Perception, Resistance and Power Flashcards
what are the differences in defining deviance between a subjectivist and objectivist point of view
subjectivist -> do not focus on deviance/act/person -> focuses on the perceptions/reactions/and the influence of power
define superflous populations in relation to capitalist society
unneeded population -> but in an ideal situation, there a whole lot of people willing to work for you -> more than what it is needed
how can superflous populations be a threat to capitalist societies
when they steal, unable to perform labor, use drugs, challenge the functioning of capitalist society
______ marxism is when the government is puppets of the corporations
what type of Marxism uses big lobby groups
instrumental Marxism
what is the government’s role in structural marxism
government is an absolute player along with the corporations -> the gov’t’s interest is to maintain a strong presence within society
match the description to the conflict theory
there are groups disproportionately impacted -> Indigenous Canadians are more likely to be unemployed
Pluralist Conflict theory
describe Mr.Dhillon’s story in relation to culture conflict theory
he applied to be an officer -> told to shave his beard, cut his hair and take his turban off -> went to supreme court and won
match the description to the conflict theory
Green peace -> tries to convince the gov’t to enact laws to save the environment
group conflict theory
provide an example about the gendered nature of norms
a man who is standing their ground and raising their voice -> a man just being a man
a woman who is standing their ground -> called a bitch
Based on the graph, Deviance is Gendered, what can you extrapolate from this?
we are much more likely to engage in criminal behavior during our youth (14-30)
-> more males than females
describe the broken windows theory and what are the solutions to this
lots of inner city crimes because these are areas you that have no surveillance -> no one will catch you
SOLUTION -> neighborhoods need to keep a standard and keep watch of their area
provide an example of the power-resistance dynamic and who established this
michel Foucault
-> when there is photo radar on the highway, people will drive the speed limit (POWER) -> some people will take them to court and fight it (RESISTANCE)
ANOTHER EX: someone pushing you
true or false - power and resistance live on different axes in life
false - where there is power, there is resistance
what are the interpretive theories?
- labelling theory
- deviant career theory
what is symbolic interactionism?
uses everyday forms of social interaction to explain society as a whole
- act on each other for the interpretation of symbols
what was Max Weber’s view of symbolic interactionism?
need to see the world as the group that is being studied sees it
- understand how they interpret situations
which sociologists discussed social construction of reality?
- Peter Berger and Thomas Luckman
what is social construction?
deviant characteristics are creations or artifacts of certain society
- meaning/knowledge are social creations
- things we see as natural are not based on objective reality
what is an example of social construction?
we are taught how to respond to panhandlers, women “should” be embarrassed by hairy legs
what’s the labelling theory?
describes process by which individuals are labelled as deviant
- implications for how others treat them and their own subsequent behavior and identity
what was the 1960s known for?
resistance and change
standard of living improved
almost the golden age of capitalism
what did the civil rights movement provide?
less segregation
same schooling for white and black
- police brutality
what occurred with the youth during the Viet war?
young people resisted going to illegitimate war which created tension between parents and children
- opposed the gov’t
what was the watergate scandal?
government legitimacy crisis
- Nixon resigned
what did Edwin Lemert do?
labelling theory
- primary and secondary deviance
primary deviance
minimal violations and no effect on self-identity
whats an example of primary deviance?
getting drunk
what’s secondary deviance?
if labelled deviant then may adopt the identity which serves to increase deviant behavior -> can be treated like an outsider
whats an example of secondary deviance?
committing murder, shoplifting
who made the self-fulfilling prophecy?
Robert Merton
what is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which make the originally false conception come true
- degrade individual’s character publicly
what is the status degradation ceremony?
tagging - criminal
defining - thief
describing - stole candy from 7-11
segregating - jail
who did the Looking Glass Self?
charles horton cooley
what is the concept of the looking glass self?
- we imagine how we are perceived by others (comparing self to some standard created by society)
- we imagine how they would evaluate us given their perception
- we develop impressions about ourselves based on how they perceive and evaluate
who portrayed self-fulfilling prophecy in a classroom?
Jane Elliot
- showed racism segregation by using blue and brown eyed kids
who developed the concept of stigma?
erving goffman
what is stigma?
powerful negative label that changes self-concept and social identity
what was Goffman’s definition of stigma?
attribute that is deeply discrediting
what does stigma operate as?
master status
- overpowers aspects of social identity so person is discredited in minds of others
whats an example of master status?
go on dates with dude and he’s super nice but find out that he’s an ex-con so you end things bc of that
what is the dramaturgical approach?
social life is similar to performing in the theatre wherein individuals they have a front-stage and back-stage
what is the front-stage selves?
the social self
non-authentic- clothing, makeup, material things
what is the back-stage self?
the authentic self
what is impression management?
actions we take to influence how other perceive us
- makeup, cars, clothes
what are the techniques of stigma management?
- concealment- lie about situations
- selective disclosure - people who you disclose things to during backstage self
- selective affiliation - you know a group of people would judge you so you close out those people
- activism - people who resist stigma and fight whole system
who are the labellers?
individuals labelled deviant by those with power to construct the label
moral entrepreneurs
those who define or advocate new rules and laws or different enforcement of existing laws
- claims-making process
- there is an agenda to set moral standard in society
who are the agents of social control?
some ordinary citizens
what is the point of claims-making?
use rhetorical communication to persuade audiences
- use compelling stats
- link emergent problem to problems on public agenda
- use emotionally compelling ex to typify seriousness and character of threat posed by behavior
who are the 2 people on opposites sides of the spectrum for abortion?
Motha Theresa- opposed them
Henry Morgentalar- Jew who understood horror of concentration camps and said if mothers dont want their children then kids wont be loved (imprisoned for therapeutic abortions
t or f: there is impacts of deviant labels?
T - many views and questions
- sympathy vs derision
- who responds
- punished or treated
- sick or bad