electrolyte imbalances Flashcards
3 sentences to memorize
- Kalemias do the same as the prefix (hypo-, hyper-), except for HR and urine output which go opposite
- Calcemias do the opposite as the prefix
- Magnesemias do the opposite as the prefix
- HypoNatremia = Volume overload
- HyperNatremia = Dehydration
Some S/Sx of Hyperkalemia
- Brain: seizures, agitation, irritability, loud down
- Heart: tented T waves, ST elevated, tachypnea
- Bowel: diarrhea, borborygmi
- Muscle: spasticity, increase tone, hyperreflexia (3+, 4+)
- Heart rate: down (bradycardia)
- UO: down (oligouria)
Some S/Sx of Hypokalemia
- Lethargy, bradypnea, paralytic ileus, constipation, muscle flaccidity, hyporeflexia (0, 1+)
- Tachycardia (HR is up)
- Polyuria (UO is up)
Some S/Sx of Hypercalcemia
bradycardia, bradypnea, flaccid, hypoactive reflexes, lethargy, constipation, etc.
Some S/Sx Hypocalcemia
agitation, irritability, 3+ or 4+ reflexes, spasm, seizure, tachycardia, Chvostek sign (tap the cheek), Trousseau (inflate BP cuff), etc.
Choosing answers for potassium and calcium
- For potassium pick answers related to heart problems
* For calcium pick answers related to muscle problems
Some S/Sx of Hypernatrema
HypErnatrema = DEhydration
- Hot, flushed, dry skin, thready pulse, rapid HR … Give fluid
- Associate “E” in hypernatremia with DEhydration
Some S/Sx of Hyponatremia
HypOnatremia = Overload
- Crackles, distended neck veins … Fluid restriction, Lasix - Associate “O” in hyponatremia with Overload
- Nursing Dx: Fluid Volume Excess
The earliest sign of any electrolyte disturbance is
The earliest sign of any electrolyte disturbance is
o Numbness and tingling = Paresthesia
o Circumoral paresthesia = Numbness and tingling around the lips
The universal sign of all electrolyte imbalances is
o Muscle weakness = Paresis
• Never Push Potassium IV
• Potassium <40 mEq/L of IV fluid
- If >40 mEq/L, clarify dosage with physician
K+ treatment
- Give D5W and regular insulin to decrease potassium (Temporary solution but quick)
• Kayexalate is long-term solution