max pre molars Flashcards
max premolar 1
max premolar 2
mand pre molar 1
mand pre molar 2
Curve of Spee (called also von Spee’s curve or Spee’s curvature) is defined as the
curvature of the mandibular occlusal plane beginning at the tip of the lower incisors and following the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth, continuing to the terminal molar.

buccal and palatal root
1st max pre molar
single root
pre molars
3 types of roots of upper molars
mesiobuccal roots
distobuccal roots
palatal roots
mandible single rooted teeth
pre molars
lower molars
mesial and distal roots
axial inclinations of max second premolars
toward distal from buccal and lingual view
axial inclination of max second premolars
toward lingual from
distal and mesial view
Resembles maxillary canine
Maxillary First Premolar
tf max First Premolar resembles a canine by crown and root are longer
f crown and root are shorter
Mesial portion of Maxillary First Premolar
gingival portion ;; concave
cervical portion; convex
tf in max 1st pre molars ;Mesial ridge (slope) of B cusp longer than distal slope
bell shaped crown
max 1st pre molar
max 1st premolar
Prominent buccal ridge
tf max 1st pre molar only has prominent MB line angle
prominent MB and DB line angles
3 facial lobes
max 1st pre molar
there are developmental depressions between three facial lobes on max 1st pre molar
correct the statement
max 1st pre-molar
Buccal CEJ curves evenly toward the apex in a concaver manner
Buccal CEJ curves evenly toward the apex in a convex manner
max 1st pre molar
Proximal contact level width has less width than at CEJ level (
Proximal contact level width much wider than at CEJ level (
tf max 1st pre-molar
Cusp tip located just distal to center on the crown
slight concavity ; smoothly convex on max 1st pre-molar
Mesial slope has sl. concavity Distal slope smoothly convex
max 1st pre-molar lingual aspect is Smaller in all dimensions than the buccal aspect
tf only the crown converge toward lingual
on the lingual view of max 1st pre molar
Both crown and root converge toward lingual
max 1st pre molar has depressions and ridge on lingual surface
Lingual surface is smooth
tf Mesial and distal slopes of L cusp approximately form obtuse angle of max 1st pre molar.
Mesial and distal slopes of L cusp approximately form right angle
Lingual cusp of max 1st pre molar well developed but longer, wider, and bigger than buccal cusp
Lingual cusp well developed but smaller, narrower, and shorter than buccal cusp
characteristic of max 1st pre molar
Lingual cusp is offset toward the mesial
trapezoidal outline shape
mesial aspect of max pre molar
tf max 1st pre molar lingual cusp longer than Buccal cusp
Buccal cusp longer than lingual cusp
tf max 1st pre molar
Occlusal table much smaller than buccolingual diameter of crown
tf Triangular ridges of each cusp aren’t visible
of max 1st pre- molar
Triangular ridges of each cusp visible on mesial side of max 1st pre molar
on max 1st premolar B and L cusp tips well within confines of root trunk
B and L cusp tips well within confines of root trunk
tf max 1st pre molar only has 1 root
f has 2 buccal and lingual
longer root with sharper apex on max 1st pre-molar
buccal root of max 1s pre-molar
on max 1st pre molar
Root trunk is thin and usually less than half the root length
on max 1st pre molar
Root trunk broad and usually greater than half the root length
Mesial marginal ridge perpendicular to long axis,
max 1st pre molar
on max 1st premolar
mesial marginal ridge interrupted by mesial marginal groove
Mesial concavity on max 1st pre molar
middle of the cervical third extending down to the root bifurcation
tf on max 1st pre molar distal aspect is smoother mesial aspect
Marginal ridge perpendicular to long axis
distal aspect of max 1st pre molar
No marginal groove or developmental depression
on distal side of max 1st pre molar
occlusalcervical surface shorter;
mesial or distal of max 1st pre molar
distal side
more occlusal surface visible of mesial or distal view of max 1st pre molar
slight depression on root
distal aspect of max 1st pre molar
mesial vs distal CEJ curvature towards the occlusal
on max 1st pre molar
less curved on the distal
outline form of occlusal of max 1st premolar
Hexagonal outline form
tf occlusal of max 1st pre molar is symmetric
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
max 1st pre molar occlusal surface
max 1st premolar have Two well-developed cusps with distinct groove pattern
Which of the following isnt a distinct groove pattern of
max 1st pre molar
4 developmental lobes
max 1st premolar
Lingual, mid facial
central grove separates
2 triangular ridges on max 1st pre molar
tf max 1st premolar only has mesia marginal ridge
mesial and distal marginal ridge
tf pits on max 1st pre molar
exist on the triangular ridges
on triangular fossae
tf on max 1st pre molar
B & L heights of contour distal to center
B & L heights of contour mesial to center
line angles on max 1st pre molar
MB and DB
tf there is no buccal ridge on max 1st pre molar
its very prominent
on max 1st pre molar M and D contacts
facial to center
on max 1st pre molar, Buccal cusp tip is distal to center with mesial slope longer than distal
mesial slope longer than distal on max 1st pre molar(buccal side)
on max 1st pre molar Buccal cusp ridges form straight line
Buccal cusp ridges form diagonal line
on max 1st pre molar which ridge is shorter
mesial or distal
The only premolar that usually has two roots
max 1st pre molar
which root is longer in max 1st pre molar
buccal or lingual
Pulp chamber —– to B and L pulp canals
in max 1st pre molar
Pulp chamber occlusal to B and L pulp canals
tf only one pulp horn on the max 1st premolar
f 1 per cusp in max 1st pre molar

max 1st pre molar
kidney shaped cervical cross section
max 1st pre molar is more bellshaped than max 2ns pre molar
tf max 2nd pre molar buccal cusp shorter than max 1st pre molar
entire crown may appear slightly shorter and narrower but average dimensions are nearly the same)
max 1st and 2nd pre molar
tf mesial marginal ridge> distal marginal ridge
(of buccal cusp)(on max 2nd pre molar)
tf max pre molar 2 Less angular than P1
more prominent facial ridge of max 2nd pre molar than 1st premolar
less prominent
tf max 2nd premolar has
more rounded appearance of MB and DB line angles
than max 1st premolar
tf max 2nd premolar has a sharper Buccal cusp tip than max 1st premolar
not as sharp
tf max 1st pre molar has more curved CEJ than max 2nd premolar
max 2nd pre molar
Root —– and smoothly —–
Root conical and smoothly convex
max 2nd pre molar same size
lingual and buccal cusp
; no occlusal surface visible
max 2nd pre molar
Smoothly —–crown and root; —– taper to lingual than teeth anterior to it
Smoothly convex crown and root; less taper to lingual than teeth anterior to it
lingual aspect of max 2nd pre molar
L cusp tip slightly ——- to center
L cusp tip slightly mesial to center
tf on mesial aspect of max 2nd pre molar
B > L cusps
B and L cusps are approximately the same size
single root
max 2nd pre molar
tf on max 2nd pre molar
there is mesial marginal groove but
No mesial concavity or developmental depression on crown
no mesial marginal ridge
almost flat
CEJ of max 2nd premlar
(distal view)
tf max 2nd pre molar has thin occlusal table
Smoothly convex
distal aspect of max second pre molar
More of occlusal surface is visible from mesial view than distal view of max 2nd pre molar
distal view has more occlusal table visible
round and ovoid
occlusal view of max 2nd premolar
line angles
rounded on max 2nd pre molar
smooth outline
buccal outline of max 2nd pre molar(occlusal aspect)
Wider occlusal table (B-L)
occlusal aspect of max 2nd pre molar
short central groove with close M and D triangular fossa
occlusal aspect of mx 2nd premolar
compared to 1st
B and L cusps nearly centered on buccolingual bisecting line
max 2nd pre molar
tf max 2nd pre molar crown appears bilaterally symmetrical
tf max 2nd pre molar only can have 1 pulp canal
can have 2
no major root concavities
on max 2nd pre molar
cross section max 2nd pre molar