Perineum - non - anal anatomy (dave's notes) Flashcards
What is another name for the ischiorectal fossa?
Ischioanal fossa
Describe the shape and location of the ishioanal fossa
Wedge shaped space filled with fat lateral to the anal canal
Where is the base of the ischioanal fossa?
Above the skin
What bounds the medial wall of the ishioanal fossa?
The anal canal and levator ani
What forms the lateral wall of the ishiorectal fossa?
The ischial tuberosity.
What is the anterior boundary of the ischorectal fossa?
The perineal body
What is the posterior boundary of the ishiorectal fossa?
The sacrotuberous ligament
What two spaces does each ishioanal fossa have? Where are these found?
An anterior space (found above the urogenital diaphragm) and posterior recess (much smaller). The left and right fossae communicate.
What does the ishiorectal fossa contain?
A fat pad (for dilatation) and the pudendal canal, vessels and nerves.
What does the pudendal canal contain?
The pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels
How may the pudendal canal be considered?
As a splitting of the obturator fascia
Where are the inferior rectal vessels found?
Running from the pudendal canal to the anus, arching upwards through the fat.
What is the cutaneous nerve supply around the anus?
The inferior rectal nerve
Describe the perineal body. What does it contain?
A midline fibromuscular mass containing the perineal tendon
Where is the perineal body found?
In front of the anal canal and behind the posterior border of the perineal membrane.
What blends with the perineal body?
The rectovesical/vaginal septum, the external anal and external urethral sphincters, levator prostatae, levator ani, bulbospongiosus and the superficial and deep transverse perinei.
Describe the anococcygeal ligament. Where is this found?
A fibromuscular mass found between raphe and skin, separating the two ischiorectal fossae.