Hiatal Hernia vs. Dumping Syndrome Flashcards
hiatal hernia
- moves in the WRONG direction at the RIGHT rate
- regurgitation of acid upward or backward to esophagus
S&S of hiatal hernia
Heartburn, Indigestion on lying down after eating (similar to GERD)
treatment for hiatal hernia
- Elevate HOB (head of bed) during and 1 hour after meals
- Increase the amount of fluids with meals
- Increase the amount of Carb content
o These cause the stomach to empty quickly so its content doesn’t back up
High-atal Hernia … Everything is…
Everything high
Dumping Syndrome
Gastric contents are dumped too quickly into duodenum
o Right direction but at wrong rate
S/Sx of dumping syndrome
o Drunk: Staggering gate, impaired judgment, labile—all blood gone to gut
o Also get Shock: cold/clammy, tachycardia, pale
o Now add Acute abdominal distress: n/v, diarrhea, cramping, guarding, borborygmi,
bloating, distention
• Dumping syndrome S/S=
Drunk, Shock, Acute Abdominal Distress
Drunk + Shock =
Drunk + Shock + Acute abdominal distress =
Dumping syndrome
Treatment of dumping syndrome
- Lower HOB (head of bed) during meals and turn pt on the side
- Decrease the amount of fluids 1 or 2 hours before or after meals
- Decrease the amount of Carb content
o These 3 things prevent the stomach to empty quickly or dump its content into the duodenum
• Dumping syndrome … Everything is
Why is protein is added in the diet for dumping?
• Protein does the opposite of carbohydrate
• Protein bulks gastric content, takes longer to digest, and moves slower through the gut
• Therefore, give
o Low protein in hiatal hernia
o High protein for dumping syndrome