Pediatric 1 Flashcards
At which age the normal HR range is similar to that of adults?
Infant visit schedule
Within 1 wk post-discharge 1mo 2mo 4mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 15mo 18mo 24mo Annually between 2-5 yr Every 1-2 y between 6-12 yr
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
4-6 y
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
Men-C-C: 12mo
Men-C-ACYW: Grade7
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
MMR: 12 SC
Var:15 mo
MMRV: 4-6 yr
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
0-1-6 mo
Grade 7
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
Grade 7
0-2-6 mo
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
14-16 y
Publicly funded immunization schedule for:
Yearly, every autumn
Contraindications to DTaP-IPV
Evolving unstable neurologic disease
Hyporesponsive/hypotonic following previous vaccine
Anaphylactic reaction to neomycin, streptomycin
Contraindications to Rot-1
Hx of intussusception
Abdominal disorder (Meckel…)
Received blood products within 42d
MMR contraindications
Anaphylactic reaction to gelatin
MMR for HIV + children
Allowed if healthy
Var vaccine contraindications
Planning to get pregnant within 3 mo
Anaphylactic reaction to gelatin
Hep B contraindication
Anaphylaxis to baker’s yeast
dTaP contra
1st trimester of pregnancy
Contraindications to flu vaccine
Egg-allergic (live attenuated)
Egg allergy and flu vaccine
Live attenuated vaccine not recommended
Trivalent/quadrivalent vaccine can be given in environment where anaphylaxis can be managed
Publicly funded only for selected groups: Asplenia Ab/Compliment deficiencies Cochlear implant recipients HIV Close contacts with infected individuals
Contra: anaphylactic reaction to components
Vaccination in case of asplenia/hyposplenia
All routine vaccines
Yearly flu (among routines)
Men-C-C at age 2 or older
Men-P-ACYW at least 2 wk later, booster q 2-5y
Pneu-P-23: 2y or older
Pneu-P-23: single booster, at age 3 yr or older
Hib: single booster at age 5 or older
Organisms causing infection more frequently in asplenia
Hib Pneumococ Meningococ E.coli Klebsiella Salmonella GBS
Vaccine injection site in infants
Anterolateral thigh
All IM
Oral: rota
Corrected GA for premature infants is used up to age
2 yr
Most lymphatic, gonad, CNS growth time period
CNS: first 2 years
Lymphoid: mid-childhood
Gonads: puberty
Upper/lower body proportion
Newborn: 1.7
0.9 male
1 female
When does newborn lose and regain weight?
Wt loss, 10%, in first 7 days
Regain by 10-14 d of age
Infant wt
Birth: 3250
x2: 4-5 mo
x3: 1y
x4: 2y
Height of infant
Birth: 50 cm
Growth during 1st yr: 25 cm
2nd yr: 12 cm
3rd yr: 8 cm
Then: 4-7 cm/y until puberty
Supine until 2
Then standing
Head circumference
Birth: 35cm
2 cm/mo x 3mo (0-3 mo)
1 cm/mo x 3mo (3-6mo)
0.5 cm/mo x 6 mo (6-12mo)
Upgoing plantar reflex in infants
Normal until 2 yr
Age of disappearance of moro reflex
4-6 mo
Galant reflex
Infant held in ventral suspension and one side of back is stroked along paravertebral line
Pelvis moves in the direction of stimulated side
Age of disappearance of galant reflex
2-3 mo
Age of disappearance of grasp reflex
3-4 mo
ANTR reflex (asymmetric tonic neck reflex)
Turn infant’s head to one site
Response: fencing posture
Age of disappearance of ATNR reflex
4-6 mo
Age of disappearance of placing reflex
Age of disappearance of sucking reflex
2-3 mo
Age of disappearance of parachute reflex
Developmental red flags
Not walking at 18 mo
Rolling too early at < 3 mo
Hand preference at < 18 mo
Speech < 10 words at 18 mo
Not smiling at 3 mo
Not pointing at 15-18mo
Growth motor at 1 mo
Turns head from side to side when supine
Fine motor at 1 mo
Hands fisted
Thumb in fist
Speech/language at 1 mo
Startles to loud noise
Adaptive/social skills at 1 mo
Calms when comforted
Gross motor at 2 mo
Briefly raises head when prone
Holds head erect when upright
Fine motor at 2 mo
Pulls at cloths
Speech/language at 2 mo
Adaptive and social skills at 2 mo
Smiles responsively
Recognizes/calms down to familiar voice
Follows movements with eyes
Gross motor at 4 mo
Lifts head and chest when prone
Holds head steady when supported sitting
Rolls prone to supine
Fine motor at 4 mo
Briefly holds object when placed in hand
Reaches for midline objects
Speech/language at 4 mo
Turns head towards sounds
Adaptive/social skills at 4 mo
Laughs responsively
Follows with eyes
Responds to people with excitement
Gross motor at 6 mo
Tripod sit
Pivots in prone position
Fine motor at 6 mo
Transfers objects from hand to hand
Bring objects to mouth
Ulnar or raking grasp
Speech and language at 6 mo
Adaptive/social at 6 mo
Stranger anxiety
Beginning of object permanence
Gross motor at 9 mo
Sits well without support
Pulls to stand
Stands with support
Fine motor at 9 mo
Early pincer grasp with straight wrist
Speech/language at 9
Mama, dada
Imitates 1 word
Responds to no regardless of tone
Adaptive/social at 9 mo
Plays games (peek-a-boo)
Reaches to be picked up
Gross motor at 12 mo
Gets into sitting without help
Stands without support
Walks while holding on
Fine motor at 12 mo
Neat pincer grasp
Releases ball with throw
Speech and language at 12 mo
2 words
Follows 1 step commands
Uses facial expression, sounds, actions to make needs known
Gross motor at 15 mo
Walks without support
Crawls upstairs/steps
Fine motor at 15 mo
Picks up and eats finger foods
Stacks 2 blocks
Speech at 15 mo
4-5 words
Points to needs/wants
Adaptive/social at 15
Looks to see how others react (after falling…)
Adaptive/social at 12 mo
Responds to own name
Separation anxiety begins
Gross motor at 18 mo
Walks forward pulling toys/objects
Fine motor at 18 mo
Tower of 3 cubes
Eats with spoon
Speech at 18 mo
10 words
Follows simple commands
Adaptive/social at 18 mo
Shows affection towards others
Points to show interest in something
Gross motor at 24 mo
Climb up and down steps with 2 feet per step
Kicks ball
Fine motor at age 24
Tower of 6 cubes
Speech at 24 mo
2-3 word phrases
50% intelligible
I, me, you
Understands 2-step commands