Pediatrics's Flashcards
What are the stages of development that fall in pediatrics?
Infancy Toddler Pre-Schooler School Age Adolescent
What is the age bracket for infant in the stages of development?
0-12 months (pedia concept)
0-18 months (psychia concept)
What is the age bracket for neonates?
0-28 days
What is the difference between growth and development?
growth (quantitative changes) is the changes in size (weight and height) while development (qualitative changes) is the changes in skill
What are the parameters of growth?
Weight and Height
Normal weight of newborns
2.5 - 3.5 kg
> 3.5 kg (Large for gestational age)
What can cause macrosomia in newborns?
If the mother has GDM
What should you watch out with newborns after birth when the mother has GDM?
Watch out for hypoglycemia
Normal blood sugar level of newborn
< 2.5 kg (Small for gestational age)
What can cause microsomia in newborns?
Smoking mother
Normal height of a newborn
45-55 cm
True or False: Newborn boys are heavier and longer afterbirth than newborn girls
True or False: Development can be measured
Assessment tools to determine development of an infant
DDST (Denver Development Screening Test)
MMDST (Metro Manila Development Screening Test)
What is the condition of the infant if his/her head still lags at 2 month?
What age (months) does an infant have a higher risk of falling?
5 months
Is an infant sucking her own foot a good or bad sign?
Good (exercises muscle for standing and walking)
What is the age bracket for Toddlers in the stages of development?
1-3 yrs old
Mnemonic for the development of toddlers
Ritualistic behavior Ego Centric Negativism Toileting Toothbrushing
What can cause temper tantrums
less developed language
Management for temper tantrums
- Safety (helmet/pillow)
2. Ignore
Ego Centric with Toddlers
Self centered; “MINE”
Negativism with Toddlers
Always say no
Ritualistic behavior with Toddlers
security objects (blanket)
Management for negativism with toddlers
provide choices/options (this develops the persons autonomy)
When should you start toileting?
18 months old [maturation of sphincters]
In toileting where should you start first, bowel control or bladder control?
Bowel control
When should you start tooth brushing?
30 months [complete milk teeth]
When is the right time to have his/her first dental check-up?
30 months
What fruit can be an alternative for tooth brushing?
How many milk teeth does a child have?
20 primary teeth
When and where does the 1st eruption of deciduous teeth show?
6 months (pair on lower central incisor)
When is the right time to introduce solid food to a child?
6 months
When and where does the 2nd eruption of deciduous teeth show?
7 months (upper central incisor)
When and where does the 3rd eruption of deciduous teeth show?
9 months (upper lateral incisor)
When does deciduous teeth start to loosen and fall off?
6-7 yrs old
What causes newborns to immediately have teeth after birth?
Increase in Ca intake of mother during pregnancy
(if loose, increased risk of aspiration -> management: remove)
Mnemonic for the development of pre-schoolers
Magical Thinking
What is the age bracket for Pre-Schoolers in the stages of development?
4-6 yrs old
Magical thinking of pre-schoolers
Exaggerated thinking
Imaginary friends
Imitative for Pre-Schoolers
Role playing
Sharing with Pre-Schoolers
cooperative with other people (peers)
Y? with Pre-Schoolers
Ask 200-300 questions per day
What is the age bracket for School Age in the stages of development?
7-12 yrs old
Mnemonic for the development of School Age
Winner/ Loser Concept
What type of play is for School Age?
Competitive play (winner or loser concept)
What do School Age children afraid of or fear?
Concept of Death (depends on age)
1-6 y/o: Sleeping
7-9 y/o: Punishment (from boogey man)
10 y/o: END OF LIFE
What is the teacher for a child of School Age?
Significant other/idol
What is the age bracket for Adolescents in the stages of development?
13-18 yrs old
What is the age bracket for Adolescents in the stages of development based on the psychia concept?
13-21 yrs old
Mnemonic for the development of Puberty
Body Image
Common body image of Adolescents
Anorexia and Bulimia
breast enlargement
Hair growth
First menstrual period
Fear of infants
Stranger Anxiety
onset 6-7 months
peak: 8 months
end: 9 months
Fear of Toddlers
separation anxiety
Protest: cry
Despair: withdrawn
Denial: ignore
Fear of Pre-Schoolers
Body mutilation
Fear of School Age
Appropriate play and toys for Infants
Solitary Play
Toys that promote sensory development (rattle, mobile, squeeze toys, soft stuffed toy)
Appropriate play and toys for Toddlers
Parallel Play
Physical development toys (ball, push and pull toy, tri-bike, walkie talkie)
Appropriate play and toys for Preschoolers
Cooperative Play (Roleplay) Toys that promote creativity (coloring books, crayons, clay legos)
Appropriate play and toys for School Age
Competitive Play (indoor) Ball games and Board Games
Appropriate play and toys for Adolescents
Competitive Play (outdoor) Ball Games
Significant other of Infants
Significant other of Toddlers
Mother and Father
Significant other of Pre-Schoolers
Mother, Father and Siblings (Family)
Significant other of School Age
Significant other of Adolescents
Friends (peers)