ERJ 175 Limitations Flashcards
Max Ramp Weight
85,870 lbs
Max Take Off Weight
85,517 lbs
Max Landing Weight
74,957 lbs
Max Zero Fuel Weight
69,886 lbs
Max Aft Cargo Weight
2535 lbs
Max Fwd Cargo Weight
3306 lbs
Min Runway Width
100 ft (SW)
Wing Span
93 ft 11 in
Aircraft Length
103 ft 11 in
Tail Height
32 ft 4 in
Distance between main landing gear tires
17 ft 1 inch
Height to the top of winglets
15 ft 12 in
Max Ops Altitude
41,000 ft
Max Take Off and Land Airport Elevation
8000 ft
Max Temp Take Off and Land
ISA + 35 deg C (52 deg C)
Min Temp Take Off and Land
-40 deg C
Max RWY Slope
+/- 2%
Max Tail Wind
15 Kt
Max Single Pack Ops
31,000 ft
Vmo Sea Level - 8000 ft
300 KIAS
Vmo 10,000 - Mach Transition
320 KIAS
.82 Mach
240 KIAS
Vlo Ext
250 KIAS
250 KIAS
Vle Retract
250 KIAS
V Tire
195 KIAS
V Rat Deploy Max
Vmo / Mmo
Vmin ( to provide electrical power )
130 KIAS
Vb below 10,000 ft
250 KIAS
Vb 10,000 ft and above
270 KIAS / .76 Mach (whichever is lower)
V wiper ops max
250 (SW)
V window
160 KIAS
Vfe 1
230 KIAS
Vfe 2
215 KIAS
Vfe 3
200 KIAS
Vfe 4
180 KIAS
Vfe 5
180 KIAS
V f - Full
165 KIAS
Max Recommended Crosswind - Dry Runway
38 Kts
Max Rec Crosswind - Wet Runway
32 Kts
Max Rec Crosswind - Compacted Snow
28 KTS
Max Rec Crosswind - Standing Water / Slush / Wet Snow / Dry Snow
18 Kts
Max Rec Crosswind - Ice
12 Kts
Static Take Off not recommended with XW of
30 Kts
Max Altitude Flaps / Slats Extended
20,000 ft
Max Enroute Ops Flaps / Slats Extended
Min Spoiler Speed
180 KIAS
CAT II Approach Flap Setting
Mandatory Flaps 5
Landing Flaps Full
Go Around Flaps 4
Landing Flaps 5
Go Around Flaps 2
Min Battery Voltage
22.5 Volts
Max ITT Engine Start
815 degs C
Min Oil Temp
-40 degrees C
Min Oil Pressure
25 psi
Engine Starts 1 and 2 limits on Ground
90 Seconds ON - 10 Seconds Off
Engine Starts 3 through 5 on Ground
90 Seconds ON - 5 Minutes OFF
Engine Starts 1 and 2 in Flight
120 Seconds ON - 10 Seconds OFF
Engine Starts 3 through 5 in Flight
120 Seconds ON - 5 Min OFF
Max Cumulative Starter Run Time per start on the ground
90 Seconds
Max Cumulative Starter Run Time in Flight
120 Seconds
Max Cumulative Starter Run Time on the Ground
90 Seconds ( Motoring plus start time)
Dry Motoring Limits
First Start 90 Seconds ON - 5 Minutes OFF
Starts 2 - 5 30 Seconds ON - 5 Minutes OFF
Engine Start Tail Wind Limitation
When there is no positive N1 indication prior to starter cutout, the start must be aborted.
Take Off with ATTCS OFF
is not authorized
Max Fuel Capacity
20,935 lbs
Max Fuel Imbalance
794 lbs
Min Fuel Tank Temp
-40 degs C
Take Off with FUEL IMBALANCE message
permissible as long as imbalance does not exceed 794 lbs.
Wait _______ Seconds after EICAS is energized to start APU
30 Seconds
Simultaneous use of the APU bleed and HP cart
APU Start Limits
Start 1 and 2 - 60 seconds OFF
Third attempt - 5 minutes OFF
Max Altitude for APU Start
30,000 ft
Max Temperature for APU Start
ISA + 35 C
Min Temperature for APU Start
-54 C
Max Altitude for APU Electrical Generator Use
33,000 ft
Max Altitude for APU Bleed Use
15,000 ft
Max Altitude for APU assisted Engine Start
21,000 ft
Max Differential Pressure Up to 37,000 ft
7.8 psi
Max Differential Pressure above 37,000 ft
8.34 psi
Max Differential Over Pressure
8.77 psi
Max Differential Negative Pressure
- 0.5 psi
Max Differential Pressure for Takeoff and Landing
0.2 psi
Min Reservoir Temp for Engine Start
-18 deg C
Auto Pilot Min Engagement Height
400 ft
Auto Pilot Min Use Height
50 ft
Can you use the auto pilot below the MDA on a non precision approach?
Can you fly a LOC Back Course using the IESS
NO - Prohibited
The DATASET MENU must be set to ENG when OAT is between ___ deg C and ____ deg C and: when there is a possibility of visible moisture up to ______ ft AFE
5 deg C
10 deg C
1700 AFE
And when operating on contaminated ramps or taxi ways.
The DATASET MENU must be set to ALL when OAT is below ____ deg C and: when there is a possibility of visible moisture up to ______ ft AFE
5 deg C
1700 AFE