mandibular molars Flashcards
Has the greatest mesiodistal dimension of any tooth in the mouth
mandib 1st molar
number of cusps for
mand 1st molar
Mand 1st molar
Anchor tooth of Mandibular arch
3 buccla and 2 lingual cusps
mand 1st molar
4 cusps
mand M2
tf Mand M2 is smaller than mand M1
C-shaped canal is a special feature of some
lower second molars.
Some or all of the canal orifices are joined in the form of a groove or isthmus with a shape of the letter C.
mand M2
The continuous C-shaped canal
Type I C shaped canal

type 2 c shaped canal
The semicolon shaped canal

Two discrete and separate canals.
Type III : c shaped canal

the shape is an uninterrupted ‘C’ with no separation or division.
c1 melton

the canal shape resembles a semicolon resulting from a discontinuation of the ‘C’ outline.
Category C2: Melton

two separated canals.
Category C3a:

three separated canals. C
Category C3b: Melton

Category C4:
only one round or oval canal.

PERICORONITIS (Acute or Chronic)
Inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth
Mand M3
tf Third Molars Have a High Incidence of Pathology
Not more than 12% of impacted teeth have associated pathology
tf Early Removal of Third Molars Is Less Traumatic
Early removal of third molars is actually more traumatic and painful than leaving asymptomatic, nonpathologic teeth in situ
tf Third molars do not possess sufficient force to move other teeth or cause crowding, overlapping
tf There is no evidence of a significant increase in third-molar pathology with age
tf There is Little Risk of Harm in the Removal of Third Molars
Days of “standard discomfort or disability”—pain, swelling, bruising, and malaise result postoperatively, and more than 11,000 people suffer permanent paresthesia
mand 1st molar
has — buccal cusp separateed by — grooves
names of grooves that separate the 3 buccal cusps of mand
1st molar
mesiobuccal developmental groove and distobuccal developmental groove
order of size of 3 buccal cusps of mand M1
tf from buccal aspect of mand M1
lingual cusp is shorter than buccal cusp
is longer
which are more blunt on mand M1
buccal or lingual cusp
buccal cusp
most blunt buccal cusp of mand M1
tf 4 cusps are visible from buccal side of mand M1
all 5 cusp visible
Mesiobuccal groove slightly —– to crown center mesiodistally of Mand M1 buccally
Mesiobuccal groove of Mand M1
extends halfway down the buccal surface terminating with pit
mesial to root bifurcation
MB groove
Distobuccal groove near DB line angle runs —–
to distal root
Mand M1
Distobuccal groove near DB line angle runs parallel to distal root
MAnd M1
sl. longer than MB groove
(mand M1 buccal view)
DB groove
tf from buccal view of Mand M1
all of Mesial profile convex
cervical 1/3 which appears somewhat concave
tf distal profile (buccal view of Mand M1)
straight al the way through
Distal profile straight until convex at D contact area
Buccal cervical ridge runs —— in cervical third of crown.
(buccal view of Mand M1)
Buccal cervical ridge runs mesiodistally in cervical third of crown
Slight depressed area just occlusal to CEJ of Mand M1
Slight —– area just occlusal to CEJ(buccal view)
Buccal CEJ slightly —— apically
(mand M1 buccal view)
Buccal CEJ slightly curved apically
(mand M1 buccal view)
Buccal CEJ of Mand M1
may dip toward bifurcation midbuccally
tf from buccal view of Mand M!
3 roots are visible
2 roots visible
mesial root curves —– half way down;
Mand M1
mesial root curves distally half way down;
mesial root of Mand M1
Often deep developmental depressions on both M&D aspects (buccal view)
distal root of MAnd M1 projects distally
(Mand M1)
and can turn mesially, distally, or not at all
root trunk
3mm wide
lingual aspect of Mand M1
tf MAnd m1 appears taller from lingual
Lingual aspect of Mand M1
taller root trunk
root trunk of MAnd M1 lingual
Crown surface of Mand M1 longer mesiodistally than buccal aspect
Crown surface smaller mesiodistally than buccal aspect
lingual groove of Mand M!
separates Two cusps of approximately equal size
tf lingual groove of Mand M1 is shorter than buccal groove
and has no lingual pit
bifurcatin of Mand M1 in line with
lingual groove
taller and sharper
buccal or lingual cusp of Mand M1
lingual cusp
tallest cusp of lingual cusp s of Mand M1
tf mesial and distal profiles of Mand M1 are convex throughout entire lingual aspect
flat CEJ of Mand M1
in lingual view
tf from lingual aspect of Mand M1 no buccal cusp is visible
part of buccal cusp is visible
on Mand M1
from which side are roots narrower
lingual or buccal
crown of Mand M1 from mesial
mesial aspect of Mand M1
crown tilts to lingual in relation to long axis
which cusp taller from mesial view of Mand M!
ML or MB
ML and MB cusps
well within borders of mesial root
of Mand M1(mesial)
mesial marginal ridge has
mesial marginal groove
on Mand M1 (mesial view)
distance of mesial marginal ridge of mand M1 in comparison to height of cusps(mesial view)
1 mm
mand M!
Mesial root very broad —– with shallow—— or —-
Mesial root very broad buccolingually with shallow concavity or depression
Buccal profile of Mand M1
Lingual profile of Mand M1
CEJ of Mand m1 ——- or slightly —— toward occlusal
CEJ straight or slightly curved toward occlusal
Usually —– or slightly —— area of mand M1 in cervical third of crown
Usually flattened or slightly concave area in cervical third of crown
mesial aspect of Mand M1
Contact area centered
contact area of Mand M1
slightly buccal and occlusal to midpoint of crown
distal aspect of Mand M1
Smaller buccolingually than mesial surface
mand m1
tapers dramatically towards distal
(distal view)
tf mesial and distal view of Mand M!
Buccal and lingual profiles are similar
distal view of Mand M!
Portions of all five cusps visible
from distal view of mand m1
which cusp is most lingually positioned
D cusp
DB line angle of mand M1
DB groove visible near
total surfaces vissible from distal view of mand m1
facial , distal , occlusal ,distal surface of mesial root
tf mand m1 distal view; distal marginal ridge is centered
mand m1 distal view
Distal marginal ridge much longer than mesial marginal ridge
Distal marginal ridge much shorter than mesial marginal ridge
midpoint of Mand M1(distal view)
distal marginal groove
distal contact of Mand M1
facial to center
Mand M1 distal view
Distal root narrower buccolingually with shallow distal depression
Distal root of mand m1 has continuous —- with sharper —- than mesial root
Distal root has continuous taper with sharper apex than mesial root
from occlusal view of mand M1
pentagon outline shape
tf mand m1
Wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
which side of Mand M1 is wider mesiodistally
which side of Mand M1 is widest buccolingually
cusp slopes and 2 marginal ridges of mand M1
border Occlusal table
which side of Mand M1 is more visible from occlusal
buccal or lingual
arrange the following cusps in terms of size of Mand M1 from occlusal
Inner —– ridges of cusps shown from occlusal of Mand M1
Inner triangular ridges of cusps shown from occlusal of Mand M1
name the three fosa visible from occlusal of MAnd M1
which fossa of mand M1 contain central pit
central fossa
shallow pits of mand m1 onf occlusal view
mesial and distal triangular fossae
from occlusal view of Mand M1 name the types of grooves
tf Occlusal view; mesial marginal grove wider than distal marginal groove of mand M1
from the occlusal view of mand M1 which side does the crown converge
from occlusal view of mand m1
which side of mand m1 shows straighter outline with little
taper; mesial or distal
cervical cross section of mand m1
Wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
cross section of mand M1
root trunk
contain facial and lingual depressions
roots of mand m1
has two pulp canals (B and L)
D root of mand m1
one pulp canal but often two (B and L)
tf only mesial root of mand m1
wider buccolingually than mesiodistally
both mesial and distal
longitudinal grooves
developmental depression of mand m1 on mesial and distal surface of mesial and distal roots
Mand M1 Mesial root broader and slightly longer than distal root
mesial root of mand m1
projects mesially from CEJ to middle third of root,
then curves slightly to the distal;
mand m1 distal root
distal root smaller; projects distally
mand m2 buccal aspct
Smaller than M1, larger than M3
tf from buccal aspect of mand m2 crown and is shorter than m1
buccla grove of mand m2 (buccal aspect0
separates MB and DB cusps
tf MB cusp > DB cusp of mand m2
tf buccal aspect of mand m2 has a buccal pit
tf from buccal view of mand m2
all 3 cusp visible
all 4
buccal view of mand m2
—– groove and —- in line with each other
Buccal groove and bifurcation in line with each other
tf huge curvature in mand m2 CEJ from buccal view
no curvature , straight
from buccal view of mand m2
which side is roudned
mesial or distal
which contact of mand m2 (buccal veiw)
closer to junction of middle and occlusal thirds
mesial or distal
Mesial contact closer to junction of middle and occlusal thirds
mand m2 Roots closer together and show greater distal inclination
which root is longer from buccal view of mand M2
mesial or distal view
mesial root
lingual aspect of mand m2
Crown shorter than M1 and narrower mesiodistally
equal in length mesiodistally (mand m2)
Lingual width mesiodistally almost equal to buccal width
taper to lingual
lingual aspect of mand m2
name the 2 prominent cusp visible of mand m2 from lingual aspect
ML and DL
tf from lingual aspect of mand m2
DL cusp > ML cusp
tf lingual cusp of mand m2 are sharper than buccal cusp
Lingual —– groove in line with —–
of mand m2(lingual view)
Lingual developmental groove in line with bifurcation
of mand m2(lingual view)
tf root trunk is longer on buccal aspect than lingual aspect of mand m2
lingual aspect
mesial aspect of mand m2
Crown outline similar to M1 (rhomboidal or parallelogram
tf mand m2 has narrower occlusal table than m1 (mesial veiw)
short and shallow
mesial marginal ridge of mand m2
(mesial veiw)
mand m2
ML cusp—- than MB cusp
mand m2
ML cusp taller than MB cusp
from mesial view
which cusp more centered over root
MB or Ml cusp
MB cusp
Buccal cervical ridge of mand m2 —- pronounced than M1
Buccal cervical ridge of mand m2 less pronounced than M1
Mesial contact of mand m2 closer to —- of middle and occlusal thirds(mesial view)
Mesial contact of mand m2 closer to junction of middle and occlusal thirds
which height of contour of MAnd M2 is more occlusally positioned
lingual or buccal ?
Lingual height of contour more occlusally positioned
mesial view of mand M2
Root narrower than M1 with sharper apex
distal view of mand m2
Distal marginal ridge more gingivally positioned than mesial
tf from distal view less occlusal table is visible than mesial view
more is visible
tf only 2 cusps of mand m2 are visible from distal view of mand m2
all 4
from distal view of mand m2
no distal cusp or DB groove
tf distal and mesial surface of mand m2 are same size
Distal surface is almost as large as mesial (but not quite)
distal contact area of mand m2
more centered
narrower and poiitned tip
mand m2 (distal view)
root mand m2 (distal view)
uniformly convex
tf occusal view of mand m2 has a hexgonal shape
from occlusal view of mand m2 which side is more rounded
distal or mesial
arrange the cusps of mand m2 from large to small
which cusps of mand m2 are closer together
distal or mesial
(occlusal view)
mesial cusp
number of grooves of mand m2 and type
types of fossa of mand m2
Central fossa, mesial and distal triangular fossae
which fossa of mand m2 has deepest pits
Central fossa, mesial or distal triangular fossa
occlusal view of mand m2
Proximal contacts in middle 1/3
Mesial third of crown slightly —- buccolingually than distal third
of mand m2 occlusal
Mesial third of crown slightly wider buccolingually than distal third
occlusal of mand m2
buccal third —– mesiodistally than lingual third
buccal third wider mesiodistally than lingual third
roots of mand m2
Similar to M1 but usually shorter and closer together
tf roots of mand m2
are only separate
Occasionally may be partially or totally fused (with C-shaped canal) or further apart like M1
Wider mesiodistally than buccolingually
cevical cross section of mand m2
which side of mand m2 is wider buccolingually
mesial and distal
(mesial half wider buccolingually
canals in mesia vs distal root of mand m2
bifurcation of mand m2
has Facial and lingual depressions ass. with it
c shaped canal of mand m2
The name comes from the appearance of the pulp chamber floor when viewed from above.
tf Mandibular Third Molar variable only in size
F in size and shape
congenitally missing
mand molar 3
can resemble m1 or m2
mand m3
tf crown and root of mand m3 is larger than m1 and m2
occlusal of mand m3 tapering occurs
to distal
MAnd m3 ;
Occlusal groove pattern variable with more ——
Occlusal groove pattern variable with more supplementary grooves
tf mand m3 is square shape
round shape
occlusal of mand m3
has 4 cusps
mand m3 ; which half is wider buccolingually
mesial or distal?
mesial half wider buccolingually
tf mand m3
crown; root= 1;1.5
Bulbous outline from proximal, with small occlusal table
mand m3
mand m3
cusp tips may be —– together than M1 and M2
mand m3
cusp tips may be closer together than M1 and M2
tf mand m3
Roots taper dramatically toward apex
short, fused, or compressed
roots of mand m3
distal inclination
mand m3 roots
smallest and shortest of all mandibular molar roots
distal root of mand molar 3
cervical cross section of mand m3
2 canals in mesial root
1 canal in distal root
Root outline tapered toward the distal
mand m3 cervical cross section