Pediatric Milestones Flashcards
Cuts across a straight line within 1/4 inch of guideline
3.5-4 years old
Makes one single snip on paper
2-2.5 years
Cuts out a variety of complex shapes
5-6 years
Cuts on curved lines within 1/4 inch of guideline
3.5-4 years
Starts to cut out shapes like square or triangle using helper hand
Attempts to open/close scissor blades with 2 hands
1.5-2 years
Simple snips at paper
2.5-3 years
Scribbling marks on paper without symbolic meaning, repetition
2-3 years
Draws a human figure with 8-11 body parts
5-6 years
Draws a human figure with 4-7 body parts
4-5 years
Brings object to mouth
Less than 6 months
Moves objects from hand to hand
Dresses independently
5 years old
Push arms through opening of a shirt once it is over their head
2 years
Washes hands after toileting
5 years
Has few accidents
4 years
Indicates if he/she needs to urinate or have a bowel movement
30 months
Toilets on their own
3 years
Rough and tumble play
18-24 months
Eats by themselves
3-5 years
Drinks from cup with no lid without spilling
23-24 months
Plays with hands at midline
Birth to 6 months
Sits independently
6-12 months