Pelvis 1+2+3+4- Exam 4 Flashcards
What 3 muscles make up the levator ani?
What 4 muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?
What are the components of the urogenital triangle?
-inferior pubic rami
-ischiopubic ramus
-ischial tuberosity
-superficial transverse perineal muscle
What are the 2 fossas of the pelvis? Why are they important?
ischio-anal fossae
anterior recesses of ischio-anal fossae
because bacteria can spread through subq fat very easily
What is within the superficial perineal space?
contains muscles and erectile tissues of penis/clitoris
What is within the deep perineal space?
deep transverse perineal muscle and glands
Why does infection from the abdomen/pelvis tend to NOT spread into the thigh?
because of the superficial fascias and deeper fascias
Deep penile fascia is also known as ___
Buck’s fascia
What is another name for the corpus cavernosum
crus of penis
What muscle is the cremaster muscle derived from?
internal abdominal oblique
What gland in women can get infected easily because of its short duct?
Greater vestibular gland
When the aorta splits what two arteries does it make?
Right and left common iliac
Superior vesicals supplies what organ?
superior bladder
**What are the two artery variations in the pelvis?
- Obturator arteries comes off the external iliac instead of the internal iliac (normal)
- Inferior gluteal comes off the superior gluteal instead of the internal iliac (normal)
Go back and rewatch the pelvis 1 around 1:42 to quiz yourself on the empty pictures
What arteries goes into the corpus cavernosum?
deep artery of the penis/clitoris
The ______ is the region posterior to the peritoneal lining
What 4 things does the retroperitoneum contain?
kidneys, ureters, suprarenal (adrenal) glands and the great vessels of the abdomen and pelvis
What does the deep pelvic space contain?
urinary bladder, rectum and reproductive viscera
Where do you surgically access the retroperitoneum and kidneys?
Right: below the 12th rib
Left: between the 11th and 12th rib
Paranephric fat is found where?
surrounding the kidney but more outside than Perinephric fat
Perinephric fat is found where?
directly surrounding the kidney, paranephric fat surrounds the peri
Perinephric abscesses can result from ____ and ____
UTIs or nephric abscesses
Where do the upper ureter receive its blood supply from?
renal artery
Where does the middle ureter receive its blood supply from?
In the abdomen you never want to pull the ureter ____
In the pelvis, you never want to pull the ureter ____
Ureters pass ___ to gonadal arteries and ____ to uterine arteries
ureters pass ____ to the iliac vessel
____ is constantly being produced
urine (and bile)
What causes the ureter flap to close?
increased pressure
The proximal ureter has a ___ layer of smooth muscle
muscularis externa
Distal ureter has a ____ layer of smooth muscle
muscle layer increases in thickness as you go down
Where are the three normal places kidney stones lodge?
Renal pelvis
Crossing pelvic brim & common iliac vessels
Entry into bladder wall
What do you order if you suspect a kidney stone?
KUB CT scan without contrast
What is hydronephrosis?
water on the kidney
What is the smooth muscle of the bladder called?
detrusor muscle
What is the role of the adrenal capsule?
Protection and separation from
nearby structures
What is the role of the adrenal cortex?
secretes Mineralcorticoids
What is the role of the adrenal medulla?
secretes Chromaffin cells: epinephrine & norepinephrine
What is the deepest recess in a female?
rectouterine pouch
Medial umbilical fold goes to what artery?
internal iliac artery
Lateral umbilical fold covers what vessels?
inferior epigastric vessels to external iliac
If you trace the median umbilical fold, where will it lead to back to??
towards the bladder
What is the deepest space in males?
rectovesicle pouch
What is the space between ascending colon and body wall?
right paracolic gutter
the ____ dead ends at the phrenicococoic ligament
left paracolic gutter
fluid in the (right/left) infracolic space cannot move superiorly
Fluid in the (right/left) paracolic gutter can reach the area posterior to the liver and possibly move through the ______ to reach the omental sac.
omental foramen
What is it called when the uterus is laying slightly forward? Backward?
What is called when the uterus is bent foward? backward?
What are parts of the adnexa?
broad ligament
ovarian ligament
round ligament of uterus
suspensory ligament of ovary
What is covering the ovarian artery and vein?
suspensory ligament of ovary
What three things make up the broad ligament?
Mesometrium – connects to uterus
Mesovarium – connects to the ovary
Mesosalpynx – connects to the oviduct
Parts of the broad ligament: _____ connects to uterus
Parts of the broad ligament: _____ connects to ovary
Parts of the broad ligament: _____ connects to oviduct
What are the little fingers extending off the infundibulum?
_____ is the leftover male drainage apparatus during development
What veins make the portal vein?
splenic and superior mesenteric
Testes/ovarian nodes drain directly to ____
lumbar (para-aortic) nodes
Be able to draw this flow
be able to draw this flow
Why are superficial inguinal nodes special?
they are extremely superficial so easy to palpate them
Describe a cancerous lymph node, what would it present like?
firm, not mobile, not painful
Describe an infected lymph node, what would it present like?
red, painful,swollen, mobile
Carcinomas (cancers derived from _____) commonly metastasize through _____
Sarcomas (cancers derived from _____) commonly metastasize through _____
Lymph from both lower limbs and the abdominopelvic viscera collects in a large sac (sometimes multiple) called the ______.
cisterna chyli
After the cisterna chyli, From there lymph flows superiorly through the _____ to the ______
thoracic duct
left subclavian vein
Lymph from the right upper limb and right head and neck drains to the _______
right subclavian vein
Draw the generic lymph flow for the entire body
Before reaching the left subclavian vein, lymph in the thoracic duct will usually encounter the ______
left supraclavicular lymph nodes.
What is the arrow pointing to? What does it indicate?
Virchow’s nodes
cancer in the abdominopelvic organs