Quite easy one
what is perception
- psychological, subjective and intellectual process
- through which a person collects, selects data from environment,
- organizes, interprets, experience it obtains meaning from it.
Factors influencing perception
Internal factor
* need and interest
* Beliefs
* learning and past experiences
* pyschological aspects
* Expectation
* self concept -
External factors
* Size
* intensity
* frequency
* motion
* status
* contrast
* nature
* location
* novelty and familariity
* Situation
Attribution Theory
Founded by harold kelly
There are two causation of behaviour
* Internal cause or attribution
øpersonality, attitude, motivation, emotion,belief, ability etc
* External cause or attribution
ø environment, situation,other person luck, god etc…..
external and internal causation lead the following tendency:
ø Distinctiveness
ø consunses
ø consistency
attribution refers to the way of juddging other based on cause and effect relationship
Attribution error
Two attribution error
* Fundamental attribution error[tendency of over estamating internal factor]
* Self-serving bias[tendency to attribute success to internal factor]
* Other perceptual Errors
1. selective perception[based on the principle that we perceive what we want to perceive]
2. halo effect[tendeny of judging a person based on single traits which may be favourable or unfavourable]
3. stereotypes behaviour[tendency of judging people based on already khown general groups or category]
- attribution error are the common biases that people make when they try to explain the cause of someone behaviour
- these errors can occur when peple make attribution based on incomlete information.
Perception and individual decision making
- defining the problem
- developing alternatives
- making a choice