Performance 2020 Flashcards
Weather is below 1000 ft and 3 miles. When is it permissible to turn below 1000 ft AFE?
Special Departure Procedure Prescribes a turn or a specific instrument departure procedure specifically requires a turn below 1000 ft AFE.
Standard Engine Failure Takeoff in VMC?
Climb straight ahead to 1000 ft and return visually or comply with IMC procedure.
Standard Engine Failure Procedure in IMC below 1000 ft AFE.
Climb straight ahead to 1,000’ AFE, then commence turn to NAVAID or heading as listed on runway analysis page using maximum bank angle appropriate for aircraft speed. If NAVAID is listed, hold on the inbound radial using a direct entry and standard holding procedures. If heading is listed, fly heading until a minimum safe altitude is attained. Radar vectors may be accepted when available after reaching 1,000’.
Flap retraction altitude is 1000 ft AFE unless what?
Flap Retraction Altitude (FRA) for all takeoffs is 1,000’ AFE unless a Special Procedure prescribes otherwise.
What bank angle is used in the event of an engine failure using Standard Engine Failure Procedures?
maximum bank angle appropriate for aircraft speed.
One engine inop bank angle limits?
For one engine inoperative, limit the bank angle to:
• 15° at V2
• 20°atV2 +5kt
• 25°atV2 +10kt
Standard Engine Failure Procedures, if an navaid is listed, what is required?
If NAVAID is listed, hold on the inbound radial using a direct entry and standard holding procedures.
Standard Engine Failure Procedures, if a heading is listed, what is the procedure?
If heading is listed, fly heading until a minimum safe altitude is attained. Radar vectors may be accepted when available after reaching 1,000’.
What is the difference of a Simple Special Engine Failure Departure Procedure from a Standard
The Simple-Special Procedure differs from Standard Procedures in that a turn to a NAVAID or heading is required before reaching 1,000’. FRA remains at 1,000’ AFE unless otherwise specified in the FLAP RETRACT box. Simple-Special Procedures are mandatory in IMC. They are also mandatory in VMC until reaching 1,000’ AFE. The turn to the NAVAID or heading is to be made at the highest bank angle appropriate for aircraft speed. In IMC, if radar vectors are not available, comply with the special procedure until 3,000’ AFE at which time you may proceed on course
On a Simple Special Engine Failure Procedure, when is the turn to navaid or heading to be commenced?
At 50 ft AGL
A turn to the specified heading or course shall be commenced at 50’ AFE or 1⁄2 the wingspan, whichever is greater.
Standard Engine Failure Procedure with a heading, how long does one fly that heading?
If heading is listed, fly heading until a minimum safe altitude is attained. Radar vectors may be accepted when available.
Wet Runway Definition
Wet Runway - A runway is considered wet when more than 25% of the runway surface area, within the length and the width being used, is covered by any visible dampness or water 1/8 in (3 mm) or less in depth.
Dry Runway Definition
Dry Runway - A runway is dry when it is neither wet nor contaminated.
Contaminated Runway Definition
Contaminated Runway - A runway is considered contaminated when more than 25% of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not), within the reported length and the width being used, is covered by more than 1/8 in (3 mm) of standing water or its equivalent in slush, wet snow, dry snow or any depth of ice or compacted snow.
Wing tip / Nacelle Strike occurs at what bank angle?
12 degrees with struts compressed.
Tail Strike occurs with what pitch angle?
10 degrees nose up.
Minimum Holding Speeds
Minimum Speeds:
6,000 ft and below 200 KTS
6,001 ft and above - 210 KTS
S / L – 6,000 ft - 200 KTS
6,001 ft – 14,000 ft - 230 KTS
14,001 ft and above - 265 KTS