pediatrics Flashcards
Sensorimotor age
0-2 y.o.
Sensorimotor characteristics
0-2 • They only think about what they are sensing right now • You can teach only in the present (while you are doing it) - Think Present Tense o Just tell them o Children at this age don’t understand play o Tell them as it is happening
Preoperational age
(Preschooler)—3 to 6 years
Preoperational charcateristics
- They are fantasy-oriented, imaginative, and illogical, there thinking obeys no rules
- However, they understand the future and they understand the past
Concrete Operations age
7 to 11 years
Concrete Operations characteristics
• “7/11 Grocery Stores are surrounded by concrete”—no trees, no flowers
• Children in this age group are rule-oriented
o Live and Die by the Rules and Cannot Abstract
o There is one way to do things … Everything else is wrong
• Teach them a day or two ahead of time
• Teach them what you’re going to do and how to do skills
• Use age-appropriate reading and demonstration (skill)
Formal Operations Age
12 to 15 years
Formal Operations Characteristics
• They can abstract and think Cause and Effect
• As soon as children become twelve, teach them like an adult
o This is now a regular Med-Surge question
When is the first age a child can manage his care?
o 12 years old
o Manage means making decisions which require the person to abstract
Safety for toys
• Size (no small toys for kids under 4)
• Over 4 small pieces are fine
• NO Metal (or dye-cast) if oxygen is in use
o Think of a flint-sparks!
• Beware of fomites
o A fomite is a non-living object that harbors microorganisms, such as stuffed animals—the worst type of fomites
o Hard plastic toys are fine … They can easily be disinfected
If you have a child who is immunosuppressed … Give them
a hard plastic action figure. It can easily be disinfected`
Infants 0 to 6months toys
Sensorimotor. Best toy is a musical mobile (Best choice) Toy should be large but soft (2nd best choice)
Infants 6 to 9 months toys
Object permanence.
Best toy teach them to Cover/Uncover This is to teach them that the object is still there even if they can’t see it
Examples are: Jack-in-the-Box and Peek-a-Boo
Toy should be large but firm
Worse toy after 6 months is the Musical Mobile because of the risk of strangulation
Infants 9 to 12 months toys
Vocalization. Best toys are speaking or verbal toys
Good list of toys are: Tickle me Elmo, Woody Cowboy, See and Say, Talking books
Age for purposeful play
The infant should be at least 9 months or older
• These words mean purposeful play: build, sort, stack, make, and construct
• Baby in womb for 9 months, another 9 months for purposeful play
Toddlers 1 to 3 years toys and type of play
Work on Gross Motor skills, which is running, jumping
- Best toys for this age group are Push/Pull toys
- Examples are: Lawn mowers, Wagon, dog with floppy feet They can paint (They use the hand to paint)
- They are characterized Parallel Play (think terrible two)
Preschoolers 3 to 6 years toys and play
Work on fine motor skills
- Therefore, preschoolers have finger dexterity; hence, can write, draw, use colored pencils, scissors
- Work on balance—Dance, ice skates, tricycles, tumbling - They are characterized by Cooperative Play
• Need to cooperate in Preschool (= Pretend)
• You’d be the sheriff, I’ll be robber … Highly imaginative
School age 7 to 11 years characteristics
Characterized by the “3 Cs”
1. Creative—Give them blank paper to draw, they like to get involved …
Toys: Legos, Transformers
2. Collective—Baseball cards, Webkinz, Barbies, Beanie Babies
3. Competitive—Winner/losers
Adolescents 12 to 18 years
Peer group association
Allow adolescents to be in each other’s rooms unless one of them has been/is
- Recently post-op for <12 hrs
- Immunosuppressed
- Contagious