Performance Flashcards
514. According to airworthiness, what is the maximum number of passager seats on a A 320-200 : 145 180 220
- After TAKE OFF, pilot can engage AP :
At 30 ft.
5 seconds after LIFT-OFF.
At 100 ft and at least 5 seconds after LIFT-OFF.
At 100 ft and at least 5 seconds after LIFT-OFF.
- What is the maximum speed for the landing gear retraction ?
250 kt
220 kt
280 kt
220 kt
- In normal operation, what is the maximum speed with landing gear extended ?
280 kt / M 0.67
250 kt / M 0.67
220 kt / M 0.60
280 kt / M 0.67
- The maximum altitude to extend the speed brakes is :
FL 250
No limitation
FL 200
No limitation
519. Minimum usable altitude for AP during an ILS approach with CAT 1 displayed on FMA is : 160 ft AGL MDA When flare is displayed on FMA
160 ft AGL
- On A320 the use of AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES MODES is not permitted in
approach unless the FCU altitude is set at or above :
No restriction
1500 ft.
MDA or 500 ft AGL.
MDA or 500 ft AGL.
- LFPG 27L - WIND = 180/31 kt.
TAKE OFF and LANDING are allowed
TAKE OFF is prohibited
TAKE OFF is allowed but LANDING is prohibited
TAKE OFF and LANDING are allowed
- The maximun brake temperature for TAKE-OFF is :
- The pilot can disengage AUTO BRAKES system :
Only by pressing firmly the brake pedals.
Only by pushing the armed mode P/B.
Either by pushing the armed mode P/B or by pressing firmly the brake pedals.
Either by pushing the armed mode P/B or by pressing firmly the brake pedals.
- During preflight check on a A320-200, external temperature 17°C, cabine temperature
23°C, 1 observer is expected in cockpit, the minimum crew oxygen bottle pressure has
to be :
1425 PSI
731 PSI
959 PSI
959 PSI
- During PREFLIGHT on a A320-200, external temperature 17°C, cabine temperature
23°C, the flight crew oxygen pressure is 1000 PSI :
You can accept one jump seat
You can accept two jump seats
This is the minimum pressure for PEQ 2
You can accept one jump seat
526. After 3 APU STARTER CYCLES separated by 1 minute COOL DOWN, you have to wait : At least 60 minutes At least 15 minutes Mechanical check has to be performed
At least 60 minutes
- APU can be started :
Up to FL 390
Up to FL 250
Only on ground
Up to FL 390
- The APU START LIMITATION with only batteries is :
Up to FL 390
Up to FL 250
Only on ground
Up to FL 250
- In case of engine failure during TAKE-OFF, TOGA THRUST can be set for :
5 minutes
10 minutes
Unlimited time
10 minutes
- If after 4 consecutive engine start cycles of 2 mn, start up is not completed, pilot has to
wait :
15 minutes to allow starter cooling before attempting a new start
20 seconds to allow starter relubrification
No delay is required
15 minutes to allow starter cooling before attempting a new start
- REVERSE THRUST can be used :
To back track the aircraft
IDLE REVERSE is allowed to stop the aircraft in normal operation
Maximum REVERSE should not be used below 70 kt except in emergency
Maximum REVERSE should not be used below 70 kt except in emergency
- FL 190, APU GEN ON, APU AIR BLEED can support :
- WING ANTI-ICING supplied by APU AIR BLEED is :
Not allowed.
Technically impossible
Not allowed.
- After one unsuccessful APU START UP, a new start can be performed :
After a 1 minute cooling period
After a 2 minute cooling period
- On contamined runways :
Reduced TAKE OFF THRUST is allowed
Reduced TAKE OFF is allowed but FLEX TEMP must be reduced by 4°C
Reduced TAKE OFF THRUST is not allowed
Reduced TAKE OFF THRUST is not allowed
- When items are affecting performance at take-off (like THRUST REVERSERS
inoperative), TAKE-OFF with reduced THRUST :
Is permitted without any restriction
Is not permitted
Is permitted on dry runways only
Is not permitted
- During preflight check in winter at MOSCOW, the ECAM ENG OIL T° is - 45°C :
Start-up is not allowed
There is no oil temperature limitation for start-up
Start-up may be performed
Start-up is not allowed
- During DESCENT, flying under IMC conditions, TAT = +5°C :
Pilot has not to use ENG ANTI ICE
Pilot has to use ENG ANTI ICE
Before using ANTI ICE, pilot can wait ice emergence
Pilot has to use ENG ANTI ICE
- Flying FL 390, SAT = - 50°C, entering cirrus clouds :
ENG ANTI ICE is required
ENG ANTI ICE is not required
ENG ANTI ICE is not allowed at FL 390
ENG ANTI ICE is not required
- On ground, A/C is under icing conditions when :
OAT < 10°C
OAT < 10°C and visibility less than 1600 m
Visibility less than 1600 m
OAT < 10°C and visibility less than 1600 m
- On ground, A/C is under icing conditions when :
OAT < 10°C
OAT < 10°C and water patches on runway
OAT < 10°C and ceiling below 200 ft
OAT < 10°C and water patches on runway
- IGN START must be used for TAKE-OFF when :
Runway is wet
Heavy rain or severe turbulences are expected
Icing conditions are encountered
Heavy rain or severe turbulences are expected
ENG ANTI ICE is required
ENG ANTI ICE is required if SAT < - 40°C
ENG ANTI ICE is not required if SAT < - 40°C
ENG ANTI ICE is not required if SAT < - 40°C
- Extended flight in icing conditions with the SLATS extended :
Is permitted because SLATS are deiced
Is not permitted
Extended flight in icing conditions should be avoided
Extended flight in icing conditions should be avoided
- In flight, the maximum fuel unbalance is :
530 kg between inner tanks
530 kg between both wings
530 kg between outer tanks
530 kg between outer tanks
- On A320-200, tanks must be emptied as follows :
Central tanks then wing tanks
Wing tank then central tanks
Simultaneously if the fuel load exceeds the wing tanks capacity
Simultaneously if the fuel load exceeds the wing tanks capacity
- The cabin altitude reaches 9550 ft :
There is no alarm
There is an EXCESS CABIN ALT alarm and “FASTEN SEAT BELTS” illuminates
There is only an EXCESS CABIN ALT alarm
There is only an EXCESS CABIN ALT alarm
- Crew want to TAKE-OFF without FD :
It is permitted with this aircraft
It is permitted without any restriction
It is permitted, according to MEL conditions
It is permitted, according to MEL conditions
- When pressing T.O. CONFIG P/B for TAKE-OFF, T.O. CONFIG TEST remains BLUE
Pilot cannot check if TAKE OFF conditions are correct
There is a technical procedure to check T.O. CONFIG (MEMO ECAM INOP)
QRH CHECK LIST has to be performed
There is a technical procedure to check T.O. CONFIG (MEMO ECAM INOP)
- An AUTOLAND procedure can be conducted with one engine failure :
Without any restriction
If the engine failure procedure is completed before reaching 1000 ft AGL and DH is
limited to 50 ft
There is no AUTOLAND procedure allowed with 1 engine out
If the engine failure procedure is completed before reaching 1000 ft AGL and DH is
limited to 50 ft
- When starting the engine in flight :
EGT MAX is 725° and FADEC controls the overlimit
EGT MAX is 950° and FADEC does not control the overlimit
EGT MAX is 725° and FADEC does not control overlimit
EGT MAX is 725° and FADEC does not control overlimit
- A localizer (ILS without G/S) approach can be performed in full MANAGED mode :
Yes, provided the approach exists in DATA BASE, and is performed with AP
No, in any case
Yes, provided the approach exists in DATA BASE and the navigation accuracy is
No, in any case
- When a VOR approach is performed in SELECTED MODE, with AP ON, the AP
disconnects automatically when reaching MDA minus 50 ft :
Yes, in any case
No, and the aircraft automatically levels OFF
No, and the aircraft continues to descent according to the selected rate of descent
No, and the aircraft continues to descent according to the selected rate of descent
554. In descent, with the FMA reading SPD / DES / NAV, if the HDG KNOB on FCU is pulled, the FMA will turn to : SPD / DES / HDG THR IDLE / OPEN DES / HDG SPD / VS / HDG
- Normal electrical power being available, APU may be started up :
25000 ft or lower
10000 ft or lower
Throughout the normal flight envelope
Throughout the normal flight envelope
- The MAX SPEED at which the L/G may be extended is :
260 kts
250 kts
240 kts
250 kts
- The maximum speed to use the windshield wipers is :
200 kts
250 kts
230 kts
230 kts
- What is the MAX TIRE speed ?
205 kts
195 kts
185 kts
195 kts