Performance Enhancing drugs Flashcards
What are the advantages for performers from taking PEDs?
-level playing home-of every athlete were to take them it would make it even
-wealth–more likely to win- win more prize money- attract more sponsorship deals
-increased chance of success–such as an archer taking beta blockers- reduced anxiety-more accurate- more chance of winning
-fame-more successful-more publicity
what are the disadvantages for performers from taking PEDs?
-cheating/immoral- if caught
-damage to reputation–if caught, unable to compete
-associated health risks–such as kidney damage
-bans-if caught will be banned
-fines-if caught, may have to pay a fine
disadvantages to the sport when performers take PEDs?
-bad reputation-sport may not be respected
-poor credibility- sport may be seen as untrustworthy or unreliable
what are the 7 types of PEDs?
-anabolic agents
-Beta Blockers
-Narcotic Analgesics
-Peptide hormones
-Blood Doping
what is the effect of anabolic agents on performers and their performance?
-increases testosterone production leading to increased strength
-allows performers to train longer and harder
-it increases protein synthesis helping develop lean muscle mass and speeds up recovery time
health risks of anabolic agents?
-liver damage
-testicular atrophy
-skin problems
-mood swings
which sports are anabolic agents commonly used in?
Sports that require power
what is the effect of Beta Blockers on performers and their performance/
-improve fine motor controls
-slow down heart rate and reduce anxiety
-allow the performer to stay more calm and controlled
health risks of Beta Blockers?
-sleep disturbance
-low blood pressure
-slow heart rate
which sports are Beta Blockers commonly used in?
sports that require precision
what are the effect of Diuretics on the performer and their performance?
they achieve quick weight loss. They mask other drugs making them harder to detect
health risks of diuretics?
-heart/kidney failure
which sports are diuretics commonly used in?
sports with weight categories
what are the effects of Narcotic Analgesics on the performer and their performance?
-increases performers pain threshold so can help mask injuries
-give the feeling of invincibility- let performers keep training even with an injury
health risks of Narcotic Analgesics?
-kidney/liver damage
-further and worse injury
which sports are Narcotic Analgesics commonly used in?
sports where performers constantly get injured
what are the 2 types of Peptide Hormones?
EPO (Erythropoietin) , HGH (human growth hormone)
what effect do EPOs have on performers and their performance?
can increase RBC production, increasing oxygen delivery to working muscles
decreasing fatigue- allowing performers to perform longer than opponents without fatigue
health risks of EPOs?
-thickening of blood
-blood clots
-heart attack
which sports are EPOs commonly used in?
-aerobic events
effect of HGH (human growth hormone) on performers and their performance?
helps increase muscle mass and burn fat
health risks of HGH?
-heart failure
-abnormal feet
which sports are HGH commonly used in?
strength events
effect of stimulants on performers and their performance?
-increase alertness, reduce tiredness and increase heart rate (therefore oxygen delivery)
health risks of stimulants?
-irregular heart rate
which sports are stimulants commonly used in?
-alert/aggressive sports
-ice hockey
effect of blood doping on performers and their performance?
involves the removal of blood a few weeks before prior to competition.
the blood is frozen and re-injected just before the competition (increase RBC)
-increasing oxygen delivery- less fatigue
health risks of blood doping?
-thickening of blood
-heart attack
which sports commonly use blood doping?
aerobic events
-games players