Perception Flashcards
Conscious experience that results from stimulation of the senses.
Inverse projection problem
Task of determining the object that caused a particular image on the retina.
Transitional probabilities
In speech, the likelihood that one speech sound will follow another within a word.
Demonstrated by Saffran and coworkers (1996) with experiment with infants.
Top-down processing
Processing that involves a person’s knowledge or expectations. This type of processing has also been called knowledge-based processing.
Knowledge and inference are important aspects. Brains essentially making predictions.
Bottom-up processing
Processing that starts with information received by the receptors. This type of processing is also called data-based processing.
Viewpoint invariance
The ability to recognize an object seen from different viewpoints.
Speech segmentation
The process of perceiving individual words within the continuous flow of the speech signal.
Statistical learning
The process of learning about transitional probabilities and about other characteristics of language. Statistical learning also occurs for vision, based on learning about what types of things usually occur in the environment.
Research has shown that infants as young as 8 months of age are capable of statistical learning.
Gestalt psychologist
A group of psychologists who proposed principles governing perception, such as laws of organization, and a perceptual approach to problem solving involving restructuring.
Principles of perceptual organisation
Rules proposed by the Gestalt psychologists to explain how small elements of a scene or a display become perceptually grouped to form larger units. These “laws” are described as “heuristics” in this book.
Likelihood principle
Part of Helmholtz’s theory of unconscious inference that states that we perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received.
Apparent movement
An illusion of movement perception that occurs when stimuli in different locations are flashed one after another with the proper timing.
Unconscious inference
Helmholtz’s idea that some of our perceptions are the result of unconscious assumptions that we make about the environment. See also Likelihood principle.
Principle of good continuation
Law of perceptual organization stating that points that, when connected, result in straight or smoothly curving lines are seen as belonging together. In addition, lines tend to be seen as following the smoothest path.
Principle of simplicity
Law of perceptual organization that states that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible. Also called the law of good figure and the law of simplicity
Law of pragnanz
Law of perceptual organization that states that every stimulus pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible. Also called the law of good figure and the law of simplicity.
Physical regularities
Regularly occurring physical properties of the environment. For example, there are more vertical and horizontal orientations in the environment than oblique (angled) orientations.
Regularities in the environment
Characteristics of the environment that occur frequently. For example, blue is associated with open sky, landscapes are often green and smooth, and verticals and horizontals are often associated with buildings.
Principle of similarity
Law of perceptual organization that states that similar things appear to be grouped together.
Oblique effect
The finding that vertical and horizontal orientations can be perceived more easily than other (slanted) orientations.