Gyneco Flashcards
Sudden switch from negative to positive feedback in menstrual cycle
LH surge to ovulation
36 h
Duration of luteal phase
Fixed 14 d
Duration of follicular phase
Cervical spinnbarkeit in proliferative phase
8-10 cm
Cervical mucus spinnbarkeit in secretory phase
1-2 cm
Age of menarche
10-15 y
Cycle duration
28 +/- 7 d
Blood loss per cycle
25-80 ml
1-6 d
Stages of puberty
Adrenarche Gonadarche Thelarche Pubarche Menarche
Thelarche to menarche
Criteria for PMS Dx
1 affective + 1 somatic symptom
During the 5 d before menses
In each of the 3 prior menses
Relieved within 4 d of menses
1st line PMS Tx
Exercise CBT B6 CHC low dose SSRI during luteal phase
2nd line PMS Tx
Estradiol patch + micronized progestrone
Higher dose SSRIs (continual/luteal)
3rd line PMS Tx
GnRH analogues
+ add-back HRT
4th line PMS Tx
+/- HRT
PMS symptoms
1 of: Depression Anxiety Irritability Anger Confusion Social withdrawal \+ 1 of: Breast tenderness Bloating Limb edema Headache
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms
PMS symptoms + Decreased interest in activities Difficulty concentrating Lethargy Change in appetite Hypersomnia/insomnia Feeling overwhelmed Joint/muscle pain Weight gain
PDD criteria
At least 5 symptoms
Most cycles of the last year
Structural causes of AUB
PALM Polyps Adenomyosis Leiomyoma Malignancy/hyperplasia
Non-structural AUB
COEIN coagulopathy Ovulatory dysfunction Endometrial Iatrogenic Not yet classified
Regular menses
Cycle to cycle variability less than 20 days
Irregular: 20 d or more
Heavy bleeding
80 ml or more
8 d or more
Bleeding that significantly affects quality of life
Postmenopausal bleeding
Bleeding more than 1 y after menopause
Drug causing genital pruritis
OCP (progesterone)
REMEMBER TO ASK in chronic pelvic pain
Hx of sexual abuse/assault
1st/2nd Trimester bleeding DDx
EP Abortion Trauma Coagulopathy Infection
1st/2nd T bleeding investigations
Blood group/screen
Detection of pregnancy by TVS IF B-hCG:
Detection of pregnancy by transabdominal sono if beta:
Indications for endometrial bleeding
PMB AUB+ age>40 AUB+ RF for endometrial cancer AUB+ failure of medical treatment Significant intermenstrual bleeding AUB+ infrequent menses
Recovery time regarding hysterectomy approach
Fastest: vaginal
Then: laparoscopic
Last: abdominal
The most common cause of primary amenorrhea
Mullerian agenesis
Abnormal sex chromosomes (turner)
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
The most common cause of secondary amenorrhea
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea
1st question in amenorrhea
Primary or secondary?
1st question in primary amenorrhea
Secondary sexual characteristics? (Breasts)
Primary amenorrhea with normal secondary sexual characteristics
1ْ amenorrhea + 2ْ sexual characteristics + XX karyotype
*abnormal pelvis Imperforated hymen Transverse vaginal septum Cervical agenesis Müllerian agenesis * normal pelvis Hypothyroidism Hyperprolactinemia PCOS Hypothalamic dysfunction
1ْ amenorrhea + breast + XY Karyotype
1ْ amenorrhea, no breast
1ْ amenorrhea, no 2ْ , high FSH
Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism Karyotype -XO -XX -XY
1ْ amenorrhea, no 2ْ , low FSH
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism -constitutional delay -HPA axis abnormality • GnRH deficiency • kallman • head injury • pituitary adenoma/tumor • DM1 • systemic disorders (IBD, JRA, chronic infection)
1st step in 2ْ anenorrhea
2ْ amenorrhea with negative beta
Normal prolactin amount
< 20 ng/dL
If high prolactin
> 100 ng/dL, CT head
2ْ amenorrhea, negative beta, normal PRL
Progestin challenge
2ْ amenorrhea, negative beta, normal PRL, no W/D bleeding with progestin challenge
POI Uterine defect Asherman HP axis dysfunction Excessive androgens Excessive progesterones
2ْ amenorrhea, no beta, nl PRL, W/D bleeding
2ْ amen, no beta, nl PRL, W/D bleed, high FSH/LH
Hyperandrogenism (androgens)
2ْ amen, no beta, nl PRL, W/D bleed, low/nl FSH/LH
HP axis dysfunction
• weight loss
• excessive exercise
• systemic disease
In case if HP axis dysfunction
MRI hypothalamus
MRI pituitary
Other pituitary hormones measurement
Gonadal resection after puberty
Psychological counselling
Creation of neovagina
Cervical agenesis Mx
Ultimately hysterectomy
Müllerian dysgenesis
Psychological counselling
Confirm normal urinary system and spine
Asherman Mx
Hysteroscopy & excision of synechiae
2ْ amenorrhea with HP axis dysfunction Mx
CHC to decrease the risk of osteoporosis
Screen (DM, hypothyroidism, hypocortisolism)
E+P to decrease osteoporosis
( can use OCP after induction of puberty)
MRI/CT head
• if demonstrable lesion: surgery
• if no demonstrable lesion: bromocriptine, cabergoline (if fertility desired)
CHC if no fertility desired
Unpredictable AUB
Ovulatory dysfunction
Regular heavy AUB
Regular cycles, intermenstrual AUB
1st question in AUB
If regular bleed, 2nd question?
Definition of 1ْ amenorrhea
No menses by age 13 (if no 2ْ sexual characteristics)
No menses by age 15 (with 2ْ)
No menses 2 yr after thelarche
Definition of 2ْ amenorrhea
No menses for > 6 mo
No menses for 3 cycles
3 questions to ask in AUB
Intermenstrual bleeding?
AUB, Polyp Dx, Mx
AUB, Adenomyosis
AUB, Leiomyoma
AUB, Malignancy/hyperplasia
Endometrial Bx
AUB, Coagulopathy
CBC Coagulation profile vWF Ristocetin Factor VIII Mx OCP Mirena IUD Endometrial ablation
AUB, ovulatory
Beta Ferritin FSH/LH PRL Androgens ( free test, DHEA, 17-oh prog) Progesterone TFT Pelvic U/S
AUB, endometrial
Mx: tranex, hormonal, Mirena IUD, endometrial ablation
AUB, iatrogenic
Review meds
Tx of AUB
Surgical (endometrial ablation, hysterectomy)
Medication for mild AUB
NSAIDs Antifibrinolytics at time if menses Combined OCP Progestin (10-14d/m or q 3 mo) Mirena IUD Danazol Correct anemia
Medication for acute, severe AUB
Fluid Consider admission •Estrogen IV q 4h x 24 h + Gravol •antifibrinolytic IV q8 h •OCP, TID x 7d, then, OD x 3wk + Gravol
Monophasic OCP x several months
Primary dysmenorrhea associati
Mx of 1ْ dysmenorrhea
Investigations for dyspareunia
Bimanual exam +/- U/S Laparoscopy Hysteroscopy Infection screening
RFs for endonetriosis
Obstructive anomalies
Age> 25
Triad of endometriosis
Definite Dx of endometriosis
Laparoscopy and Bx (not required)
CA-125 (increased but not to be used for Dx)
Mainstay if endometriosis management
Menstrual suppression
1st line in suspected endometriosis
CHC (best continuous)
Progestin alone
No response to 1st line Tx of endometriosis
Either: •2nd line: GnRH + addback progestin IUS Danazol • laparoscopic Dx and Tx
No response to 2nd line or laparoscopic Tx
Reconsider Dx
Chronic pain management
Definitive Tx for endometriosis
Best time to become pregnant in endometriosis
Immediately after laparoscopic conservative surgery
If no plan to become pregnant post-op: medical suppression
Size of uterus in adenomyosis
<14 cm
Halban sign
Adenomyosis Dx
Adenomyosis Tx
Iron Analgesics, NSAIDs OCP MPA GnRH Mirena Danazol
Definitive Tx for adenomyosis
Fibroid malignant potential
Consideration of malignancy in fibroids
If enlarging in post-menopausal women
Most common symptom of fibroids
Most symptomatics: submucosal
Leiomyoma investigations
CBC U/S SHG (to differentiate SM myoma from polyps) Endometrial Bx (if AUB > 40) MRI (preoperative planning)
Tx indications for fibroid
Conservative approach for myoma if
Minimal symptoms < 6-8 cm Stable in size Not submucosal Pregnant
Myoma in pregnant women
Watch and wait
F/U U/S if symptoms progress
Best to avoid operating on it
If myoma with AUB
NSAIDs (anti PG)
GnRH (often pre-myomectomy/hysterectomy, or to bridge to menopause + addback)
Ulipristal acetate
Uterine artery embolization (not for women considering childbirth)
Hysteroscopic resection+ endometrial ablation (if AUB-sm)
Ulipristal actate
Progesterone receptor antagonist
Causes endometrial changes, reversible with D/C
Most effective EPC
Postcoital IUD
Efficacy of transdermal contraceptive patches decreased in women weighing
> 90 kg
Time of starting hormonal contraceptive
Any time during the cycle
Best: within 5 d of LMP
Required exams before starting hormonal contraceptives
Breast exam
F/U at 6 wk
OCP on ovary
Decreased cyst decelopment
Decreased cancer
OCP on endometrium
Decreased cancer
OCP on breast
Decreased benign disease
OCP on bone
Osteoporosis protection
OCP on liver
Adenoma (est)
Drugs decreasing efficacy of OCP
Rifampin Phenobarbital Phenytoin Griseofulvin Primidone St John’s Wort
OCP in pregnancy and lactation
Absolute contra in pregnancy
Not recommended until 6 wk postpartum
3 mo postpartum if breastfeeding
May decrease milk production
Breakthrough bleeding with low-dose OCPs
If longer than 3 mo, switch to higher estrogen content
Progestin in Yasmin/Yas
Drospirenone: antimineralocorticoid, antiandrogenic
Contra of Yas/Yasmin
Renal/adrenal insufficiency (hyperkalemia)
Check K if also on: ACEI, ARB, K sparing diuretics, heparin
Contraceptives that must be taken at the same time everyday
POP contra
Suitable hormonal contraceptive for postpartum women
Hormonal contraceptives producing functional ovarian cyst
Hormonal method with highest failure rate
Missed 1 OCP pill in <24h
The next pill at the usual
Miss >1 pill in a row in 1st wk
Continue 1 pill/d until the end of the pack
+ back-up contra for 7 d
+/- EPC
Miss 2 pills in 2nd or 3rd wk
Continue 1 pill daily until the end of pack
No placebo, No free interval
Start next pack immediately
Miss 3 or more pills in 2nd or 3rd wk
1 ASAP 1 pill daily until the end of the pack No placebo, no free interval Start the next pack immediately Back-up contra for 7 days \+/- EPC
No need for back-up in case of missed OCP
Missed 1 pill in <24 h
Missed 2 pills in 2nd or 3rd wk
Need for back-up in case of missed OCPs
Miss more than 1 pill in a row in 1st wk
Miss 3 or more pills in 2nd or 3rd wk
Summary of 1st wk
• miss 1 pill <24h
1 ASAP + continue
• miss 2 or more
1 ASAP + continue + back-up 7d +/- EPC
Summary of 2nd-3rd wk
• miss 1 pill
1 ASAP, + continue
• miss 2 pills
1 ASAP + continue + next pack immediately
• miss 3 or more
1 ASAP + continue + next pack immediately + back-up 7 d +/- EPC
Timing of MPA after delivery
Immediately (BF/ non-BF)
Timing of MPA in usual cases
Within 5 d of beginning of normal menses
MPA on bones
Decreased bone density(may be reversible)
Encourage vit D, Ca, daily exercise
Restoration of fertility after MPA
Up to 9 mo
Missed POP
If > 3 h, back-up for at least 48 h
Missed MPA + negative beta
Give next injection + back-up 7 d +
• intercourse in last 5d, EPC
•intercourse 5-14 d ago, beta in 3 wk
•intercourse >14 d ago, nothing more
Yuzpe combination
Estradiol 100
Levonorgestrel 500
Can substitute with any OCP with same dose of estrogen
Yuzpe method
Within 72 h Up to 5 d 2 tabs, repeat in 12 h Contra: no absolute Caution if contra to OCP
Plan B formulation
Levonorgestrel 750
Plan B method
1 tab, repeat after 12 h
Within 72 h
Up to 5 d
No caution for contra to OCP
Choice ECP after 24 h
Plan B
Plan B not recommended for
> 80 kg
Ulipristal method
30 mg PO within 5 d
No caution in OCP contra
EPC with IUD
Up to 7 d
Mirena cannot be used
1st line contraceptive for adolescents
Implants, IUDs, that do not affect BMD
F/U on EPC
In 3-4 wk
Beta test or spontaneous mense
Contra counseling
Gold std medical method of abortion up to 9 wk
Mifepristone + misoprostol
Medical methods of abortion
- mifepristone+ misoprostol
- misoprostol aline
- MTX+misoprostol
Surgical abortion methods
<14 wk
•manual vacuum aspiration (up to 8-9wk)
•suction dilation+ aspiration+/- curettage +/- presurgical preparation of cervix (laminaria, misoprostol)
14-24 wk
•Dilatation + evacuation + presurgical cervix preparation + pain management
Septic spontaneous abortion Tx
IV AB 24h
Then uterine evacuation
Embryonic demise
CRL 7 mm or more and no cardiac activity
Most common location for EP
Most common etiology of EP
PID (chlamydia Trachomatis)
Suspected EP
Urine beta
Unstable EP (+ urine beta)
Stable EP
Serum beta
Surgical management if any of:
- > 3.5 cm
- beta>5000
- renal/liver/hemato disease
- FHR present
- poor compliance
- unable to F/U
MTX for EP if
- <3.5 cm and
- beta> 5000 and
- no FHR and
- no renal/hepatic/hemato disease and
- compliance assured and
- able and willing to F/U and
- no pulmonary disease/PUD/ immunodeficiency and
- no pregnancy/lactation
Investigation for EP
Serial beta:
If rise <20 %, non viable
If prolonged doubling, plateau, decreasing before 8 wk, non viable
Tubal ring (specific)
If beta>2000-3000 and empty uterus by TVS, suspect ectopic
Definitive if FHR in tube
Normal beta doubling time
1.6-2.4 d
Surgical options
Linear salpingostomy, then weekly beta
Salpingectomy if tube damaged/ipsilateral recurrence, then weekly beta
- Laparotomy if unstable/extensive surgical Hx
- If Rh negative, Rhogam
Medical Tx for EP
MTX 50/m2 IM single dose
Then weekly beta
2nd dose of MTX if
Beta not decreased by at least 15% between days 4-7 (in 25% of cases)
Tubal potency after MTX for EP
Mx of abortion
Check Rh
Ensure stability
Wait and watch or misoprostol or D&C