max molars Flashcards
Largest crown in mouth
Maxillary First Molar
anchor tooth of maxillary dentition
Maxillary First Molar
Maxillary First Molar
presents basic pattern for permanent maxillary molars
type 5 and 6 vertucci

vertucci 7 and 8

(59.87%) were Vertucci type 4
max 1st molar
—– have some of the highest failure rates in endodontic treatment due to the presence of a second canal in the mesiobuccal root that the clinician fails to detect, debride and obturate.
maxillary molars have some of the highest failure rates in endodontic treatment due to the presence of a second canal in the mesiobuccal root that the clinician fails to detect, debride and obturate.
Carabelli Cusp usually absent
in Max second molar
max second molar –> different from 1st molar
size is smaller with the three roots closer together
Trapezoidal crown outline form
Maxillary First Molar(buccal)
Crown slightly shorter occlusocervically than teeth anterior to it
max 1st molar
Maxillary First Molar have Two buccal cusps separated by buccal groove
buccal groove of max 1st molar
extends halfway up the buccal side
deepest part of depression on buccal surface of
Maxillary First Molar
ocasonal pit
which cusp is larger on buccal side of Maxillary First Molar
MB or DB
MB cusp
sharper and longer cusp on buccal side of
Maxillary First Molar
MB or DB
MB cusp slopes more or less inclined than DB
(Buccal (Facial) Aspect: of max 1st molar)
forms an obtuse angle
forms 90 degrees
DB cusps on max 1st pre molar
Facial (buccal) cervical ridge
passes mesiodistally across cervical third of crown
(buccal aspect of max 1st molar)
is convex and flatter
mesial vs distal profile of max 1st molar
mesial profile of max 1st molar
Distal crown profile convex with concavity in cervical third continuing on root
max 1st molar
tf Buccal CEJ of max 1st molar
more convex than teeth anterior to it
Buccal CEJ much flatter than teeth anterior to it
CEJ of Maxillary First Molar
may dip toward area of buccal furcation
Maxillary First Molar(buccal view)
—- roots visible from common root trunk;
Maxillary First Molar
tf on max 1st molar
root system wider mesiodistally than Crown
Crown wider mesiodistally than root system
Root trunk in occlusal third of root (approx. 4mm)
max 1st molar

Facial developmental groove and furcation in line
max 1st molar
Maxillary First Molar
MB and DB roots may have —– inclination
MB and DB roots may have distal inclination
MB and DB roots
converge at apical third
—– root seen between two buccal roots of max 1st molar
lingual (palatal)
MB root inclination
max 1st molar
90 degree
DB root inclinations
in max 1st molar
MB and DB roots of max 1st molar are wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
MB and DB roots are wider buccolingually than mesiodistally;
L(P) root of max 1st molar wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
which direction does crown diverge on lingual surface of
max 1st molar
to lingual
tf in lingual surface which cusp is the largest
ML of max 1st molar
extends 3/5 of entire width mesiodistally)
ML cusp of max first molar
Cusp of Carabelli (fifth cusp) arises from the —— surface of the ML cusp on max 1st molar
Cusp of Carabelli (fifth cusp) arises from the lingual surface of the ML cusp
small and rounded
DL cusp of max 1st molar
distolingual groove of max 1st molar
separate Two lingual cusps
terminate in a lingual pit in the central portion of the lingual surface in max 1st molar
distolingual groove
Lingual CEJ of max 1st molar
straight to slightly convex
lingual root is broader mesiodistally than buccolingually
max 1st molar
Dominant (largest) lingual root has shallow depression along cervical 2/3 of root and across CEJ
max 1st molar
tf from lingual view of max 1st molar
mesial outline of MB and DB root seen
Entire mesial outline of MB root seen but only partial view of DB root
mesial aspect of max 1st molar;
—– —— ridge connects MB and ML cusps;
Mesial marginal ridge connects MB and ML cusps;
max 1st molar
Crown has trapezoidal outline form
from mesial side
Buccal profile of max 1st molar may appear slightly —–
in middle third (occlusal to cervical ridge)
Buccal profile may appear slightly concave in middle third (occlusal to cervical ridge)
Lingual profile uniformly convex with maximum convexity in middle third from mesial view
max 1st molar
max 1st molar mesial
CEJ shallow (minimum curvature) and irregularly curved toward the occlusal
Root trunk of max 1st molar broad
Faciolingual root spread is —- than faciolingual diameter of crown
max 1st molar mesial view
Faciolingual root spread is broader than faciolingual diameter of crown
MB root broad —– and projects straight beyond crown surface slightly toward the —-
max 1st molar mesial
MB root broad buccolingually and projects straight beyond crown surface slightly toward the buccal
tf on max 1st molar from mesial view
Developmental depression present across 1/3 of MB root
Developmental depression present across 2/3 of MB root
longest and shaped like a banana
lingual root of max 1st molar
lingual root of max 1st molar
first extends lingually beyond crown outline,
then curves in toward the buccal
which furcation is visible of max 1st molar
ML furcation
max 1st molar mesial view
— cusp more centered over root trunk than – cusp
ML cusp more centered over root trunk than MF cusp
Crown is wider and taller on the mesial from mesial view
max 1st molar
tf from mesial view of max 1st molar only 2 cusps are visible
- MB (MF) cusp 2. ML cusp 3. Fifth (Carabelli) cusp
mesial view of max 1st molar
roots present
- Lingual (Palatal) root 2. 2. MB (MF) root
tf Distal marginal ridge longer than mesial marginal ridge buccolingually
max 1st molar
Distal marginal ridge shorter than mesial marginal ridge buccolingually
tf more occlusal surface visible from distal view than mesial view of max 1sst molar
max 1st molar
Buccal surface more visible due to rhomboidal crown form (and D taper)
Proximal contact near crown center
distal aspect of max 1st molar
which cusp is center more over root of max 1st molar
DL or DF
• DL cusp more centered over the root than DF cusp
tf DB root of max 1st molar is smaller than MB root
total number of roots visible from distal side of max 1st molar
DL furcation visible -mm from CEJ
max 1st molar
DL furcation visible 5mm from CEJ
Distinct – concavity in cervical third of crown and root of max 1st molar
Distinct DF concavity in cervical third of crown and root
occlusal of max 1st molar
Rhomboid outline form;
line angle acute of max 1st molar
MB and DL
line nagle obtuse of max 1st molar
(occlusal view)
ML and DB line angles
Wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
max 1st molar
which side is wider buccolingually
mesia or distal half of max 1st molar
(mesial half of tooth wider buccolingually than distal half
on max 1st molar
which is wider buccolingually and more prominent
Mesial marginal ridge or distal marginal ridge ?
• Mesial marginal ridge wider than distal marginal ridge buccolingually and more prominent
oblique ridge of max 1st molar
at same level occlusocervically as MMR & DMR)
smallest cusp of max 1st molar and not part of occlusal surface
arrange the following of max 1st molar
ML DL DB MB Carabelli
more centered on tooth than any other cusp
and has two triangular ridges
of max 1st molar
ML cusp
talon of max 1st molr
DL cusp
Trigon of max 1st molar
MB ML DB cusp
Primary cusp triangle centered over root trunk
max 1st molar
Oblique ridge (type of transverse ridge) of max 1st molar
extends from ML cusp to DB cusp
how many total fossa are on occlusal of max 1st molar
(central and distal
major 2 fossa of max 1st molar
mesial triangular fossa and distal triangular fossa
2 minor fossa of max 1st molar
lingual aspect of max 1st molar
- Lingual developmental groove
- Developmental groove of the fifth cusp

- Central developmental groove
- Facial (buccal) developmental groove
- Transverse groove of the oblique ridge
- Distal oblique developmental groove
max 1st molar

root of max 1st molar
Root trunk trifurcated forming 3 root branches: 2 buccal and 1 lingual
largest and longest root of max 1st molar
lingual root
inclines lingually;
lingual root of max 1st molar
wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
lingual root of max 1st molar
shallow depression on lingual surface of root
of max 1st molar
cervical 2/3
max 1st molar lingual root
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
MB root of max 1st molar
second largest and longest root of maxillary 1st molar
MB root
two pulp canals: one buccal, one lingual
max 1st molar
smallest and shortest
DB root of max 1st molar
slightly wider buccolingually than mesiodistally;
max 1st molar ; DB root
inclines distally and buccally
max 1st molar ; DB root
cervical cross section max 1st molar
Wider faciolingually than mesiodistally
and has buccal and lingual depressions
tf max 2nd molar is smaller and has three roots closer together than max 1st molar
Carabelli Cusp usually absent
max 2nd molar
max M2 buccal view
Crown shorter and narrower mesiodistally than M1
tf max M2 only has 1 buccal cusp visible from the buccal aspect
Two buccal cusps visible (MB & DB)
wich cusp of max M2 is sharper and more prominent than Max M1
MB cusp
tf max M2 has a Facial cervical ridge more pronounced than M1
Facial cervical ridge less pronounced than M1
tf all Three roots visible of Max M2 from buccal side
three roots of max 2nd molar
max 2nd molar (mesial view)
MB root curves distally with apex over furcation area
max M2 buccal
Buccal furcation slightly distal to the facial developmental groove
M2 vs M1 root
Roots shorter, closer to each other, and inclined more distally than M1
tf all the roots of max M2 are parrallel to each other
from lingual aspect of max M2
all rooots and cusps visible
the cusps of Max M2
which cusp is smaller on the max M2
DL or ML
tf max M2 has o fifth (Carabelli) cusp
No fifth (Carabelli) cusp usually
Palatal (lingual) root of Max M2(lingual aspect)
root smoothly convex
Apex of palatal root
Max M2(lingual)
over DL cusp
DL groove of Max M2
terminates at a point further distal and occlusal than Max M1
(ends more midlingually)

mesial aspect of max M2
Two cusps and two roots visible
L (P) root and MB root
max M2 mesial
cusps visible from mesial side of Max M2
ML cusp , MB cusp
Facial cervical ridge of Max M2 (mesial view)
less prominent than M1
missing and not as pronounced
Cervical concavity or flattening on mesial aspect of max M2
centered mesial contact
max 2nd molar(mesial aspect)
tf Max M2 has a convex CEJ
Less pronounced mesial marginal ridge
that is perpendicular to marginal ridge
max 2nd molar
MB and L roots of max M2
less divergent
MB and L roots of max M2
located well within the crown outline
tf from distal aspect of Max M2
all the cusps and roots are visible
tf Faciolingual root dimension of max M2 smaller than M1
which cusps of max M2 are shorter
DB and DL
tf from distal view of max M2 there is no occlusal surfce visible
more of occlusal surface is visible because of
Smaller DB and DL cusps
distal contact of max M2
is more centered
Crown of max M2 tapers toward distal
thus more B and L surface visible
Lingual cusps of max M2 (distal view) over
lingual root
tf max m2 (distal view ) have a longer root trunk
tf M1 and M2 maxilary both have db concavity
max M2 has no Db concavity
MB and DL line angles of Max M2 are less acute than in
Max M1
more acute
outine form of max M2
tapers toward lingual and more constricted
Max M1 or Max M2
Max M2 (occlusaL)
largest cusp of MaxM2
ML cusp
DL cusp
small in Max M2
tf Max M1 and M2
have same groove pattern and fossa configuration
tf Max M1 and M2 have different ridge configuration
F they are the same
max 2nd molar
Buccal roots inclined distally and closer together
tf buccal roots of Max M2 are shaped like pliers
more parralel to each other
which has smaller lingual root
Max M1 or M2
Max M2
lingual root incline distally
tf max m2 have multiple pulp canal per root
One pulp —– per cusp in max m2
One pulp horn per cusp
facial aspex of Max M3
very variable
tf max M3 is large than M2 and smaller thanM1
smaller than both
More rounded crown form
Maxillary Third Molar
—— area of Max M3 more narrow
Cervical area more narrow
Roots of Max M3
fused and more curved toward distal
Max M3
one large lingual cusp
(can have DL cusp but mostly absent)
tf in Max M3 only Crown converge dramatically toward lingual
Crown and root system converge dramatically toward lingua
Root system of Max M3 compact and curves toward —-
Root system compact and curves toward distal
(lingual view)
mesial outline of max m3
resembles general outline of maxillary molars
from mesial view of max M3 which cusp are visible
MB and L cusps
Max M3 mesial view ;
CEJ —– in form
CEJ irregular in form
max thrid molar (mesial view)
Fused root system with furcation in apical third of root
which view of Max M3 are more anatomic features visible
tf on max M3 Crown height shorter on distal view
More occlusal surface visible
from distal view of Max M3
occlusal aspect of max M3
tf occlusal view of Max M3 is trapezoid shape
heart shape
longest cusp of max M3
lingual cusp
tf on occlusal view of Max M3
crown tapers only to distal view
Crown tapers dramatically toward distal and lingual
tf occlusal groove pattern of Max M3 has secondary groove pattern
Primary triangle
occlusal view of Max M3
irregular outline form and multiple depressions
cervical cross sectional of Max M3
tf we have larger jaws than ancestors
and we have plety of room to house 32 teeth
ur wisdom teeth often become impacted, or blocked from erupting.’