When do the mandibular central incisors erupt?
What erupts firs, central maxillary or mandibular incisors?
mandibular central incisors
What is the permanent dentition?
the adult teeth
How do you differentiate the mandibular central and lateral incisors?
They are the smallest and simplest teeth in the permanent dentition; thus they are smaller than the lateral incisors of the same arch.
What tooth is shown here?
mandibular central incisors mesio-incisal angle
What side is shaper in the mandibular central incisors labial surface?
mesio-incisal angle
How would you describe the shape of the crown of a central mandibular incisor?
quite symmetrical
Do the mandibular central incisors have developmental depressions and incremental lines? (labial surface)
Developmental depressions and incremental lines are either absent or very faint.
Name structures A and B (CENTRAL)
Name structures A-D in the diagram (CENTRAL)
In the central incisor are the distal and mesial margial ridges the same length?
the tooth is very symmetrical
Where are the mesial and distal contact points for the central mandibular incisors?
incisal and distal contact points are in the incisal 1/3
Between the mesial or distal wall of the central incisors, which has a higher CEJ?
What is a feature of the mandibular central incisal roots?
proximal root concavities
due to pulp chamber
Name structures A-F of the incisal surface of the mandibular central incisor
When do the mandibular lateral incisor erupt?
What is larger, the central or lateral mandibular incisors?
Are the lateral incisors symmetrical?
What tooth is shown
lateral incisor
What direction are the lateral incisors twisted?
Describe the developmental depressions of the lateral incisor
The developmental depressions are deeper and more well defined compared to the central (still less well defined than the maxillary teeth)
What tooth has more dominant lingual features?
lateral incisor
Name structures A and B on the lateral incisor
Where does the cingulum lie in the mandibular lateral incisor?
distal to the long axis of the tooth
Describe features A-C on the lateral incisors
Does the mesial or distal side have a longer marginal ridge? (lateral)
shorter distal marginal ridge