Pelvic Walls, Floor and Contents - Male Flashcards
What are the differences between the general structure, greater pelvis and letter pelvis of the male and female?
General structure - thick and heavy
Greater pelvis - deep
Lesser pelvis - narrow and deep
General structure - thin and light
Greater pelvis - shallow
Lesser pelvis - wide and shallow
What parts of the pelvis are the true and false pelvis?
True pelvis = lesser pelvis
False pelvis = greater pelvis
What are the differences between the pelvic inlet and pelvic outlet of the male and female?
Pelvic inlet - heart shaped
Pelvic outlet - comparatively small
Pelvic inlet - oval and rounded
Pelvic outlet - comparatively large
What are the difference between the sub-pubic angle, obturator foramen and acetabulum of the male and female pelvis?
Sub-pubic angle - narrow
Obturator foramen - round
Acetabulum - large
Sub-pubic angle - wide
Obturator foramen - oval
Acetabulum - small
What are the articulation of the pelvic bones?
Sacroiliac joint
Pubic symphysis
Hip joint
What are the components of the pelvic bone?
What is the name given to the socket formed by the fusion of the ilium, pubis and ischium?
At what age does the acetabulum become complete?
20-25 years old
What does the acetabulum provide?
Articulation with the head of the femur to form he hip joint
What part of the pelvic bone is the ilium, and what are its features?
Superior part
Widest and largest of the three parts
What forms the superior part of the acetabulum?
Body of the ilium
What is the inner concave surface of the ilium known as? What does it provide origin to?
Iliac fossa
Provides origin to the iliac muscle
What does the external surface of the ilium provide attachment to?
Gluteal muscles
Why is the anterior superior iliac spin an important anatomical landmark?
Halfway between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis the femoral artery can be palpated
Midpoint of inguinal ligament is located halfway between ASIS and pubic tubercle
What is the most anterior portion of the pelvic bone? What are its features?
Body, superior ramus, inferior ramus
What does the body of the pubis articulate with?
The opposite pubic body at the pubic symphysis
The superior ramus of the pubis extends laterally from the body to form part of what?
The acetabulum
The two rami of the pubis enclose what?
Part of the obturator foramen through which obturator nerve, artery and vein pass to reach the lower limb
What forms the postero-inferior part of the pelvic bone? What are its features?
Body, inferior ramus, superior ramus
The inferior ramus of the ischium combines the th inferior pubic ramus to form what?
Isciopubic ramus, which encloses part of obturator foramen
On the posterior aspect of the ischium there is an infestation known as
the greater sciatic notch
The sacrospinus ligament runs from the ischial spine to the sacrum, creating
the greater sciatic foramen, through which the lower limb neurovasculature travels
The sacrotuberous ligament runs from the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity, forming the
lesser sciatic foramen
What are the components of the pelvic girdle?
Two pelvic bones
What are the articulation of the pelvic girdle with the pelvis?
Sacroiliac joints
Sacrococcygeal symphysis
Pubic symphysis
What are the functions of the pelvis?
Transfer of weight from upper axial skeleton to the lower appendicular components
Provides attachment for muscles and ligaments
Contains and protects the abdominopelvic and pelvic viscera
What is the greater pelvis?
Superior portion of the pelvis (false pelvis) which provides support to the lower abdominal viscera
What is the lesser pelvis?
The inferior (true) portion of the pelvis, pelvic cavity and pelvic viscera lie in this
What is the pelvic inlet?
The junction between the greater and lesser pelvis
What are the borders of the pelvic inlet?
Sacral promontory
Arcuate line and pectineal line
Pubic symphysis
What is the linea terminalis?
Combined pectineal line, arcuate line and sacral promontory
What is the iliopectineal line?
Combined arcuate and pectineal lines
What are the borders of the pelvic outlet?
Tip of coccyx
Ischial tuberosities and inferior margin of sacrotuberous ligament
Pubic arch
Most women have a gynaecoid pelvis as opposed to what?
The male android pelvis
What is the pelvic floor?
Muscular structure which attaches to the walls of the lesser pelvis and separates the pelvic cavity from the inferior perineum
What gaps are in the pelvic floor in order to allow for urination and defection?
Urogenital hiatus (anterior gap, urethra and vagina in females) Rectal hiatus (central gap, anal canal passage)
What lies between the urogenital hiatus and rectal hiatus?
Perineal body
What are the functions of the pelvic floor muscles?
Support of abdominopelvic viscera
Resistance to increases in intra-pelvic and intra-abdominal pressure
Maintaining urinary and faecal continence
What action do the muscles of the pelvic floor have on the rectum and urethra?
Sphincter action - relax to allow urination and defaecation
What are the components of the pelvic floor?
Levator ani muscles
Coccygeaus muscles
Fascial coverings of the muscles
What is the innervation of the levator ani muscles?
Branches of pudendal nerve - roots S2, S3 and S4
What are the levator ani muscles?
Broad sheet of muscle composed of three separate paired muscles;
What is the anterior attachment of the levator ani muscles to the pelvis?
Pubic bodies of hip bone
What is the lateral attachment of the levator ani muscles to the pelvis?
Thickened fascia of the obturator internus muscle
What is the posterior attachment of the levator ani muscles to the pelvic?
Ischial spines of hip bone
What are the two main functions of the penis?
Sexual intercourse
What are the four muscles located in the root of the penis?
2 x bulbospongiosus muscles
2 x ischiocavernosus muscles
What are the supporting ligaments of the penis?
Suspensory ligament
Fundiform ligament
What is the innervation of the penis?
S2-S4 spinal cord segments and spinal ganglia
Sensory and sympathetic innervation to skin and glans supplied by dorsal nerve of penis
Parasympathetic innervation by cavernous nerves from prostatic nerve plexus
What are the roles of the testes and epididymis?
Testes - site of sperm production and hormone synthesis
Epididymis - role in sperm storage
Where are spermatozoa produced?
Seminiferous tubules
What are the coverings of the testes?
Tunica vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
What is the innervation of the testes and epididymis?
Testicular plexus
What is the blood supply of the penis?
Dorsal arteries of penis, deep arteries of penis and bulbourethral branch (all branches of internal pudendal artery)
What is the blood supply of the testes and epididymis?
Paired testicular arteries (arise from abdominal aorta)
What is the venous drainage of the testes and epididymis?
Paired testicular veins
Where do the left and right testicular veins drain?
Left drains into the left renal vein
Right drains directly into the IVC
What is the lymphatic drainage of the testes and epididymis?
Lumbar and para-aortic nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the scrotum?
Superficial inguinal nodes
What are the contents of the scrotum?
Spermatic cord
What is the arterial supply of the scrotum?
Posterior and anterior scrotal arteries
What is the venous drainage of the scrotum?
Scrotal veins
What is the cutaneous innervation of the scrotum?
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Anterior scrotal nerves
Posterior scrotal nerves
Perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
What are the contents of the spermatic cord?
Testicular artery Cremaster artery and vein Artery to vas deferens Pampiniform plexus of testicular veins Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Vas deferens Lymph vessels Processus vaginalis Autonomic nerves
What is the pampiniform plexus?
Network of veins responsible for venous drainage of the testes
Also acts as heat exchanger, cooling arterial blood before it reaches the testes
What is the vas deferens?
Straight, thick muscular tube that conveys sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
What are the bulbourethral glands?
Pair of exocrine glands located posterolateral to the membranous urethra which contribute to final volume of semen
What are the bulbourethral glands derived from embryologically?
Urogenital sinus
What are the seminal vesicles?
Pair of glands found in the pelvis which function to produce some constituents of semen, providing 70% of total volume
The ducts of the seminal vesicles combine with the vas deferens to form what?
Ejaculatory duct
What is a haematocele?
Collection of blood in the tunica vaginalis
What is a hydrocele?
Collection of serous fluid within the tunica vaginalis
What is a varicocele?
Gross dilation of the veins draining the testes
What is epididymitis?
Inflammation of the epididymis
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Enlargement of prostate without presence of malignancy