Pediatrics and Adolescents SDOH/ Growth and Developement Flashcards
Role of the nurse is to provide
Therapeutic relationship
Family advocacy and caring –Family-Centered Care
Disease prevention and health promotion
Health teaching
Injury prevention
Support and counseling
Coordination and collaboration
Legal/Ethical decision making
Evidence-based practice/Research
Considering the family
FAMILY-CENTERED CARE (begin by noticing and interpreting)
Recognizes family as constant in child’s life
Systems must support, respect, encourage, and enhance strength and competence of family
Needs of all family members must be addressed
Concepts of enabling and empowering
Roles of the Nurse ( Reflect and Respond)
The Nurse Should provide:
Atraumatic care
Therapeutic care
Settings ( be familiar with the setting)
Reduce psychologic distress
Minimize physical distress
First do no harm
Health Preventtion - Childhood Mortality and Morbidity
Less than 1 year- congenital defects, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Greater than 1 year-injuries predominant
Ages 5 to 14 have the lowest death rate
Sharp increase occurs in adolescence
Common causes
Injuries (MVA)
Legal Consideration in Pediatrics ( When you are considered an adult to make decisions)
Emancipated minor ( teens who are parents, legalized as adults)
Reproductive, mental
Teen as a parent
End of Life considerations
Religious: Ex- Blood Transfusions Jehovah Witness
Adolescence- STD, mental , drug and alcohol use
Determinants of Health ( Pediatrics)
Family risk: due to the lack of parental education, poor health of family members, structure and large family size.
SDOH: Poverty, environmental toxins, adverse living, communities with low cohesion
Situational Risk: Acute life stress, acute mental or physical health crises, acute school/social problems, bullying, interpersonal violence, sexual abuse, and acute conflictual or violent family relationships
Toxic Stress: Strict or authoritative parenting, child abuse or neglect, exposure to domestic violence, chronic social isolation
Family Structure and Function
The nurse should Ask who is the main provider and their relationship to the child
Family : is what the individual considers it to be
Type of Family Structure
Consanguineous - Blood Relationship
Affinal - Martial relationship ( Married)
Family of origin- the family you are born into
What are types of Parenting Styles?
1.Authoritarian- negative, demeaning
3.Authoritative- Strict, consistent
Parenting Style - Continue
Parents should:
-limit setting and discipline ( consistency is key)
- Minimizing behavior
- General guidelines for discipline ( Timeouts- 1 minute per year of age)
- Type of discipline is based on behavior
Types of Special Parenting Situations
Parenting the adopted child
-Issues of origin
-Cross-racial and international adoptions
-Family structure
-When to tell the child
Parenting and divorce
-Impact of divorce on children
-Telling the children
-Custody and parenting partnerships
-Divided custody
-Joint custody
Types of Special Parenting ( con’t)
-Single parenting
-Single Fathers
-Reconstituted Families ( adult couples married or unmarried living with at least one child from a previous union of one of the partners)
- Working mothers
-Foster parenting
What are developmental behaviors related to divorce?
infant-interference with attachment
Toddler-fear of abandonment
Preschooler- anxiety, aggression, immature
School age- sleep disorders, loss of appetite
Middle school age- decline in school performance
Older school age -become bossy irritable
Adolescent-withdraw, act out
What are sociocultural Influences Upon the Child and Family( SDOH)
- Race and Ethnicity
-Mass Media - Social Class
- Poverty
- religious Influence
-Evolving demographics in the United States
What is developement?
sequence of physical , psychosocial and cognitive developemental changes that takes place over the human lifespan
what theories are used in pediatrics?
Freud’s theory of psychosexual development (1930s and 1940s
Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development (1940s)
Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (1960s)
Kohlberg’s theory of moral development (1980s)
-Caution should be taken when considering each of these theories because controversy exists regarding their accuracy and applicability.
What are physical developments?
Metabolism:Basal metabolic rate
Nutritional needs: Single most important influence on growth & Appetites fluctuate related to growth periods
Temperature: Thermoregulation
Sleep and rest: Protective function
birth ( Age)
conception through birth
birth through 12 months
12-36 months
36- 5 years
12-18 years
young adults
Middle Adult
young old
older than 85