commercialisation Flashcards
what is sponsorship?
is an individual or group that provides support in the form of sponsorship in return it is seen by millions, via advertising, sponsorship or endorsement
who can sponsorship’s be for?
an individual, a team, an event
what are the different types of sponsorship?
money, clothing and equipment, facilities
what different types of media are coming?
-printed media
-broadcast media
-internet and social media
how do sponsorship and the media overlap?
-sponsors want to promote their products via the media as they can reach millions of potential customers
-media companies need high viewing figures to make them more attractive to sponsors
-media companies therefore pay sports clubs to allow them to televise matches as this attracts lots of viewers, making it more likely that they will get funding from sponsors
what does the sport need funding for?
both the media and commercialisation can help promote sports. the media can also provide opportunities for the spectator.
what are the advantages of commercialisation for the sponsor or company?
- media can show products during breaks in play
-brand names can be seen around venues and on clothing
-raised awareness of brands increase sales
-products associated with high quality performance give it a high status
-media hype gets more viewers which means more exposure of the brand
advantages of commercialisation for the sport?
-raised awareness =increased participation
-higher profile=commercial interest
-increases funding from sponsors
-funding means that u can run events, develop the sport and facilities
advantages of commercialisation for the performer?
-paid millions to endorse products
-train full time and focus on being the best in their sport
-receive top quality products to use to improve performance
advantages of commercialisation for the spectator?
-more coverage and top event
-red button/replays
-player cam
-buy the same clothes and equipment to their role models
advantages of commercialisation for the offcial?
-sponsors can provide kit
-media can support correct decisions
-more likely to become role models
disadvantages of commercialisation for the sponsor/company?
-the media may not get a high number of viewers
-the company doesn’t get the amount of exposure they wanted
-the player/team doesn’t perform well
-the player who becomes a bad role model due to violence, cheating may affect popularity and sales
disadvantages of commercialisation for the sport?
-fixtures can be changed to maximise viewing opportunities
-breaks in play for advertising purposes
-minority sports not shown on TV which decreases sponsorship
-negative reporting can give sport a bad name
-clothing and rule changes are more appealing to viewers
disadvantages of commercialisation for the player/performer?
-event times make it less favourable for performers
-withdrawal of sponsorship could cause financial difficulties
-required appearances take time away from training
-pressure to win at all costs to keep sponsorship
-no privacy and negative reporting can lose sponsorship
disadvantages of commercialisation for the spectator?
-high costs for subscription fees to sports channels
-pay per view for certain events
-high cost of merchandise
-minority sports not shown
-sponsors keep best tickets for hospitality
disadvantages of commercialisation for the official?
-under the spotlight for all decisions as they can be replayed, so poor decisions are highlighted undermining the official
-they have to wear sports logos
-may lead to bullying due to bad decisions from fans
advantages of technology to the sponsor?
-easier to see logos due to enhanced viewing quality
-more coverage of sports provides more opportunities to see products
-advertising opportunities during breaks on TV
-better standard of play using improved equipment encourages more sales
advantages of technology to the performers and sport?
-improved equipment, clothing and footwear to improve performance such as running blades for disabled athletes
-improved equipment, clothing and footwear to improve safety such as ski helmets
-improved security at venues such as cameras and metal detectors
-better facilities such as velodromes for cycling
-better decisions by officials due to technology support such as VAR
-better drug testing to avoid cheating
advantages of technology for the spectator?
-multiple viewing platforms such as TV, tablet, mobile phone
-better picture and sound creating better viewing experiences
-interactive options such as player cam
-increases enjoyment as a result of better performances due to technology
-increased interaction at live games for decisions VAR and Hawkeye
advantages of technology for the official?
-technology support means less chance of errors as it provides additional help to reach the right decisions
-improved timing devices means more accurate results
-Wifi allows for improved communication with officials and technicians
disadvantages of technology for the sponsor?
-they need more funding to buy better equipment for performers so they stay at the top of their game and give access to the best medical support to keep them fit such as ice baths
-sponsored players may be found cheating which reflects badly on sponsor
disadvantages of technology for the performer and sport?
-the cost of equipment increases
-state of the art facilities cost more
-technology can go wrong
-repairs are expensive
-technology can be inaccurate
-the human part of lucky decisions is lost
-people can watch games at home rather than attend live games
-performers who are unable to afford modern technology are at a disadvantage
disadvantage of technology for the spectator?
-breaks in play waiting for decisions is boring
-technology changes the nature of the sport
-they have to pay to watch some sports
-they have to pay for specialist sports channels
-technology is expensive
-they don’t experience the excitement of watching the match live
disadvantage of technology for the official?
-they can become reliant on technology
-technology can go wrong
-technology highlights the officials errors
-decisions are challenged more owing to loss of respect for officials and judgement