Obs Flashcards
> 37wk
20-36+6 wk
<500 g
Goodell’s sign
Softening of cervix
4-6 wk
Chadwick’s sign
Bluish discoloration of cervix and vagina
Softening of the cervical isthmus
Time of beta detection in pregnancy
9d post conception in serum
28d after LMP in urine
Beta doubling time
q 1.4-2 d
Peak of beta in pregnancy
8-10 wk
Visible pregnancy on TVS
5wk: gestational sac
6wk: fetal pole
7wk: FHR
Visible pregnancy on transabdominal U/S
Beta rule of 10
Missed mense:10
Wk 10: 100,000
No of WBC in preg
Plt in preg
> 70,000
Returns to nl 2-12 wk following delivery
Normal glycosuria in pregnancy
Folic acid supplementation
8-12 wk preconception until end of T1
All women: 0.4-1 mg/d
Previous NTD/AED/DM/BMI>35 :5mg/d
Supplements before pregnancy
Folic acid
Prenatal vitamins
Preconception genetic testing indications
Known carriers
Recurrent loss/stillbirth
Family member with developmental delay/birth anomaly/genetic disease
Prenatal infection screening
Rubella HBsAg VDRL HIV Pap smear Gonorrhea Chlamydia TB (Hx of travel, health care worker) Varicella (Hx, vaccination) Parvovirus (exposure to children) CMV (health care workers) Toxo (exposure to cats, gardening) Pertussis (vaccine)
Initial prenatal visit
Within 8-12 wk of LMP
Earlier if <20, >35
Naegle’s rule for EDC
1st day of LMP + 1y -3mo +7d +number of cycle days more than 28
If unreliable LMP
Dating U/S
Change EDC if T1 U/S is greater than 5 days in difference from LMP due date
Initial prenatal investigations
CBC, Blood group, Rh, antibody screen, infection screen
Urine R&M, midstream urine C&S
Pelvic exam: Pap smear, cervical/urine PCR for gono/chlamy
12 wk
N/V Mx
Hydration evaluation
Urine ketones
Ginger max
1000 mg/d
Medication for N/V
Diclectin (doxylamine succinate + B6) No response, dimenhydrinate Hydroxyzine Pyridoxine Phenothiazine Metoclopeamide B6 lollipop \+/- fluid replacement
Hyperemesis gravidarum
CBC, lytes, BUN, Cr, LFT, U/A, U/S
R/O other causes: TFT, beta
Mx of hyperemesis gravidarum
Thiamine Diclectin Dimenhydrinate Hydroxyzine Pyridoxine Phenothiazine Metoclopramide Ondansetron Methylprednisolone Admission, NPO, then small frequent meals, correct fluid/lytes/ketosis, TPN
Encephalopathy due to hyperemesis gravidarum
Prenatal visits
1st: 8-12 wk from LMP
Then q 4-6 wk until 30 wk
Q 2-3 wk from 30 wk
q 1-2 wk from 36 wk
Doppler for FHR
10-12 wk
Leopold time
After 30-32 wk
Legal aspect of prenatal screening
Requires informed concent
1st dating U/S
8-12 wk
Prenatal screening
8-12 wk
Dating U/S Pap Chlamydia/Gono Urine C&S HIV VDRL HBsAg CBC, blood group, screen Parvovirus IgM/G if contact with small children Varicella if no Hx of disease/immunization
Cell-free fetal DNA
> 10 wk
Requires dating U/S
10-12 wk
Enhanced FTS
11-14 wk
11-14 wk
Enhanced FTS
IPS part1
(NT, beta, PAPP-A, PIGF, AFP)
11-14 wk
15-16 wk to term
IPS part2
15-20 wk
MSAFP, beta, unconj-est, inhibin A
15-20 wk MSAFP Beta Unconj-est Inhibin A
Fetal movement quickening
18-20 wk to term
Routine dating U/S (2nd)
18-20 wk
Dates, growth, anatomy
GDM screening
24-28 wk
50 g OGCT
Repeat CBC, BG, Rh, Rhogam
28 wk
GBS screen
35-37 wk
6 wk postpartum
Contraception Mense Breastfeeding Depression Mental health Support Breast exam Pelvic exam (pap if due)
Most accurate dating method
U/S 8-12 wk
CRL (+/- 5d margin of error)
U/Ss in pregnancy
8-12 wk dating
11-14 wk NT
18-20 wk growth/anomaly/ dating (error: +/- 10 d)
What does NIPT search for?
Trisomy 18,13, some X/Y disorders, some microdeletions
Ready in 7-10 d
Increased NT
Cardiac anomalies
Trisomy 18
Disadvantages of NIPT
Doesn’t test for NTD
Needs confirmation with invasive tests
Down in FTS
Increased NT
Increased Beta
Decreased PAPP-A
Trisomy 18 in FTS
Increased NT
Decreased PAPP-A
Decreased Beta
Disadvantages of FTS
Doesn’t check NTD (needs combination with MSAFP at 15-20 wk)
If positive, confirm with CVS/amniocentesis/NIPT
Down in MSS
Decreased MSAFP
Increased Beta
Decreased est
Trisomy 18 in MSS
Decreased beta
Decreased MSAFP
Decreased est
Decreased inhibin
Increased MSAFP
Disadvantages of MSS
Only offered if missed IPS/ FTS
If positive needs U/S, amniocentesis OR NIPT
Disadvantage of IPS
If positive, needs U/S, amniocentesis, NIPT
Fundus at pubic symphysis
12 wk
Fundus at umbilicus
20 wktwd
Mature fetal lung in AC
L:S ratio: 2
Indication of diagnostic tests (AC, CVS)
Abnl screen (FTS, MSS,IPS, NIPT)
PHx/FHx of: chromosomal anomaly, genetic disease, carrier parent, consanguinity, >3 spontaneous abortions
Time of results for AC and CVS
AC: 14-28d (FISH/PCR: 48 h)
CVS: 48 h
Which one is more accurate? AC or CVS?
Vitamin insufficiency implicated in NTD
Risk of isoimmunization (Rh neg mom, Rh pos fetus)
16 %
Inv for isoimmunization (if Rh neg mother)
Indirect coombs at first prenatal visit KB test U/S (hydrops) MCA doppler (fetal anemia) Serial AC ( bil, if MCA doppler not available, to assess degree of hemolysis) Cordocentrsis (fetal Hb, not 1st line)
Rh titer indicating increased risk of fetal hemolytic anemia
Rhogam in nl pregnancy (coombs negative mom)
28 wk
Within 72 h of delivery
Amount of fetomaternal bleeding covered by 1 Rhogam
30 ml
If Rh neg, coombs positive mother
Monthly ab titer,
+ U/S
+/- serial AC
Milk product in pregnancy
3-4 servings/d
Daily caloric increase
T1: 100
In inadequate intake in T2
5 if high risk
Vit D
T1: 0.8
T2: 4-5
T3: >6
Suppl: 30 mg/d
Less than 300
1- cup
Mercury in fish
Talk test
No supine after 20 wk
Contra to exercise if Hb
10 or less
Exercise with twin pregnancy
Not after 28 wk
Air travel
Not after 36-38 wk
May continue except:
Risk of abortion, preterm labour, placenta previa
Medication with risk of kernicterus
Sulpha in T3
Grey baby syndrome
Oral typhoid vaccine in preg
Not allowed
Vaccines for all during preg
Tdap at 26 wk
Postpartum vaccines
Rubella if none immune
HBV to infant within 12 h (if mother positive or unknown), then at 1 and 6 mo
If mother has received an adult booster of MMR and is still non immune against rubella
Should NOT be revaccinated
Radioactive iodine during pregnancy
1st notice of fetal movement
Primigravida:18-20 wk
Multigravida:1-2 wk earlier
Anterior placenta:1-2 wk later
FM count if:
High risk woman
Concerned woman
Usually after 26 wk
If subjective decrease in FM
Drink juice Eat Change position Move to a quiet room Count for 2 h
Expected movements
6 or more during 2 hr
If less, pt presented to labour and delivery tiage
NST normal baseline
Nl variability
If 5 or less, <40 min
Normal deceleration
None/occasional variable, <30 sec
Nl acceleration in term
2, 15 or more bpm, 15 s in <40 min
Nl acceleration in preterm
> 2, >10 bpm, 10 s, in <40 min
Abn baseline NST
<100: bradycardia
>160 for >30 min: tachy
Erratic baseline
Abn variability
5 or less for for 80 min
25 bpm for >10 min
Abn deceleration
Variable deceleration > 60 s
Late deceleration
Abn acceleration in term
<2 accelerations wirh acme of 15 or more, lasting 15s in > 80 min
Abn acceleration in pre-term
<2 accelerations with acke of >10 bpm, 10s, in >80 min
Atypical NST baseline
>160 for <30 min
Atypical variability
5 for 40-80 min
Atypical deceleration
Variable 30-60 sec
Atypical acceleration
2, 15 or more bpm, 15 s in 40-80 min
Atypical acceleration in preterm
<2, >10 bpm, 10 s in 40-80 min
Atypical NST Mx
Requires further assessment
Abn NST Mx
Requires urgent action
U/S, BPP, delivery
If no acceleration in 1st 20 min of NST
Stimulate the fetus, continur monitoring for another 30 min
BPP parameters
Flexion/extension x1
Movement x3
Breathing x 30s
AFV, one 2x2 pocket
Marker of chronic hypoxia in BPP
Interpretation of BPP
8: nl
6: repeat BPP in 24 h
0-4: consider delivery
Mean onset of bleeding in previa
30 wk
Pelvic exam in T3 bleeding
Amount of overlap in T3 that predicts C/S
> 20 mm
Amount if overlap after 35 wk that predicts C/S
Any amount
Previa investigation
Indication of repeating TVS in T3 in previa
Placenta lies between 20 mm of overlap and 20 mm away from os
Mx of previa
Large bore IV, fluid, O2 V/S, U/O, blood loss, Hct, CBC, plt, PTT, INR, fibrinogen, FDP, type and cross match EFM U/S when stable Rhogam, KB
Delivery time in previa
If: GA 37wk or more, profuse bleeding, L/S:2, delivery by C/S
If <37 wk and minimal bleeding, admit, limit (activity, douche, intercourse, enema), Steroid, delivery if any of the above conditiins
The most common cause of DIC in pregnancy
Abruptio placenta
The most common cause of pathological bleeding in T3
Abruptio placenta
Dx of abruptio
No role for U/S
Mx of abruptio
Large bore IV, fluid, O2
V/S, U/O, blood loss
Hct, CBC, plt, PTT, INR, fibrinogen, FDP, blood type and cross match
Blood products on hand (red cell, plt, CP)
Rhogam, KB test
Delivery in abruptio
If mod-sev:
Hydrate, restore blood loss, correct coagulation, the NVD
C/S if: live fetus and fetal/maternal distress, labour fails to progress, containdicated NVD
If mild:
If 37 wk or higher or mature fetus or profuse hemorrhage, deliver
Otherwise serial Hct
inv for vasa previa
Apt test (blood+NaOH) Wright stain on blood (nucleated RBCs)
Vasa previa Mx
Emergency C/S
The most important RF for preterm labour
Hx of preterm labour
Cervical length and PTL
If > 30 mm in 34 wk, high NPV
Bacterial RFs for PTL
BV, ureaplasma urealyticum
But screening only indicated for high risk women