Congenital Heart Defects Flashcards
Memorize one word: “TRouBLe” with the lower case vowels because congenital heart defects are either:
o “TRouBLe” or
o Nothing to worry about
A pediatric pt with “TRouBLe” as congenital heart defect
- Needs surgery now/soon to live
- Has slowed/delayed growth and development (failure to thrive)
- Has a shortened life expectancy
- Parents will experience a lot of grief, financial and emotional stress
- Pt is likely to be discharge home on a cardiac monitor
- After, birth, pt will be in the hospital for weeks
- Pediatrician or pediatric nurse will likely refer pt to a pediatric cardiologist
A “TRouBLe” congenital heart defect
- “TRouBLe” shunts blood Right to Left
- “TRouBLe” is Blue (cyanotic)
- All “TRouBLe” start with the letter “T”
• All “TRouBLe” start with the letter “T”
o Tetralogy of Fallot
o Truncus arteriosus
o Transposition of the great vessels
o Tricuspid atresia
o Totally anomalous of pulmonary vasculature (TAPV)
o Except, Left ventricular hypoplastic syndrome
These are examples if No TRouBLe congenital heart defects
- Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
- Patent ductust arteriosus (PDA)
- Patent foramen ovale
- Atrial septal defect
- Pulmonic stenosis
All children with a congenital heart defect, whether TRouBle defect or No TRouBle defect, have
- A Murmur
* An echocardiogram need to be done to find out the cause of the murmur
4 defects of Tetralogy of Fallot
Of A
“PROVe” • Pulmonary artery stenosis • RVH (right ventricular hypertrophy) • Overriding aorta • VSD (ventricular septal defect)
Infant becomes cyanotic and has difficulty breathing with Tetralogy of Fallot
knee-to-chest position