 1st molars
erupt distal to the primary second molars
permanent molars
have no primary predecessors
Erupts at approximately age seven
Maxillary Central Incisor
erupts at age 8
max lat incisors
Mandibular Central Incisor
Erupts between age 6-7
Erupts at age 7-8
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
age 10
max second pre molars
Maxillary First Premolar erupt
age 9
max canine; mand canine
erupt at age 9
mandib 1st pre-molar
mandib 2nd pre-molar
erupt at age 10
erupt at age 6
Maxillary First Molar
erupt age 12
max second molar
max 3rd molar
(Erupts at age 18+)
Erupts at age 12
mand M2
erupt at age 6
Mandibular First Molar
4 lobes 1 cusp 1 root 1 root canal
Max central incisor
lateral incisor
tf max P1 have 1 cusp 1 root 1 root canal
have 2 of each
tf max and mandible
central incisor lat incisor and canine P1 have 5 lobes
all have 4 lobes
tf all teeth have facial cervical HOC at Cervical 1/3
nill distal contact
M3( max and mindible)
only teeth to have incisal 1/3 distal contact
(others are middle 1/3)
(maxilla central incisor is at junction)
Mandible central incisor
Lateral incisor
distal contact at junction
maxilla central incisor
middle 1/3 mesial contact
maxilla, mandible
M1 M2M3
max and mandible central incisor
incisal 1/3 contact
mesial contact
diff between mesial contact of maxilla , mandible
lat incisor and canine
middle 1/3
1 or 2 roots canals on mandible
lat incisor
1 or 2 roots on mandible
2 cusps on mandible
4 lobes on mandible
Central incisor
lat incisor
4 or 5 cusps on maxila
4:3 cusp on maxilla
3 roots on maxilla
3 or 4 root canals on maxila
M1 or M2
tf M3 of maxilla has 2 cusps roots root canals
alll 3
tf P2 and M2 have 4 lobes on maxilla
tooth on maxilla with 5 lobes
4 or 5 lobes
M3 on maxilla
lobes; cusps; roots on maxilla
vs 4;4;3
P2 vs. M2
tooth on maxilla with 4 or 5 cusps
3 or 4 root canals on maxilla
M1 or M2
4 or 5 lobes on maxilla
cervical 1/3 lingual hoc on mandible
central inc, lat inc, canine
tf all teeth on mandible have middle 1/3 distal contact
central and lat incisor dont
only teeth on mandible that don;t have middle 1/3 mesial contact, but have incisal 1/3
central incisor
lat incisor
cervical 1/3 lingual hoc
central incisor, lat incisor, canine
on mandible
tf most of teeth on mandible have middle 1/3 lingual hoc
except incisors and canine
only teeth of mandible to have 5 lobes
P1 , P2
tf M3 of mandible can have only 4 lobes
4 or 5
4 or 5 lobes, cusps
M3 of mandible
4 lobes and 2 cusps on mandible
lobes; cusps. roots on mandible
3 or 4 root canals on mandible
M1, M2
4;4;2 on mandible
(lobes, cusps, roots)
3 or 4 root canals on mandible
tf M3 of mandible can have 1 root canal
2 to 4
3 or 4 root canals on mandible
cusps;roots; root canal
of mandible
P1 on mandible
1 or 2 roots on mandible
lobe; cusps;roots of mandible
root, crown, lobe
of mandible
3 or 4 root canals on mandible
M1 M2
cusp; roots; root canal
on mandible
2 or 3 cusps on mandible
1 or 2 roots on mandible
2 roots on mandible
5 lobes and cusps vs
4 lobes and cusps
on mandible
M1 vs. M2
3 or 4 root canals on mandible
M1 and M2
mandibular incisors
are like moving blades against the stationary maxillary incisors
golden proportion
.62*.62xoAccessory Canals