Periodicity And Chemical Classification Flashcards
Modern periodic law.
The properties of elements are periodic properties of their atomic numbers.
Number of groups in modern periodic table.
18 groups.
Number of periods in the modern periodic table.
7 periods.
Alkaline Earth Metals.
Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra
Boron Family
B Al Ga In Tl
Carbon Family
C Si Ge Sn Pb
Nitrogen Family
N P As Sb Bi
Oxygen Family
O S Se TE Po
Halogen Family
F Cl Br I At
Noble gas family
He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn
What are p block elements ?
Last electron gets filled in p-orbital. Excluding He , number of p block elements are 30. Gallium and Bromine are liquids.
What are d block or transition elements ?
Last electron gets filled in d orbital. All elements of d block are metals. Except Mercury. There are 33 d block elements but there are only 30 transition elements.
What are f block elements ?
Last electron gets filled in f orbital.
Value of shielding effect of electrons of 1s orbital.
Shielding effect of each electrons of ns and np. ( electrons of the outermost orbital )
Shielding effect of each electron s , p or d orbitals of the penultimate shell (n-1)?
Van der waals radius.
Half the distance between the nuclei of two non binder atoms belonging to two different molecules closest to one another.
What are the atomic radii of inert gases measured in ?
The value of atomic radii in noble gases are always ditermined as van der waal radius.
Exception regarding second ionisation potential of Be and B and Mg and Al.
The second I.P of Be is greater than B, and the third I.P of Mg is greater than Al due to high stability of fully filled orbitals.
Exception regarding second I.P of N and O and third I.P of P and S.
In second I.P of N is greater than O and third I.P of P is greater than S due to stability of half filled orbitals.
Exception regarding I.P of increasing order of second period elements.
Exception regarding I.P of third period elements.
Element in the periodic table having highest I.P
Order of second I.P of C N O and F.
Exception regrading electron affinity of C and N.
On going from C to N in second period , the value of EA decreased instead of increasing.
Exception regarding value of EA of Si and P.
In the third period , value of EA of Si is greater than P. This is because outermost orbit of P is half filled, is relatively more stable.
Value of EA of noble gases
Exception regarding EA of F and Cl
The value of electron affinity of F is lower than that of Cl. Ea of Cl is highest in periodic table.
Difference in electronegativity between two elements for being basic, acidic or amphoteric?
For difference is 2.3 or more, oxide is basic. If value is lower than 2.3 then first amphoteric then acidic in nature.
Difference between the electronegativity of two elements regarding their bonding type.
For difference of electronegativity is more than 1.7, then ionic bond is formed , if less than 1.7 then covalent bond is formed.
Liquid non metal.
Liquid metal.
Hg, Ga, Cs and Fr
Solid volatile non metal.
Lightest metal.
Heaviest metal
Most abundant element in earth
Element with lowest electronegativity.
Highest electronegativity
Element with highest Ionisation potential
Element with lowest ionisation potential
Element with highest electron affinity
Elements which are bridge metals
Na and Mg
Lightest element
Periodicity of oxidising nature.
Oxidising nature increases across the period and decreased down the group.
Periodicity or reducing nature.
Reducing nature decreases along the period and increases down the group.
Periodicity of effective nuclear charge.
Increases across the period and remains constant down the group.